Kristen - Belated Birthday Greetings...

As with my life right now, i missed a very important milestone - Kristen Stewart's 22nd Birthday. So, as a belated greeting from yours truly, i offer up today's Blog Post in Kristen's honour.
Cheeky and cute...
Dear Kristen;
with the right kind of cuteness and the strength of a tiger, you have captured everyone's hearts with your determination and willingness to be yourself!
Some will have stumbled across your name in such films as the 'Panic Room' or less dramatic 'Zathura' but most will remember you as the sweet, strong, and unafraid Bella Swan in the Twilight movies.

Of course, one person will remember you pretty well, from a movie called 'Into the Wild' but i will get to that one shortly ;)
Already showing signs of greatness...
You have become one of the most powerful women, most would aspire to be like. You don't suffer fools lightly, don't give up on what you want to do in life and have the gut determination to succeed in anything you do, simply by believing in yourself. The greatness you evoke is all about being who you are and not settling for anything else. Young girls should take note of that and stop trying to be something they are not. You have proven time and time again that you come from your own mould and will not be moulded into someone you don't feel comfortable being.
Attention all men!!
Your personality has always come across selfless and patient, you have suffered at the hands of those who are jealous of what you have become and misunderstood you - that doesn't matter when you can hold your head high and say that you don't give a damn what they think - you follow your own path in life and where it leads you.
Already showing signs of her beauty shining through...
You have a tenderness that is real and not put on, just for show. A realism that can only come from not taking yourself too seriously, but enjoying living in the moment, every single time. You have an honesty that is heartbreaking at times, but is meant from the heart. Finally, you have an never ending supply of love for those who you care about; a family that adore you and people who have never faltered, even when you became a name - those are the memories you remember and will always take with you.
Sultry rock star!
You have proven the critics wrong when they have tried to put you down. Taking risks when others would never, simply because you believed that it was needed. In all the movies you have done, not one has been the wrong choice. Every single storyline has been told with conviction, because you believed in it and the cast who was assembled believed in it also. Your job is a story teller and your roles have always, beautifully told a story. Those who wish to put you down because of this, only do it because of their own inner insecurities, their own inability to believe in themselves.
A photo that says a thousand words...
Your life has always had meaning, your job and home life you have always kept separate and have enjoyed the quiet time...until the explosion of Twilight. A story that held little enthusiasm at first; just another teen movie was all it was being initially labelled as, but once again you proved them wrong. Starring opposite a virtual unknown actor in the US; you took it upon yourself to place him under your wing, fill him with the confidence he needed in a very crazy world that would surround both of you. Expectations where high from those who adored the books in which your characters came to life. The initial disgust of having an outsider play the part of the much loved Edward Cullen, had you reeling with the need to make him prove them all wrong.
Rob and Kristen as Edward and Bella...
Your strong self confidence, enabled Robert Pattinson to believe he could pull this character off realistically. Your head strong belief in him, would not allow Rob to settle for anything less. It was you that made the decision out of countless names and pretty boy faces to pick someone with less face time, less belief he was anything that the character's description, but simply a man in love with a girl he thought was out of his league. Real life situation or just scary coincidence?

Since 2008; your face and the face of Rob's has adorned every young teenager's bedroom - the forbidden love between Edward and Bella has been the dream of many a young girl's fantasies - to find that one true love.
All grown up!
You have steadily grown into a beautiful young woman, watched by many as you have tentatively taken the steps into womanhood with a smile permanently on your face. Your mantra of 'be yourself' has been rightfully seen in everything you have done, from taking a huge risk in playing an iconic rock star in the biopic 'The Runaways' to showing the world a much seedier way of life and a heartbreaking story of a very lost young girl in 'Welcome to the Riley's' everything you have touched, you have placed your signature along every line.

Including one man's heart...
Love struck!
You may forgive me from diverting off the path of everything i adore about Kristen, but there is one thing that shines brighter than her movies and that is the adoration and love of one man for her. 

You see, despite the petty things some people say about Kristen; she doesn't smile, she looks like a boy, her acting is all the same...the very reason people say these things is simply because - Kristen Stewart has something they can never have and that is the love of a good man.

Rob was already enamoured with Kristen, way before he met her. Having watched her in a movie called 'Into the Wild' when the call came to fly to LA and audition for the part of Edward Cullen, his ears pricked up when a certain young actresses name was mentioned playing the lead of Bella Swan. To say he hopped skipped and jumped on the first available flight is an understatement. Did he feel he stood a chance in winning the part? Possibly not, but someone was looking kindly down on him that day, because won the part he did. Not only did he win it, but the actress in question made it very clear that if his name was not signed to the project, she might consider pulling out herself! Gut determination won that day and the rest, for those love struck and happy Twilight fans, is history.
The scary world of the public eye...
From the very moment that can be pinpointed when all things changed for Kristen, when she let a certain young man into her life - the roller coaster of Twilight has been fast and furious. Curiosity plays a part in most of her fans lives - why him and not...? 
It's very simple really; because he is everything 'she' wants in her life. Someone who is truthful and honest with her and doesn't try and be something he's not. Essentially the male equivalent to Kristen - self-depreciating but bluntly honest.

So on this, her 22nd year on this earth; Kristen's fans want to give back what she has given them, a lot of love and respect.
I am what i am. Like it or move on...
Respect for being who she is and not settling for less.
For believing in herself, when others put her down.
For loving and caring for people who are important in her life and not forgetting her priorities.
For enjoying her work, the people she works with, the situations she is put through and always coming out the other side - smiling.

But most of all...
For loving herself, having the confidence to do what she does, for ignoring those who waste their time hating on her through jealousy and giving her fans a character they adore, who she adores and will never forget. And for continuing to push herself in roles that not only mean something to her; but to which she will carve her name in them, never to be forgotten.
'Always' smiling Kristen...
"This girl, this girl, this the only thing you need in your life, the only thing you need in your life."

It's a powerful statement don't you think? And one that has always played on my mind since i heard it.

Happy Belated birthday Kristen Stewart. There is no need to say 'hope you get everything you wish for' because i don't believe there is anything else in the world you would want to have. You have a fan base who do adore you, a family who are so proud of who you are and what you have achieved so far in your young career...and a man who with only one look, shows the world just how much you mean to him.

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