Rob and Kristen - It's Not Your Lives - GET Over It!!

I want people to stop for a minute and engage their brains with some common sense, before they fire it off into the bat-shit crazy abyss!
No less that 24 hours after pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are seen out together with friends, and already i am running out of virtual straight jackets and shock therapy treatments.

Some of Rob's die hard 'super fans' have taken to their social networking blogs and demanded he should refrain from 'getting back with that cheating whore, once a cheat always a cheat!' Open letters have been fired off left right and centre 'i will no longer participate in being a fan of you or your movies, if you continue on with this charade!'
You know, the PR Piranhas are bad enough, but at least they have been committed to almost 4 yrs worth of repetitive chanting - that Rob and Kristen are together for the Twilight movies only.

But these 'fans' desperately clinging to the idea that Rob Pattinson has to listen to them, for they speak with the voice of reason...

I mean seriously, where on earth do you get off with the idea, that a certain 26 yr old is going to take heed or indeed bother himself reading such insane hogwash? As to 'demand he takes notice of our concerns over his well being' do yourselves a favour and get a fucking grip on reality! What on earth gives you the right to try and dictate to a complete stranger (yes being a fan does not equate to you actually being a blood relative of his!) How he should conduct his life; who he should meet, work with, spend time with even go home with?

Robsessed fans are the most worrying kind...
Obsessing over a celebrity is one thing, but these so called 'super fans' young and old, take it to another hysteria driven level. There is a fine line between being a fan and being an obsessive stalker. And it's become apparent just how many have crossed that line over and over. Respect is something very few have, especially for people who are important in Rob's life. You may feel you are entitled to your opinion (freedom of speech and all that) but when it all comes down to a level of respect and a level of vile hate - there is not enough freedom of speech in the world, can get you out of hating someone you don't even know.

Kristen Stewart has always been the brunt of the robsessed, super fans hate. Never has a day gone by where someone, somewhere has riled up her little bunch of harpies into a singing frenzy of 'let's pick on Kristen!'
Since the incident of July; when certain people 'acted first without thinking' there has been a steady increase of not only super fans, but those who had once been respectful fans of Kristen. They were the most voracious in their hate as they turned on their heels and added to the victimisation and vilification of one young girl - for a human error, a human mistake. I have stood by since July and watched this fandom of Twilight and Rob and Kristen, tear each other apart. When they were not tearing Kristen apart, that is. And now it's Rob's turn for the vilification and hate.

It was bad enough when the so called 'Kristen fans' attacked Rob and made hateful comments about him. The same bunch of harpies then became hateful towards Kristen and sympathetic towards Rob - i call them 'Yo-Yo fans' not quite sure where their loyalties lie? They bashed Rob until suddenly their 'Queen Bitch' fell from grace and Rob was then appointed the heroic Prince.
Everyday is the same in this fandom; prone to craziness, drama and forever bullshit!

Yesterday was an epic day; it was filled with those happy that two people are together and getting on with their lives, despite the stupid and mentally insane, rumbling of a backlash. Whereas others stewed in their hate, spat out with venom and declared 'war on Rob' with comments such as 'very angry and upset with him' 'don't know if i can ever forgive him' and 'i am leaving his fandom, i cannot deal with Rob being with her!'

You know what?
Good riddance!

Rob's happiness affects your lives - personally?
So sad then, that the shit has hit the fan and that Rob hasn't idly sat by and read all your 'letters of concern' your 'petitions to get Kristen blocked from any future movie projects and premières.' That your little display of 'stapling a photograph of Kristen to a child's candy game' resulted in Rob ignoring you completely. Oh wait, he was ignoring the photo, because it was Kristen right?
I tolerate the bullshit of the haters as much, as i tolerate the excessive slobbering from the sex-crazed robsessed cougars. Both are completely off their rocker and insanely stupid, if they believe their continuous harping and stalking does anything at all.

Except the one thing they don't want it to do,
the one thing they worry about more than anything else...
Rob being over protective.

*warning pap photograph*
Where Kristen wants to be, where Rob wants her to be...
If you think your hate on Kristen has been appreciated, has been welcomed or accepted - think again. If there is one thing you should have learned over the past nearly 4 yrs and that is this;


"Rob is protective of two things, his guitars and Kristen." - Jackson Rathbone
Be warned; a man in love is like Simba...
He is the one with the power to forgive Kristen, not you and your sanctimonious clap trap of 'he should never forgive her!'
He is the only one that matters. Kristen is in his life, she has always been in his life, and just because of something that happened in 'their lives' does not give you the right to stick your noses, opinions or anything else in, where it has never been wanted.

You decide to leave his fandom, good - you obviously never saw it as anything to appreciate. Seeing as you spent most of your time arguing over Rob's private life and not respecting him as a human being and an actor.

It's about time some of this fandom, gets off it's high horse and learn that celebrities DO NOT bow to your wishes. Except the truth and learn to live with it. If not, then leave and find someone else to obsess over.

*warning pap photograph*
Two adults living their lives, their way and no one else's - GET over it!

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