Dear Fandom...

A fan is someone who supports the actor/personality in all aspects of their life. A needy fan is someone that 'expects' an actor/personality to behave a certain way, their way, that is.
If you are going to demand that the person your 'needy' beliefs support, should stand up and 'say something' against a bitter, washed up, once upon a time comedian. Whose only vice in life is to put down, slander, base her thoughts on satirical beliefs, that she's better than anyone else. Therefore, she has the right to get as much publicity for her memiors, based on her bitter view of life - go right ahead believing in your delusional justification.

Rob doesn't 'need' to defend Kristen against the viper-wit an old timer puts in a book, considering she should take a long hard look at her own faults, and boy there are many. While you bang the fandom drum, call out the troops to get Rob to 'do something'
Kristen moves quietly on with grace and dignity. Showing through the successes in her life that, criticism from the stalls, hecklers of the cause, haven't done anything but make her stronger. The most successful of relationships are kept out of the media, they don't need proclaims or autobiography's to prove they have each other's support. They don't need to stand up for each other publicly or have 'needy' fans demand they do something about lies, situations or stupid based drama. If he did what 'needy' fans want him to do, he would be damned for making a handful of opinionated quips worse, by adding fuel to it. Because its a situation 'both' have moved on from and so should their fans.

Idiocy on the other hand, is pulling the wool over people's eyes and hoping they like being lied to. Fooling people into thinking you are 'told things' by those in the know, when you have been caught out time and time again spreading dangerous lies, spreading vicious rumours and then backing out, claiming innocence when you are called out for it. This particular person with a twist in her delusion, would make you think that she's an advocate for Kristen, lending her support by trashing Rob in the most despicable of ways. When it fact, it wasn't too long ago, she was one of the first to throw Kristen under the fandom bus, claiming to like minded people, that Kristen was a 'sexual deviant' and Rob had been fooled once too often by her 'innocence'

Fools don't fool anyone, only themselves. Don't follow the breadcrumbs you are fed by other people, use your own common sense to find the answers. Delusionals only know how to think one way, their way and no one elses. There was once upon a time, when this fandom was filled with mutual support. Now it's filled with backhanded backstabbers. Bitterly placed gossip, poisoning what was once a nice little community of people.

Don't give the drama any hits, don't give once upon a time, saccharine based B list celebrities any promotion for up and coming publications, they so desperately need to sell. And don't sell Rob OR Kristen short. Their support for one another runs deeper than you can imagine. Rob shows his support by allowing Kristen to fight her own battles, through her work and her position as one of the 'best actresses of her generation' he doesn't need to prove anything to you, so stop being so 'needy'
Both their careers reflect right now, what they have painstakingly tried to do for over a year, keep their private life private and their working life (career) public and WE as fans should respect that.

T x
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