Wherever I Lay My Hat...

Well now...
Seems there were a few dipshits running around yesterday, howling and crowing with delight; 'Rob said he was single'
First of all, let me make things very, very clear. There is a 'HUGE' difference between 'announcing' you are single and saying, oh i don't know, to the stupid question posed by the idiotic journalist. Whose instructions would have been (ask about the movie, no personal questions) to then say 'so, are you seeing anyone?' And you give the answer 'no'

There are so many face palm photos i could have put up, but i feel based on the  stupidity of yesterday, this one is very relevant to the idiots, who can't read, never mind understand common sense.
You see, according to Rob's obsessive fans - he's single, he's on the market, he and Kristen are no more'

Really, and you concluded that theory by what exactly?
Maybe you need to go to Psychology 101 and try understand 'body language', because i saw a whole lot of uncomfortable micro responses, in his reaction to the question. Not to mention, the dumb idiot followed it through with 'so are you single?' AH you see this is the only bit the dipshits took with them to any place, that supports Rob and Kristen 'Yeah, it's so exciting' (sarcasm is the lowest form of wit Rob) but in the case of ET Canada, it's the only emotional response you can give.

NOW, far be it for me to give a lesson on 'how to read a celebrity', but you know, being a fan in this fandom of both Rob and Kristen, the battle armour is always firmly on. Especially when you have muppets suggesting that you are a Robsessed and get it up the ass from Rob several times. Including gold bars, because you are on his payroll...isn't that right, little troll called Topaz Emerald? The epitome of a obsessed Kristen supporter, who is out doing her delusional mistresses work. There are haters on both sides and they all like to be heard. But let's say for instance, that they are true in their pathetic dogma...

That Rob and Kristen are no more. He is single, she is single and the fandom of haters rejoice!
I posed this question on another blog and i put it on my twitter time line, for people to ponder, so now i am putting it in here...

IF Rob is single and has been for the best part of over a year (remember little ones, he and Kristen 'ended' their 4 + yrs relationship on his birthday last May)

A year has passed and he's still single?

All i can say to this, is - Kristen Stewart must have been one hell of a girlfriend, because he can't forget her and move on. A fantastic friend and lover, that no amount of 'gossiping' hook ups. 'Hater' secret girlfriends. 'Media' believed romances with other celebrities; Katy Perry, Dylan Penn...the list goes on and on. Can compare to the length of time, the homes they shared, the dogs they rescued and the movies they made, can break the 'rut' he has found himself in.
He is so single, this 'attainable man' that he hasn't been able to find another woman who has the same likes and dislikes as he and who he can form another relationship with?

Hook ups spread about by haters, can't be used; every single one of them have been found out to be vicious, despicable lies. Including the rumours from stupid once upon a time Rob fans, now turned over to the Kristen side and spreading their pathetic hate on him.

Media rumoured celebrity romances, can't be used either; When the women in question, dismiss the rumour, surely anyone with half a brain, can deduce a romance/hook up didn't happen?

Robsessed/obsessed beliefs, that he is single and likes to spread it about, because he's a man and not a saint, can't be used either.
*rolls eyes* this one i do find a lot of humour in. Their hero likes to spread it about, that he is not saintly, really? And who exactly is the fly on the wall to witness all of this?

Those who hound him down at airports and camp outside his premieres or hotels, spreading it about that he is a drinking, womanising, douche-bag, with the morals of an alley-cat, are gratifying themselves by objectifying him. Jaw porn, chin porn, finger porn and the worst of all, crotch porn. But these are called respectable fans...where? Where are they being respectable? And these are the very same ones, crying the loudest at a small group of women, who believe 'maybe Rob and Kristen are parents?'

