Pause...For Thought...

I've been neglecting my blog, due to real life issues concerning my mother. It's hard to wrap the thought process around, when you are on the other side of the world when your much loved parent is gravelly ill. I can't just drop everything and fly back; i have kids of my own to consider a job i can't just leave and fly back to the UK. Not to mention everything that is going on this end of the world to do with my family's life...

So this is going to be a short post i will put up in lieu of a time, when i can sit down and put something up a little bit more full bodied.
"What was the most profound thing a man has ever told you?" 
Kristen: "I'll wait for you because I don't want anybody else."
I found this, the other day on twitter. I don't know where it came from and if one of the regulars in here can enlighten me - it would be greatly appreciated :)
For those who need persuading, need a hand to be held and comfort administrated over this barmy fandom and the negativity that floats about from jealous, resentful people who reside here. Let me make something very clear...
2008, i was onboard the whole 'they are together/smitten with each other/very much attracted to each other' and i have NEVER been persuaded otherwise. I have common sense and intuition when it comes to those who are fake and false and those who are genuine and honest. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart for me, have always been genuine and honest.
I don't need a two page interview in some god awful saccharine sweet, glossy magazine, to tell me they 'are or are not' together. No interview where the 'pretentious' need to 'promote' the interview by throwing the other half's name in a tweet, suggesting that it spelt the 'official clarification' of whether there still is a relationship...only to find out that the interview was about the movie and the actor's stretching of his abilities as a professional, and nothing about a 'supposed break up' anywhere in the interview - so really all VivaPress did was promote it's interview with Rob by being stupid and unprofessional (well in the media, there is a lot of it about) 
I don't need pap photos (paparazzi stalking) to make me believe they are still together, i could not care less if they were never papped together again. Sorry to burst the worry-worts and the flip-floppers bubble, but no papped photos does not mean no relationship. We are not talking about a couple, who have to promote their relationship through the tabloids to prove they are still together. A TRUE relationship takes place between TWO people, not two people, a fandom and the gossiping media. There are too many in this fandom, whose only purpose in life is to prove or disprove a couple are together. Get over yourselves and your needy beliefs and do something constructive with your lives!
When they had to promote Twilight, they had to endure the media always in their faces and wanting to know everything about them, you don't choose who you fall in love with, it just happens. And if you just so happen to be making a movie together or in Rob and Kristen's case - several movies, you have to endure the constant media attention, even when you would rather be as far away from it as possible. Rob has recently been quoted to have said that he is very good at dodging the 'paps' as they stalk - something that has been seen quite a lot. Especially since May last year, when the nasty little parasites had gone too far - stalking the couple everywhere they went. Oh but for those negative nellies out there - that was when they ended their relationship - based on a paparazzi's story...
And yet i am still falling over laughing at those who bought that shit! 
Listen hey, if it helps you sleep at night go right ahead. For me it spelt the end of the 'letting the media control our lives' 
Rob's whole 'having to see his face plastered on the front cover of every magazine' rings so true in what i have always suspected.
I don't need to be told that they are not together, i know for a fact that if either had moved on, we would see it with our own eyes. Just because a handful of 'drama queens' in both the media and this fandom say so, doesn't mean it's true. The hook ups are embarrassing, especially given that as they have both said in different interviews that the 'truth always has a way of getting out' I guess that means Rob's Harem of blondes - mysterious or otherwise. His hook ups with Katy Perry and Dylan Penn (according to idiots who have always pretended to have inside knowledge) and any other women, who just so happen to be out with he and some of his friends, including BFF's of BFF's of his girlfriend (psst that's Kristen, not Sienna Miller) yeah right, that's not the truth, that's just poorly written fan fiction from women who obsess about the msn they can never have.
If you want to believe half of the crap that is written in the media/tweeted by haters to the media, because let's face it, anyone can create a gossip blog and pretend they have spoken to 'sources close to either Rob or Kristen' when in fact it's a bunch of bitter, resentful haters/Anny Packer or the disgusting low life Poopscoopstew/writing the pitiful crap, so many read and insist in believing. I on the other hand, prefer to use my own common sense and opening my own eyes to what is going on around me and spend less time reading the trash toids and gossip rags for the truth.
"The truth is out there, you just have to know where to look." - Dana Scully 
Kristen was stunning at the MET Gala, her dress was certainly different but much better than the pants ensemble she wore last year. Her hair colour suits her for the role she is currently shooting. I couldn't give a rats ass about the fandom politics - it's just white noise to me. People flapping over whether Kristen attends Cannes or not. Sure, i would love her to go, but if her filming schedule doesn't allow her, it's just one of those things that happens when you become an actor. It won't stop me supporting Rob for attending, because of his two movies. If she does attend i will be a very proud fan of both, they deserve the support for all their hard work, pushing their movies out there.
Supporting them both doesn't make you a bad fan, who needs to choose sides. I supported Rob when he worked in Harry Potter, a young up and coming actor in the UK (not known at all in the US) and Kristen since she did Panic Room, a fresh faced young actress - tipped to go very far. Now they are a couple and oh yes - they are a couple, my support will always go to both as equal, because they are equally gifted. 
Tempest xx 
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