Well now...
wasn't that a scary silence?
Of course i am thankful to be talking to you from warm and balmy (albeit it's apparently coming into their autumn/winter season) Geraldton/West Australia and it has been a long journey my friends with so many ups and downs emotionally, that i am only just now getting back on my feet :)

Unfortunately that can't be said I'm afriad of the constant nonnie feed hysteria that is STILL rattling around the Rob and Kristen community (some things just never change do they?)
Oh i can understand certain fractions of mental shut down - all seems well until Rob or Kristen just so happen to be in the same place at the same time...more importantly was the final editing or a 2 day shoot to you and me of Rob and Kristen together once again as Edward and Bella...then all hell breaks loose when they are seen leaving TOGETHER! Considering they arrived separately due to well timed scheduling or just can't be arsed with the cockroaches (thats the ever endearing paps) filling around them like some nice tasty morsel and snapping away to their hearts content 'Over here Kristen, smile for us one more time, are you and Rob shagging?'

Vomit, Chudder, Barf
I can understand the interest, but not the hysteria. So Rob and Kristen leave together on a jet plane, and what? If you haven't clued yourself in to by now - they're a couple. Yes, that's right, you know the all singing and all dancing relationship, where she is the girlfriend and he the boy? It's kind of self explanatory, but to some people still, they maintain the 'putting your hands over your ears and singing a happy song' stops real life from entering in.

So it seems i have a lot of catching up to do. Thankfully my dear friends over at Robstenation have been more than helpful with keeping me up with everything :)

Until next time...
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