Witch In The Ditch...

Witch in the Ditch...

No, I would never step into your shoes
And dance in your chamber without you
I'm looking and I'm praying for a place I can dwell in
A place where our love can be true

Yes, it was you my love
That made me turn around
Yes, it was you mein herr
That turned me upside down

Were we never to be forgotten
Lay down your sweet head and cry
We'll live in dreamland tonight
 Oh, come all ye who are faithful
Lay down your sweet head and cry 
Enter the valley of light

Just watch this witch dig her heels in the ditch
As the ministry waves her goodbye
Wake from the dream with a start and a scream
And the prisoner gives out a sigh

Yes, it was you mein schatz
That made me turn around

Were we never to be forgotten
Lay down your sweet head and cry
We'll live in dreamland tonight
 Oh, come all ye who are faithful
Lay down your sweet head and cry
Enter the valley of light

Yes, it was you my love
That made me turn around
 Yes, it was you mein herr
That turned me upside down

Were we never to be forgotten
Lay down your sweet head and cry
We'll live in dreamland tonight
 Oh, come all ye who are faithful
Lay down your sweet head and cry 
Enter the valley of light

Were we never to be forgotten
Lay down your sweet head and cry
We'll live in dreamland tonight
 Oh, come all ye who are faithful
Lay down your sweet head and cry
Enter the valley of light

Erasure - Witch In The Ditch
We can all play 'Devil's Advocate'
But let's just stop with this whole 'hating on one another' because the main focus of this fanbase/fandom is to appreciate 'two' actors, who brought us all together through our love of a YA love story.

 I am posting this up with a hope, that whoever reads my blog, will take their time to read this twitlonger and understand why, i feel it needs to be addressed;

Haters are getting their way...

I haven't written anything since deleting my other account, and didn't want to now, but there's some nasty stuff creeping it's way into this account - some of it the type of stuff I deleted the old account over. A little while ago, someone sent me a DM asking about what was going on with a particular person we both followed. We talked about it, got it straightened out, she was fine with it. 

Then I started receiving DMs from people in several different cliques, people that don't usually talk to each other, don't follow each other. Every one of those DMs asked me about Christie, aka Windswept, and why she was doing this crazy stuff. What crazy stuff? Someone accused her of posting the accusers personal information on Gossip Cop, her name, address, etc. And then this someone told quite a few people in this "fandom" (hate that word) that Christie had done it. THEY ALL BELIEVED THIS "PERSON". I've known Christie, and have worked with her on quite a few projects, for quite awhile now. She DID NOT post anyone's personal information anywhere. There are alot of things many of you don't know about Christie, but you're about to. I had to whine alot to get her permission to write this, but it needs to come out. So many people are throwing her under the bus now it's gotten out of hand. The same people who used to beg her to use her credentials to see pap pix before they're sold to prove a tabloid story was wrong. 

I'll only use one example out of hundreds, but you all remember the ping pong truck pix? With Rob and Kristen in the cab of the truck with the ping pong table in the back? Remember how the tabloids swore it was Riley Keough, how they manipulated her face just a bit? Who straightened all that out for all of you? Who proved the tabloids wrong? Christie. Time and again she's done things like this for all of you. Time and again she's warned you of what the "newspush" for tabloids is going to be before the stories come out so people wouldn't freak when the story did come out, and click on that tabloid to see for themselves. Almost all of you wanted that information then. But the minute ONE person accuses her of doing something she would never do, many of you want to hang her. I do have a little bit of experience with the person who accused her of posting her info. 

