Rob and Kristen - All the Fun at the Fair...

Yeah it's been a pretty emotional kind of day...
In one corner, the fans of twilight and Rob and Kristen are rejoicing; hearts, flowers and puking up rainbows - Christmas has come early.

In the other corner...
A shit-storm of denial is not only loud, but incredibly messy.
Rob, Kristen and friends have been out in LA...


Yes, i kid you not. They have been spotted out together (photos to prove it) and what's worse, yeah there is worse - they look...together.

(Shits and Giggles)

It has been a tooth pulling, painful couple of months; lots of screaming, shouting, bat-shit crazy nonsense and of course, the loudest of them all has been the haters. You know the kind who just can't let things go, they insisted that IF Rob and Kristen should 'EVER' get back together, well then, it's all simply PR - as they email the lower of the bird cage mags and fill them in on the latest 'friends and family will cut a bitch, if Rob takes Kristen back!'

I have never laughed as much as i have this morning (taking a couple of days off because it's my birthday tomorrow) when i woke up to Twitter, literally exploding. Yes i got DM's lots of them with crying tears of joy; finally someone captured those sneaky kids out with friends at a bar, not too far from the home they share(d) in Los Feliz (papped photos, so be warned)

But with every tweet of happiness...deep down in the dusty, dank recesses of haters minds - screams and shouts could be heard 'NOOOOOOOO, this can't be, they are not together, Rob would not get back with that cheating ho!!'

THIS CAN'T be, it's all PR!!
When reality strikes - the dumb go running in the other direction.
Of course, this has turned the fandom (those sane enough to write their names and think logically) into a happy, spinning mood and why not? After weeks of pensively being optimistic (they split up apparently back in July!?!) Rumours and whispers of reconciliation talks and being seen in and around the Château Marmont/SoHo restaurant, has kept some of the die hard ones up at night, as they worried a hole in the carpet (please let it be so!)

So it's not surprising that at last - they have been seen together and all is right with the world. Tears of joy, excessive tweeting until they literally broke Twitter for a while (bloody Twitter whale was annoying) everything is looking good and with just weeks until the promo of the final twilight movie begins, the timing is everything.
Of course for the not so sane; those filled with hate and disgust, it only further fuels theirs and the media they keep on speed dial, needs that it's all a carefully constructed Summit plan, to make sure the final movie promotions go off without a hitch.
I have to laugh at the stupidity and the validation, that this is all a carefully constructed plan, because if so - this PR romance is as dull as shit. They have never gone to all the carefully papped areas of LA, never had dinner out in the open in some of the most notorious papped restaurants and choose lesser known bars to meet up with friends. So please if this is PR, shouldn't all fame-whoring celebrities do the exact same thing, instead of the complete opposite (do you hear me Kim Kardashian?)

My personal point of view?
It's very simple - they have spent weeks ignoring the tabloid speculation; the stupid half-baked theories, the rumblings and mumbling of haters; twitching and hissing at any information regarding the two of them together. They have put up with the lies and allegations; Kristen keeping a low profile to save her face after the media induced scandal that rocked the fandom - or she is simply booked into some health farm/drying out clinic, because she suffers manic depression and Rob does not want to take her back.


Try desperately to hook Rob up with the random blondes around the world, including Sienna Miller and hell no, that will not do!
The smell of clinging desperation in the air, how do i love moments like this? You can hook Rob up with as many random, faceless women out there (hello Jessica, bet this really eats away at you or are you cool with it all?) But it doesn't matter and doesn't help with your hate filled theories. Despite what you think of Kristen, Rob chose what he wants and he wants...
As papped photographs go, i hate them and generally don't have them anywhere near my blog. But i suppose today, i can make a small exception for what the fans have been allowed to see. Kristen looking at Rob, Rob looking at Kristen and Kristen with her hand inside his shirt...

fandom explosion of epic proportions!!

It doesn't matter, if you read too much into this photograph - hate it or love it.
It doesn't matter, if you are choking back bile as you try and think up a plausible excuse, as to why Rob would let Kristen anywhere near him, following what happened back in July (sucks to be you)
It doesn't matter, if this is a photo from a cockroach, who stalked them at this little unknown bar (now it is getting publicity) and took not only photographs, but a video as well...

(still curious as to why USW didn't have a competent enough photog with a video selection on his digital camera - must have been one of those special knock-off ones?)

They are together, it's very definite.
The rest is just piss and water and holds no substance in the happy bubble, that is around those who kept the faith. Who didn't listen to the lies and false accusations. Happiness is like a pool of giggle-foam right now - everyone wants to jump in and soak up the atmosphere.
Truth is truth.

*Incidentally, to the pap who finally got the golden shots of the couple, congratulations (sarcasm) you can probably retire on the handsome 30 pieces of silver you will get, in light of these photos*


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