
ASS-umptions is what half of this fandom is all about. Creating drama, stirring up emotions, inventing stories, just so you can sit and laugh at those, who don't possess a thread of common sense. Or if they did, somehow in this mêlée of a delusional, eager to know anything, pushing your own insecurities, theories, half-baked so called insider beliefs, down everyone's throats fandom, they lost it along the way.

We got Cannes; an immensely proud time for fans of Rob and Kristen, a time when they allowed their movies to take presidence over the need to know (fans and media like) about their private life. We got raving reviews, accolades that proved to the naysayers, that they both possess a talent in telling a story way beyond their key stone movie that started it all - twilight. And yet, some people in this fandom prove it time and time again, that they live for the drama, ASS-uming they know what is going on, when they know jack-shit.

I am so tired of the sanctimonious (looking down your noses) attitude of some, in the same breath I am also sick and tired of the flip-flopping, biting the finger nails worry-worts, who follow idiots; jealous, heinous obsessively compelled to lie, haters of either Rob or Kristen, who insert stupid remarks all for the sake of (I am right and you are wrong) get over yourselves! It's not your relationship, it's not your lives or your careers, so what the hell do you think you are doing, inserting your sanctimonious attitude in theirs?

Rob gave out some pretty glaring insights, into what he thinks about the media intrusion in his life. That he takes steps to make sure NOT to get papped and placed on the front cover of super market (suck your brain cells out) magazines. Usually put there by idiots, who feed the gossiping media with their ASS-umptions and lies. Kristen did the same through her own hints; more importantly, how her character in Clouds of Sils Maria, prarallels the way the media works, promoting fake stories and lies. Why does this come as a shock to some? Surely if anything was taught from last year's pathetic attempt at making something out of nothing, it's that Rob and Kristen want their private lives - PRIVATE. Not discussed and dissected by gossip sites or indeed obsessive fans. Their hints have been many, enough to prove that their 'Deeply connected since twilight' goes way beyond the making of the movie. You want to insert a 'mysterious, hidden girlfriend, ordered by Rob not to speak to the media' another rebound 'f@#k' with Katy Perry, because lets face it, some women/girls or just plain idiots, believe all men are led by their cocks - go right ahead. Your delusional idiocy awakened me from my twitter slumber, forced me away from my real life, where I have deliberately chosen to be, because of personal issues and dusted down my blog to put this carefully (almost swear free) post up. To address the madness, that's like a rabid dog, snarling and chasing its tail.

You think Rob and Kristen are no more, fine, good for you, now why are you still here?
You think he is dating everything with a pulse, secret or not so secret, then why does the name Kristen Stewart, still scare the shit out of you?
You think they have deluded this fandom for years with a fake PR relationship?
You are following the wrong couple, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West just got married, quick! Place your bets now on how long they stay married. I hope their wedding guests hold onto the receipts for the wedding gifts they got them.

You know nothing, you will never know anything. While you ASS-ume you do, i will sit back and laugh at your desperate attempts at putting words, ASS-umptions, into other people's mouths, too dumb to know the difference. Kristen is smarter than you give her credit for, and Rob has you dangling by a thread, like a cat playing with a mouse. They both know how the media works, which is why they have for the past year, played the media well. Stayed out of the spotlight, avoided being papped as much as possible. Which means any stories circling the media, like shit circles the toilet drain, are poorly written erotic fiction, from desperate fools, needing to put as much distance between them.

Good luck with that one!
T xx
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