Because We Cannes, Cannes, Cannes...

Two years ago, marked a very important milestone in Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's lives. It saw their movies; 'Cosmopolis' and 'On The Road', première to a very 'exclusive' crowd at The Cannes Film Festival - the matriarch of the Movie world. Their body of work was being recognised, not because of their 'big names' and even bigger budget for their movies, but for their acting and passion for what they do, which their directors and cast were very proud of.

It also saw Kristen and Rob, rub shoulders with the kind of people they only dreamed of seeing on the large screen like you and I. It saw their movies in the competition with both very proud of each others work, supporting quietly, supporting gently, but the support was there from both of them and it's THAT which is important.
THEY didn't see it as a competition of 'whose movie is better' or 'whose fandom is better at supporting' no, only children do that, adults can actually congratulate each other with words of encouragement, while rooting for the other to succeed and hope that their work will still shine through. That is what Kristen and Rob did; both movies where in competition but at the same time, they were there to be promoted, to be welcomed, to be watched and congratulated - they were not there as a way of pitting one actor up against the other.

I haven't been online for a while, this fandom tends to leave a nasty taste in the mouth every now and again and you just have to sit back and allow the kids (the childish immature idiots) think they have the upper hand, before taking their toys away and giving them a five minute 'time out' because of their unruly behaviour. But more importantly (for me anyway) it was this time 2 years ago, when my family and i made the long and emotional journey to the other side of the world, to begin our new life in Australia. I have been away from the hysteria, some close minded people have been spewing all over the place, applying to stay in this wonderful country, buying land for a home and generally busy with real life. But it was this time 2 yrs ago, when the fans just like now, were constantly speculating about what The Cannes Film Festival would hold for Rob and Kristen.

Except now, where there was happiness for both, there is bitterness from those, who simply can't have happiness in their lives. You see it was bad enough that some really stupid people decided that donating to a cause for a Birthday Appeal, meant you could not donate if you were say 'a Kristen fan' wanting to donate to a Rob Birthday project or 'a Rob fan' wanting to donate to a Kristen Birthday project. So why would Cannes 2014 be any different?
I cannot even begin to tell you how embarrassed i am of those, who decided to use an incredibly humbling thing such as donating to 'Cure Alzheimers' or 'Stand Up 2 Cancer' as a way of suggesting that you could not donate to both. Since when has a charity (both very important charities) had to be all about the actor?

As far as i was aware the charities where picked as a representation of showing your support for what the charities do, regardless of how deep or meaningful or even how important they are, to the actors themselves.  

Cure Alzheimers was picked, because of the recent movie Kristen has just finished, where the story surrounds the 'family' and how they have to cope with the mother 'Alice' the central figure, after being diagnosed with the incredibly debilitating and life robbing disease. It was not used as a 'Kristen's charity is better than Rob's charity' because guess what - they didn't put their names behind the charities - fans, administrators of the fan sites did!

Stand Up 2 Cancer was picked, mainly once again by the fans, administrators of the fan sites, to show support for Rob's Birthday project. They suggest it's a charity close to Rob's heart, i am sure it is, just like i am sure Kristen was taken back by the generosity of the donation the fans raised for 'Cure Alzheimers' - Rob has been at two events for 'Stand Up 2 Cancer' because Cancer affects EVERYONE, it touches our lives in ways that we don't even know. Everyone will have a story of how either Cancer or Alzheimers has affected their lives; through parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins.

So to use these incredibly important and worthwhile charities, as a tool to pit one fanbase against the other - is beneath contempt, beneath common sense, beneath anything intelligent.

Unfortunately, that is what this fandom is all about - one against the other. Childish fools with the need to cause as much indigestion as possible. Hateful little cyber trolls, who see it as their duty, to be as stupid and as immature as possible when it comes to Rob and Kristen. They believe they are not together so their days are spent spreading as much hate and as many lies as possible. When they are not doing that, they are hating on those who believe Kristen has put on weight for a 'particular' reason, Rob has moved to 'England' to get away from Kristen, the 'dogs' have been given to their friends, because the pain of sharing them is just too much. Rob has once again roved his eye on another (going to it again) conquest in the shape and form of 'Katy Perry' (Queen Delusional is off her meds again i see?)

Kristen was seen 'drinking and hitting some drugs' in a park - even though she was surrounded by cast and there is a law against drinking or any kind of anti-social behaviour in public, never mind the fact that 'immature fools' can't get it into their thick, bitter heads, that her new movie 'American Ultra' had just begun filming...again the drama is brought to you by children and stupid adults, who act like fools with a lot of time on their hands.

Make a fool of yourselves in your own time ALL you want, but the bottom line is simply this;
THIS woman, despite your immature, pathetic, boring, jealous filled hate of her, has this man to be very thankful for. HE has always had her strongest support, like he has of hers. He has always been there for her through good times and bad. He has always been very proud of her, showed his strength in ways, you couldn't even begin to understand, because you are so wrapped up in hate for her and obsessive jealousy for him. He will be in Cannes for the two movies that will be premièred there; 'The Rover' and 'Maps To The Stars' but bet your last dollar, he will also be there in the wings, supporting Kristen in the way he has always supported her and his 'bitter'fanbase won't take that away from him.
THIS man, despite the obsession of his fanbase, has always had the fiery passion and still standing belief, from this woman. Her encouragement, her determined push, her recognition of his acting ability and strength he probably didn't even know he had. Her quiet caring, her fierce argument that he can go far, is one of the many reasons he has always looked to her when he has needed reinforcement in the strength of his beliefs. Kristen will be in Cannes for her two movies; 'Clouds of Sils Maria' and 'Camp X-Ray' but i can guarantee she will be supporting Rob and his projects from not very far. Her genuine support and love for him is the added strength, that has always kept him moving forward.

Two incredibly gifted people showing two of their recent projects in the same festival, the same country and at the same time...has people complaining with the words 'don't get your hopes built up for a Cannes repeat!' Excuse me, but as far as i am concerned i can get as excited as i want. Two movies from each gracing Cannes - hell yeah!

Both will (hopefully) be there to join in and celebrate the atmosphere and excitement of the festival - for International promotion and distribution and a wider international audience to appreciate their hard work. Both will of course support each other's work (it's only their obsessive fans that are bitter) and may even be seen on the red carpet, because at the end of the day - it's the fandom's obsession and media stalking, that has made them retract into obscurity and not allow the white noise to get in. Over on the other side of the world, the media want to know about the movies at Cannes not their personal life/private life and Rob and Kristen would be well within their rights to tell them to 'f**k off' and mind their own business. Oh that's right, too many people see Rob and Kristen's lives AS their business *eye roll*

Meanwhile, i will be a very happy fan of both - and this is one fan, who is very proud that their movies will once again grace Cannes with their presence. To rub shoulders with the elite, to walk the Red Carpet, that many 'true legends' have walked before and shine in that happy moment that their hard work and effort has paid of.
That and of course, the pride and love they have always had for each other.

Tempest x
(apparently important in data-lounges, because those who want to bitch about me, are jealous of my awesomeness) 
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