Rob and Kristen - A Tangled Web of Bullshit...

*Cleaning out the smell of rotten Easter eggs, or is that just the pungent delights of haters, i detect in the air?*
It seems that when you go away from the bullshit, for just a little while. You come back again to more...bullshit!

Rob is famewhoring, because he did a little bit of surfing - bare chested!
Kristen dressed like a blue duck (their words not mine) just to get attention?
Rob was seen at a private opening of a bar in LA with Lindsay Lohan - famewhore extraordinaire!
Kristen is nowhere to be seen - he dumped her and is now doing promotion for Snow White - desperation to get her movie seen!

I swear where do they get this crap from? Oh yes from the Head of Light Entertainment - candykisses. It seems she has become ever more outspoken in her daily mantra of 'dish on Kristen and bump up Rob, because she adores her little manipped photos of the two of them together. The same person that has her finger in so many 'Summit' pies - para-legally wise (which of course she's not) that's she's forgotten the basic principles of lying 'always remember what you lie about' which of course once again, anyone who has lied as much as she has, has decided to defame Kristen's character so many times now - she and her little minions - she doesn't know whether she is coming or going (we wish she would just go!)
It seems the stupid nonstens like nothing other than drumming up drama and riling up those who dislike the idea that Rob was out enjoying and relaxing last weekend - not far from the home he shares with Kristen. How do i know this? Please, it's called common sense and haters should grasp some of this before it's too late. It doesn't take some 'para-legal' investigating or in CK's case - bullshit and fuckery - to find any of this out. But then again, fans should really concentrate on the finer things in life, like looking after their own best interests instead of sticking their noses in places were it's not wanted.
Facing facts is the first step in recovering from the Nonsten Addiction...
I don't need insider spies, several 'fan accounts' a plethora of photographs such as this one, to let me know what's happening in Rob and Kristen's relationship - acceptance is the key ingredient to having a 'happy life' in this fandom. Who would want to live on the dark side? The snivelling and whining would put anyone around the bend with insanity! I don't need Tayrn, Gossip Cop or heaven forbid Queen Ted Casablanca to spell the words out for me 'Rob and Kristen are together' and have been together for .... over 3 years.

Because Rob was out surfing last weekend, the excuse is he's scrambling together what is left of his failing career to ham it up and famewhore to the paps - all glistening and bare chested, when really a proper wet suit is best suitable for that kind of water sport!

These poor insufferable haters really need to get out more. I know, it's Spring Break in the US this weekend - go out and get yourselves a man, other than the one you drool and hate over with equal obsession! 
Sun-kissed, happy and relaxed Kristen at the KCA'S
I adore a smiling, happy Kristen. She is all kinds of cute and mischievous as she stood, posed and signed for her young fans at the Kids Choice Awards at the weekend. You know, the same weekend she was seen with Rob at Johnny Flynn's gig; the very same day Rob was seen 'paddle surfing' in the ocean waves! This is a girl who is enjoying her life, enjoying the down time in her life and enjoying feeling loved and being loved in return (that bit is a little too cliché but heck, I'm on a roll)

There is no drama in her life, other than what shoe or sock, Bear has run off with now. There is no need to worry her pretty little head, that someone is going to run off with her 'man' I would stake a claim that many have tried to catch Rob's eye and no one has succeeded - not now, not ever.
To coin a phrase from the late, great and happily married Paul Newman; 'Why go out for hamburger when you have steak at home?'

This man is not for turning...
Shit! I see CK, time to get the f**k outta here!
Except maybe to run or paddle away from the persistent haters, who seem to follow him around like a bad smell (rotten eggs) always wanting to know what is happening in his life, then complaining when they see or read things they disagree on.

Me...well knee deep in sorting out my families move to the other side of the world and not letting life get me down. There's no point, because the end result is wrinkles. That or you slowly turn into a Nonsten and i know which one is worse than the other ;) at least you can eleviate wrinkles with some anti-aging cream LOL

Have a lovely Easter, don't eat too many eggs and keep smiling :D
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