Do I Dazzle You? - Hiatus...

As most who read this blog will know, i am currently in the middle of a huge move to Australia. I am putting this blog on a mini vacation, while i attempt to do everything that is needed to do, during this time.

Please check back for updates, i will do my very best to post up when and if i can (boxes, suitcases and children - Oh My!)
Gone and not forgotten are Rob and Kristen (who are more than fine) and i will be relying on the wonderful fans and blog authors (you know who you are) to keep me up to speed with everything juicy, salacious but keeping it real and respective *respectable* just for the little, troll who would rather 'word nanny' me than anything else. Sucks to live your life running around correcting everyone's grammar, but then again - i don't live such a shallow sad life! Cheers, i will have a large glass and raise it to you're stupidity (did i word all that right? I think i did)

Take care everyone, love and respect Rob and Kristen for who they are, what they do and be mindful of the haters; who will fill you with poison just to make their lives happier.

Catch you 'down under'

P.S grammar bot came in and did some cleaning up, just to show that it understands ENGLISH and wording correctly.
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