I have rolled my eyes so much at this fandom, that one of these days they are going to roll off and not come back. The excuses are hilarious in their content. Rob and his good buddy Guy Pearce are promoting their movie 'The Rover' the promotions and premieres are about that movie. Not his personal life, not his living accommodation, not even what he eats for breakfast. It's idiotic journalists, who have this fandom so fucked up in the head.
The 'need to know' about his personal life, why, because you think you have a chance with him? Read my sentence in bold above!
This obsessive, compulsive need to disprove another person's beliefs...look it's very simple.
Rob has 'mentioned' many, many times, that he is not going to talk about his private life. That he is not going to mention where he lives (he has no home) where he sleeps (on air mattresses) where he puts his things (they're stuffed somewhere in several storage lockers and one of my minions has got the key)

If you are clinging onto the belief he's a homeless millionaire, then really there is no hope for you whatsoever. So to announce, that he is single, or the 'no' question to who he is seeing/dating, you believe this as much as you believe he is a homeless person living it large in LA, with nothing but his dogs for company?

He has learnt a very valuable lesson over the year since the 'media produced split'
that his private life will remain private. That jetting in and out of airports privately, is the best way to travel. Obsessive fans and media can't photograph or hound him (or Kristen for that matter) when he leaves through a separate area (fans and media are not allowed near)
That not disclosing where you live, ensures that your residence cannot be located by bat-shit-idiots, who will post it all over the 'net' for other bat-shits to find you (that includes the media)
That this woman here, will remain and always has been in Rob's life, despite the 'need' of his 'obsessed' fans to prove they have both moved on.
You can't move on when you are not dating anyone else.
And trust me, the media believes it can dig out just about anything about a celebrity, and yet...they can't find one female who is attainable enough to stick to Rob, without it falling apart due to lack of...interest? Lack of evidence?

You can put about and believe all the hell you want, that Rob is a one night stand kind of guy (even though he has said repeatedly he doesn't do short term relationships, that when he is in it, he's in it for the long haul) it doesn't make it the truth. When he laughs things off, when he answers with stupid scenarios, anyone can tell he is not giving anything away. So why can't some people in this fandom grasp that?

They would rather believe he's the 'hook up king' and Kristen is of course, the 'hook up queen' because she too for over a year now, hasn't been seen with anyone new in her life. Again 'lesbian relationships' are born of either those who are attracted to Kristen in a sexual way or are extremely homophobic and need to take their childish/degrading and socially unacceptable ideas, some place where people care.

When you take all the crap away, and boy believe me, there is a lot of crap - the truth stares you glaringly in the eyes. It's just a pity so many are blinded by their own jealous insecurities; needing pap photos to prove their relationship exists. Need to be seen to be together and not 'hiding their relationship' the last time i checked, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart owed this fandom nothing. They made the movies that brought twilight to everyone. If you still want to insist they should 'prove' they are together, then I suggest you follow a PR couple, because lol (little nonnies) theirs is NOT a PR relationship.

Rob Pattinson knows where his home is, it's where he lays his hat, and clothes and items that seem to always end up on...Kristen.
For a couple to have split up, they exchange a lot of items and clothing. But then again, that excuse is; they still share the dogs so of course they are going to pick up  items, that have been left behind *yawn* the adolescence in some people...oh that's right, this excuse comes from women 'older' than the average teenager.

While people scurry around, trying to spread their excusable 'evidence' around, i am going to continue to sit in my corner and laugh at the several pathetic attempts, to prove Rob and Kristen are not together.
In the meantime...
If you think I'm a Robsessed, you're an idiotic fool.
If you think I'm a Krisbian, you're even dumber.
You can post your hate time and time again, it makes no difference to me. I am not the one filled with hate and need to post my 'disgusting comments' for attention.

I support 'both' Rob and Kristen, from the liars and the hate, that fills this fandom and sucks out all the fun of watching two young people, grow and get stronger in their careers. I support their movies and i support their need for privacy. IF you don't, then take your opinions and your hate that consumes your lives, that needs to seek out attention and set up your own blog and fill it with all your pathetic, lonely dogma.

I am filled with nothing but respect, love and admiration. You should try it, it makes the world a much happier place to live in.


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