Rob and Kristen - Still As Stunning As Ever!

Let's sit back and look at the pretty shall we?
Three years attending the MET Gala in NYC and Kristen has never failed to turn heads as she steps onto the industries lush Red Carpet in the latest and daring of fashion. Yes it's a bit 'Ooh now i wouldn't have worn that' But when you think of the quirky personality that is uniquely Kristen, you can't help smile and fist pump the air at yet another fashion reveal that has Kristen coming out on her very own. Of course at her side and practically her beck and call is the illustrious and talented @JillianDempsey - the make up and hair stylist to some of the biggest stars and of course wife of the wonderfully too handsome for words, dear and talented actor @PatrickDemspey (what i would give to see Kristen and Patrick in a movie together - father and daughter line up anyone?)

So here we are, one year on and at this time of the social gathering event calendar year. A time when all who is up and coming, longevity lasting and just schmoozing with the big wigs to get spotted - come out to play. 'But where is ROB', i hear some whinny witches shout, 'why isn't here there?' Well no one knows Mr. Pattinson's schedule quite like, well Mr. Pattinson, that and of course those nearest and dearest to him, With two movie projects lined up for him this year, a plethora of prommotion for #Cosmopolis and then #Breaking Dawn part 2 - Rob is going to be one busy fella. I gather he is not onto the 'galk and stare' events such as the MET, where everyone comes out in designer suits and gowns - Kristen does it so much better than Rob at standing and posing in some of the most eye catching of couture. Of  course she was also in NYC to tape the Jimmy Kimmel show promoting Snow White and the Huntsman, which seems to be gathering speed i am happy to see, i can't wait to take my daughter along to a screening here in Oz :)
Simply Stunning
It's been a crazy time in the fandom, the lack of drought sometimes makes people crazy (who am i kidding some are just born naturally at it!)
lack of sightings always means to the nonnie meanines that all is bad in the world of Rob and Kristen. They should be out and about flaunting their relationship like any other 'Hollywood couple' PR has never looked so...odd and out of place. We should see photos of them holding hands, kissing in front of a throng of paparazzi and then lay claim they never saw them and were 'just caught in the moment'

Rob and Kristen spotted leaving Vancouver - smiling!!! STOP THE PRESS
Yes it seems even their smiles are being scruitinised, taken apart and anaylsed - what does this all mean, they never smile at the paps, what's going on?
Well let's see, why not?
Seems that too many are looking WAY too much into the relationship of a very comfortable and established couple. They want to see cracks and fault lines when there isn't any. They persist in believing that when Rob is out on his own or with friends, or Kristen is doing the same -  that means trouble in paradise LOL.

Ah the young and the foolish - that should be the title for a soap opera spin off!
My advice for what it's worth, is this...
Life is too short to go around investing too much time festering and worrying about someone else's life. The world will keep spinning on it's axis. The sun will rise and fall the same way and the ocean will continue meandering in and out along the shore. In other words, there is more to life than having this obsessive need to pull apart a couple you don't like seeing together. Do they care what you or I think? Nope. Do they listen to the hatred coming from each others fan camp, always wanting this persistent PR crap to stop? Nope but they have a good laugh at it just the same.

Take it easy, sit back and look at the world around you. I have an even greater love for all things nearest and dearest, having had my own family move half way across the world for a new beginning. It's time fans and haters alike take a deep breath and embrace the love that is very evident in these two wonderfully humble and normal people. Hate only causes ulcers and ugly lines from the constant worry and disreguard to the truth staring you in the face.


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