A Woman Of Substance...

Well, it's almost coming to the end of another Birthday celebration for Kristen Stewart. A woman of unique style and grace...
Such spirit and tenacity, giving and never compromising anything to be who she is.
Her passion in life, her strength and bravery, her gift of taking a role and making it her own. Putting her stamp on it.

From the tender age to a grown woman; Kristen Stewart demands...nothing, but to enjoy her craft and live her life happily, knowing she has touched her fans with every performance she undertakes.
That mischievous glint in her eye, that telling sign of hidden intelligence, clothed in misunderstood energy and wrapped in love, from everyone who knows her.
Kristen wears her emotions like a sleeve; comfortable, part of her skin, uniquely her.

She stops conversations when she enters a room, her quite, shy presence, her glowing inner beauty, her whimsical smile.
Her love for all things normal, of comfortable shoes and clothes - her armour, her disguise when she goes out. The classical vamp takes form of make-up and designer clothes, which she wears as if they were made for her, as if she was born to wear them.

She gives so much of herself; to her fans to her family to her love and to her work - and asks very little back in return. To the media that smile at her one minute and glorify in her successes,  then at the turn of a knife will attack with no conscience - Kristen has seen it all.

And through it all this young woman has continued to shine. That shine has never left, no matter how tarnished some try and make it.
Those 'big green eyes', that are as wide as the moon, captured everyone's heart, including a certain, handsome English man, who took one look at her and wanted to meet her...

That meeting set their fate and has continued to colour and change her life, her harbour, her safe place when the world can get a little crazy.
So here is to you, Ms Kristen Stewart may you have many more birthdays and have so much more to celebrate in your life.
Happy Birthday, you wonderful person, you...

Tempest (apparently unhinged and running crazy amongst the fandom - LOL)

*No fandom politics were involved in this post. I came into this fandom for two people, and its the two people that has kept me here :)*

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