Twitching Eyeballs Vs Twitching Palms?

The weekend is upon us and yet once again, i am stuck in awe at the ridiculous i see on my social network feeds. Do people not have lives?

I have spent the last few days, attending services in Perth, in honour and respect for the lives, that were cruelly lost on flight MH-17, so forgive me for feeling, that there are way too many people out there, deliberately going out of their way to be offended?

I am not going to go into the whole Fifty Shades vs Twilight, nor will i get into an online shouting match with those, who believe in a pregnancy vs not believe in it.
As far as i am concerned, deliberately going to a blog link, reading it, disagreeing with it and then talking about it, only shows that your lack of common sense has reached an all time low. IF you don't believe, agree on what a person is saying, guess what? STOP reading it.

I don't agree with half of what i see on my timeline, coming from those, who i feel spend way too much time living Rob and Kristen's lives for them and not enough time in real life. But i skip past, unless they decide to attack me for whatever reason. Then it would be a case of load the cannon ball and take aim, because i will bring you down.

There are far greater and more important things in life to worry about, than the lives of two people, whom you will never be as intimately involved with as they are, to each other. So quit the 'protecting them' and the 'respecting and supporting them' as aggressively as you are and spend more time looking after your own love life and the lives of the people, who are around you.

When i come onto twitter, all i see, all i read is the most childish, most ridiculous, selfish comments, from people, who need to stop being so needy, so arrogant and so ignorant. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, belong to NO ONE and don't need fan protection, holier than thou campaign managers to 'clear their good name' and call out those who are not 'respecting them'

In a second, a life can be taken so quickly, so quietly and so devastatingly away. From those suffering in Gaza, to those who have been taken from families, still in shock and looking for answers they may never get. For any family in the world who has lost a loved one...
there is a husband and wife, a mother and father, a daughter, who now have to face the world fatherless and childless. They have lost the most precious, the most important people in their lives, their whole world. For those who have lost parents, partners, cousins and friends...

Real life means, feeling the pain and disgust, because it's close to you, it's a living, breathing thing. Celebrity life is just that, a life you can look at, admire from afar and follow. But their lives are their own and the people around them who are related or know them, are the only people, who should protect and love them...not a fandom filled with haters vs haters.

I wish some of this fandom understood this and grew the hell up!
T x (Twitching Tempest)
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