When I first started researching tabloids, writing stuff up for Justice for Kristen, this accuser jumped my ass for trying to do something about tabloids, saying I was wasting my time, I should work for something worthwhile with my time (Snowden). She pressured me for 3 or 4 days, several tweets quite rudely, before I finally blocked her. Before I blocked her, though, she DM'd one of those viruses to me. I don't know if she was hacked or if she did it knowingly. Being new to twitter, I wasn't aware of all that yet. THIS is the person accusing Christie of posting her personal information. I looked through one GC article's comments and didn't see anything (it was painful), and Christie checked Disqus - no one else used either her name or any of her aliases. While I was in that cesspool of comments, I DID see other names familiar to this "fandom", all of them supporters of Kristen and Rob. Haters No Nothing was there as a Kristen hater, quite a vile one at that. Angluvshoes was there as a Kristen hater, very similar to Angelsslave. A hater that called her or himself Bronze - probably couldn't spell hyperion. There were several more, but do you see what they're trying to do? They're using well-known Rob and Kristen supporters names to stir up trouble! It's so obvious! And some of you are falling for it. It's sad. Some of the people that sent me DMs about Christie I would have never guessed they could think so lowly of her. She's always told the truth, has always tried to help people. She is one of the few that actually knows what she's talking about. Here's some things she's done that most of you don't know about. Sorry, Christie, but they need to know who they're wrongly accusing and attacking.
Before Justice for Kristen WAS Justice for Kristen, Christie was one of the first to see there was something "off" with those pix from that ugly summer. She and one of the core contributors of that blog (before it was a blog) started researching, picking apart those pix. If you haven't, read The Grand Punk series on Justice for Kristen - you'll see how much work, time and money went into proving those pix were manipulated, etc. While I was writing about tabloids and paparazzi for JFK, I "met" via e-mails, the founder and CEO, Sean Burke, of Paparazzi Reform Initiative. He and I were in contact quite often with each other. Even though Christie could have LOST HER JOB for this, she offered to let Sean and myself use her credentials to see the pap pix before they were sold and published. Sean, being the very honorable man he is, turned down the offer, saying he would rather do it above-board, through laws. The point is, Christie jeopardized her job to try and help not only Rob and Kristen, but all celebrities tormented by paparazzi. Time and again, she's used her skills and her credentials to calm people's fears, to tell the truth about paparazzi and tabloids. Yet she gets thrown under the bus because ONE person claimed she did something so wrong? Something she would never do?
Many of you don't like some of the things she tweets. May I suggest you just stop following her then? Some of you follow her, interact with her, ask her to make a manip for you, then jump on the Christie hate train. THAT pisses me off. If she does or tweets something you don't like, let her know about it! Talk to her! Don't go behind her back and tweet those (and I hate this word too) "cryptic" little tweets. It's childish - grow up and talk to her. She tweets stuff I don't like sometimes, and I tell her about it. No problem - are you afraid to talk to her?
Christie has been getting slammed hard here on twitter, and on some blogs. Even her family, her husband and children, have been dragged into this mess. Is that right? Is that moral? After helping so many people here, after doing so much to help change pap laws that most of you don't know about, after researching SO much to help this "fandom", are you going to help support her? Or turn your back on her?
Please THINK about it. Thanks. Peace out, Misty aka @Privacy_Peace

I will say this repeatedly; 'This fandom is eating itself alive'
There are so many 'opinionated' people, telling others, who they can follow, who they can believe, what they believe, how they believe and anyone, who doesn't believe what they believe are 'haters, delusional, worse than nonstens, not Rob and Kristen fans'

I think Misty kind of covered all, i have been thinking, since last week's almost painful meltdown in the fandom and i thank her for taking her time out, when i know she preciously needs it, to defend a person she is very good friends with.

In all the years i have been in this fandom; blogging and supporting both Rob and Kristen, i have seen variously people come and go, various opinions come and go, but one thing has always remained and that is the scathing hate of either actor, from people who call themselves fans. I thought a fan was someone who supported a celebrity, regardless of what they do or who they end up with in their lives? But there are 'obsessive' fans who take that one step further. Obsessive fans, don't want Kristen Stewart spoken in the same breath as Rob's name. Obsessive fans, don't want any association of Robert Pattinson with Kristen's name.

