Ship Of Fools...

I did say I was awoken from my slumber, quite rudely by the stupidity of this fandom...

Sometimes you can't fix stupid!!
The fandom is falling apart; either jumping and attacking from both sides. Inventing definitions to what is said in interviews by either Rob or Kristen. Attacking fan members for 'warning why the media does what it does' stating its 'not doing them any good' meaning 'their' warped view on how Rob and Kristen conduct their lives. Complaining about pap photos, but then retweeting the bloody links.

Demands of apologies or ex-communication of fans leading other fans on by their blind noses; 'disaster, disgrace' it reads like Simba, when he was exiled from the Pride Lands, in Disney's 'The Lion King'

And for what? To prove you are a better fan than they are?
Repeat after me 'get over yourselves!'

If you believe this fandom is basing its belief on a relationship that no longer exists -aren't you putting yourself through a lot of heartburn and unnecessary drama over nothing? Shouldn't you be consoling your broken hearts, finding some other couple that display their 'affections' very publicly, like a good PR couple should?
And don't get me started on the brainless attention seeking drama queens, who like to spread the belief that Rob has been secretly dating X, Y or Z, because when you have a bunch of Idiots, running to Gossip Cop's hysteria board or Hollywood Life's (got some gossip let us know) lying hotline And what's worse, idiots believe them...then I really and truly feel sorry for you, what a sheltered life you live.
Fools would want you to believe, that after a year of splitting (according to the gossip) but not announced or confirmed by either camps/teams - Rob and his ex Kristen, have been 'seen' 'dating' other people. Rob has been out fooling around on multipe (according to sources) dates, clearly moved on from Kristen; Dylan Penn, sloppy 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and whatever with Katy Perry, including her assistant Tamra, who much prefers women, but hey he *according to the obsessed muppets* swings both ways. Country singers, blonde ambition 1,2,3 and 4. Secret gf's he's kept locked up in a closet. Whereas Kristen has found her inner lesbian and is now happily passing Rob's clothing around with her new girlfriend.

Scare-mongering lies, fed by jealous little haters of Kristen, don't a true story make. Having Rob literally 'hook up' with anyone, who comes within spitting distance of him, makes the women look like they enjoy being use on a retainer, Monday through Sunday. It also makes Rob out to be some kind of player - use and move on, gee a really high opinion his so called fans have of him eh?

Never mind the Kristen fans, who feel the need to defend her, by Insulting Rob; using threatening libelous words about him and for what? So you can sit back on your high horse happy, in the knowledge that your poor world needs a bit of excitement, by shitting on a relationship you know absolutely nothing about. Other than what you invent or what has been poorly written by people trying to pass off as insiders.

Grow the hell up!!
This used to be a good ship, a happy ship, filled with people who supported two actors, a couple and their work. But since the invention of 'everything you read in the media must be true' even though both have stated quiet clearly that the media tells lies, that they deliberately have stayed away, avoided being papped as much as possible...idiots still insist in believing the crap, the lies the gossiping media (stories invented by jealous, deceitful haters)

A year in which the only time the paps catch them out is when they are with friends...the times when their well honed ninja skills have let them down. Times when their private travel plans are interrupted, because they get spotted, people need to cause drama.
Rob so far, has clocked up a impressive little black book of names. Either he is sowing his wild oats as carelessly and as unemotionally as some of the fictional characters, his obsessed fans get hot under the collar with, or he can't get over Kristen and move on - either doesn't sound good, does it?

A year in which their lives, their friends have constantly stayed in touch; visited each other, commented on each others posts. Friends of Rob's visiting Kristen on the set of her movies. Friends of Kristen's hanging out with Rob. Clothes still being worn, belonging to a supposed ex - wake up and smell reality, this was/is a long standing relationship, a lot of emotional connections, a lot of growing up together, a frenzied fandom and media scrutiny. But, according to bitter people, they just threw it all away. People so private, so media shy had a public split, overheard by a pap who had been hounding and stalking them for months...who, played who?

Do remember, this precarious ship of fools, neither Rob or Kristen are stupid. They don't need the media stalking their every move, the attention, the speculation. They don't need the gossip mags to put their faces on their front covers or inspid fictional crap, inside. They don't need hysterical idiots, inventing relationships, proving how dumb and desperate they are. Trust me if either move on, we will be 'shown' they have moved on, new girlfriends or boyfriends' just can't help themselves. They don't need any of it - they instead, are allowing their work to speak for them. If the media wants to write about anything, it should write about how much they have grown, matured in their craft. Fans should understand this and respect what they are trying to convey, through actions and words.

Ship of Fools, sadly this is how it looks. People taking sides and falling out - guess what, if you are respectful fans of Rob or Kristen YOU ARE ON THE SAME SIDE!

Going back Into slumber...
T x

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