Rob and Kristen - Wanna Take A Walk With Me?

Well, Hello there Handsome!
They said he was passed it, an out of work actor - Twilight had all but ruined is career?
They said he was 'selling' himself out for the media attention, that having a public relationship was destroying him?
They said he should be single, enjoy life to the max; eat, sleep around and drink plenty - because life is too short just to settle?

The so called 'fans' believe they have complete control of Robert Pattinson; that their words influence all of his decisions he makes in his life...

I say 'FUCK that' and move along little girls!!

It's been a while granted, but then Rob is in no hurry to wave his career bye bye. In fact the maturity i can see in his face and the way he carries himself, proves he has grown in leaps and bounds. Found the right balance in his personal and  professional life, and is now sitting back and taking stock of all that belongs to him. His career he is in more control of, less worried about what other people think of him, if they want him they will come looking, if not - it wasn't meant to be.
His private life, granted will always be thrown into the spotlight, subject to speculation. Although to be far really are people still speculation on his relationship status? Surely to even the meek minded of us all it's a pretty straight forward given who Rob has giving his heart to?
Gorgeous - isn't she?
Again, note the disdain in some people's posts, the objective minds of jealous hags are never far away when it comes to all things Rob. His latest interview (a definite read) shows just how far he has come in not feeling like he is 'lucky' now being an actor, but more a case of 'he deserves being one' after pulling in several notable movies, including the 'Twilight Saga' where once again, he states he 'did not do that movie franchise for money' No but there is a deliciously stunning brunette, with green eyes and a twinkle that is always there who pushed your arm up your back and demanded you play Edward - no?

Rob is a package deal in itself. He has an interest in art house and of course more than a  little grateful that David Cronenberg selected him to play Eric Packer in 'Cosmopolis' the must see 'drama thriller' of the year. In David's usual twisted with a 'T' Rob was the one to pay homage to the legendary director by doing a photo shoot - role playing the movies  DC has directed to date. From Scanners to Videdrome - even Dead Ringers (Starring another British actor - Jeremy Irons) got a look in on this very elaborate shoot. Showing a different side of Rob, the 'don't have to pose to be a pin up on some teenagers wall' mode.
He is definitely coming into his own and with so much good stuff going to happen this year - i am giddy with excitement as to what is to come.
Both he and Kristen are lined up for Cannes, with his next project 'Black List' being advertised for promotion at the Film Festival - the world is looking a lot less empty of seeing him once more step onto a FILM SET and begin working (so much for the washed up actor eh?)

Kristen is working her little socks off too, with projects signed and Snow White and On the Road gathering speed and interest - the world is looking mighty fine for Miss Stewart also. Both have allowed their work to speak for itself, both have concentrated in getting 'noticed' as very talented actors and less about being a partnership both off and on the set. Both have ignored the media interest that gather around like a circle of very hungry sharks and instead have devoted what little time they do have away from the flashbulbs - just being themselves - Rob from London and Kristen from LA - it couldn't be simpler to the less than worried about their 'status' people.
The deliciously bored millionaire Eric Packer!

While Kristen is flying around doing promotion for Snow White and the Huntsman (recently saw a trailer for it at Kuala Lumpur Airport and couldn't keep the grin from my face) and gearing up for the premiere of On The Road in Cannes - where is Rob? Never far away and with Bear by his side, never far away from Kristen's thoughts. They don't need to live in and out of each others pockets and inhale the same air to be together, they are not teenagers who have suddenly found they can't be without one or other unless it's in a Romeo or Juliet dramatic death sequence! They are both adults; Kristen now the impressively mature 22 and Rob, darling Rob will be 26 on Sunday and looking finally every bit his age (no more sparkling teenage vampire)
So long Paris - bound for London...
Everything falls into place, and everything that you deserve is always meant to be.
You can take a walk in Rob's shoes or even take a walk in Kristen's. But you will never understand their lives nor, should you try. People, places, events all have a reason for happening - it's all part of the 'great plan' in life. So enjoy life and embrace what's to come, i don't believe for one second Rob and Kristen fans will be disappointed - one bit.

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