Either side causes so much grief in this fandom, because they are the ones creating the rumours and the hate. Through their just as spiteful followers, through social media accounts and the gossiping media itself. But there is another group and they believe they are the 'warriors' of this fandom. They believe they are the 'pure bloods' the true Rob and Kristen fans and anyone who even remotely suggests a theory different from theirs, gets 'witch hunted' and called out for their 'disrespectful, disloyalty to Rob and Kristen'

*Takes a deep breath*
Call me what you want (don't impersonate me, because that just makes you look stupid) i didn't join this fandom for a mass following of people, who listen and hang onto my every word, i joined this fandom for me, for escapism. To admire and respect both Rob and Kristen. I came from the Harry Potter fandom, where people came together to discuss the 'canon of the books' hence my connection to Robert 'through the book and movie series'

But the bottom line, I RESPECT both Rob and Kristen and have seen 'zero' evidence to change my opinion. Oh and that also includes me being on 'Rob's payroll' (sorry that little tirade really tickled me pink, thanks for the laugh dear little Rob hater) I don't believe he has ever 'f*&ked me' i think i would have remembered that experience! You're mistaken me for the legion of sex starved Rob fans, whose only hope of getting near him is through erotic fan fiction, or dreamt up theories, they fill their blogs/tumblrs and twitter accounts with. Nor do i have a lesbian fetish with Kristen (yes they came out in force the other day) and that i should stop supporting a 'home-wrecker' because i have been blinded by her lies. That Rob was stupid to get involved with that 'husband stealing mofo'

It's this kind of crap, we should be putting a stop to, not attacking each other, simply because someone believes in something you don't.

This so called 'shit list'????

I have many good friends on both sides, including Windswept, who was taken apart last week in this fandom. But then again, this seems to be the growing trait of late - witch hunt a person, who has a different opinion to your own.
HKN is another i have spoken to from time to time as well as Mama Nails *SRWN*, Bronzehyperion and Medusa *Mad Medusa*

I may not always agree with what they have the right to say. I may not always support some of the theories they come to believe in, but they have NEVER been disrespectful to either Rob or Kristen. I don't go into the whole 'insider knows this' belief. Being in this fandom as long as i have been, i have afforded many my time when they have so willingly given information that may or may not have been true - you get to see 'insiders' come and go. Some believed to have had a finger on the pulse at one time, others wanted you to believe they knew things when they didn't. And haters, posing as insiders, when really all they wanted to do was get inside a perfectly happy corner of the fandom and attack with malice and hate.

It doesn't matter to me. What does matter, is that like minded people love and support two actors, regardless of what the media and haters would want you to believe. To call out the lies of the media, to show and prove haters are running to gossip sites and spreading vicious rumours about either. To make fans think, that what they read or see on celebrity gossip sites is not the truth, but a version that 'sells' a story.

"The media does terrible, terrible things to the world. It makes people stupid." Rob Pattinson

You don't want to believe these people, fine, don't. But don't go to accounts/sites/blogs where they are and try and shove your opinion down other people's throats - they exist in a world you are in, because of your 'mutual interest'
They're not haters or trolls or disrespectful people 'poisoning this fandom' it's hate that poisons this once upon a time happy place, not those who have always loved Rob and Kristen, regardless of the true nastiness from the obsessive section.

This fandom is not the same and it never will be. People have moved on, people have formed other opinions. People have changed sides and people are just riddled with hate. Our best advice is to stick to what WE believe in and don't get 'brain washed' by those, who once posed as 'respectful mediators' but are now just filled with bitter hate. If you don't agree with a person's point of view, fine, believe in yours and respect their right to think differently.

WE once came together, because of our admiration and respect for two people, who regardless of set backs, media intrusion and frenzy. Fandom obsession and opinionated hate, have remained the same 'through what we have seen with our eyes and their words of respect'
And that is how it should be...

T xx
(angelsslave) The one and only Slave to Angel x
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