Rob and Kristen - The Fairest Of Them All?

Princess Kristen is...
Wow what a weekend that was...
kind of like watching a train wreck as far as it goes, when several loose their heads completely, posting up bullshit and fuckery for all to laugh at.

Take the weekend; Kristen was in midst of SWATH interviews and press junkets - you know, promoting one of this years hottest 'action' movies for all boys and girls to see...Rob was spotted and indeed photographed on a plane bound for London, with the intention of spending his 26th birthday with family and friends...that also included his long term (3yrs, count them) girlfriend and woman of his life - Kristen.
Rob with flight attendant...
Already the speculation started; will he see Kristen, will she have time for him? Will it just be a get together with his family, they haven't seen him in sooo long?
Like i said a lot was based on loose information and speculation. Concrete evidence went out the, window as far as some fans minds go. Then of course came this...
Oh dear...
But, but, how can this be?
He should be with his family - why is he with her?
Well, it seems that Rob just couldn't stay away from Kristen for too long (rolls eyes) After a whirlwind couple of days in Paris; Kristen hopped onto a plane bound for London, around the same time Rob hopped onto a plane from LA - bound for London. Coincidence? I think not. So, it doesn't surprise me that they both end up meeting up in, yes you guessed it London, during a weekend full of interviews and press calls for SWATH along with her cast mates; Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth and Sam Claflin to name but a few, as we know it was a UK turn out for the event :)
Oh and did i forget to mention it was Rob's birthday? LOL

Arundel Castle, is a beautiful backdrop to hold a press junket - medieval style. Kristen of course continuing the promotion with an arrangement of beautiful dresses, but then again, for a beautiful, talented actress, anything she wears looks stunning.
I love the backdrop, but then again - it's a beautiful historical place and just the right kind of atmosphere to interview the fairest of them all - Kristen. It's also pretty ironic that the hotel she was staying at, just so happened to be the same hotel Rob was seen coming out of on the day that Kristen was scheduled to be in London for interviews and her impending SWATH premiere? Again, i can call on coincidence as being a key factor here but really, i think not once again BWAHAHAHA!
Shits and giggles grin from Kristen...
To be fair, i was kind of hoping that Rob wouldn't have to spend his Birthday on his own, well with Bear helping him blow out the candles on his cake. Afterall...since 2008 - Kristen has successfully shared her birtthdays with Rob by her side; whether it be in a location with other members of her cast or simply a quiet dinner between the two of them. Kristen has unfortunately missed one of Rob's - considering they wrapped 'Twilight' before he had a chance and Kristen had to high tail it to NOVA to begin work on 'Welcome to the Riley's'
So it's kind of funny when so called 'fans' make excuses as to why Rob can go out and celebrate another year older, without the love of his life there with him? Sure, his family is very important and a get together with fam and friends is always on the cards. But the increased insanity of 'Kristen was not invited' it's just fam and no one else...well, i nearly choked on my second glass of Australian wine when i read that one particular piece of delusional deluge.
Gordon Ramsey at 'Claridges' was the backdrop to the party and of course the paps where on hand to snap away as people entered and exited the exclusive 'birthday bash' The talk was of course will Kristen turn up - well 'DUH' you can just make out her Nike trainers in the 2nd picture behind the women in front, with HBG to her left hand side and wonderfully scruffy as always Tom just behind.
Of course you are going to get the young and the stupid, believing in their ridiculous assumptions and with the gaggle of lightweights hanging onto their every word, but plain common sense always prevails as family and friends joined Rob and his girlfriend Kristen on Sunday.
The fairest and sexiest of them all..
What can i say about this and alluring with just the right amount of badass that only Kristen can carry off beautifully? She looked stunning as she posed and signed for the fans, who stood and waited patiently for the attendance on the Red carpet or should i say 'Green' as Kristen, Sam, Chris and Charlize dressed in a mixture of black and grey for the 'Snow White and the Huntsman' premiere.
Over the last couple of days we have had some wonderfully insightful interview from Krisgten; Elle US granted us with the discussion of her 'chemistry' with Rob right from the word go; the whole 'Oh my God, my fucking boyfriend just did this movie' as she pulled down a copy of Bel Ami, explaining that the 'French' didn't really like the idea of an 'Englishman' playing the role of Georges Duroy. The mention of the spoon ring that adorns her thumb; explaining that it was her 'mum who went out and bought all four of her children and herself have those rings including her mum and dad' they were bought as a present one Christmas. As for the gold ring that circles her middle finger...

'Everyone wants to know' Kristen admitted shyly, 'everyone knows already, it's ridiculous!' Yes everyone does know, non believers and believers alike. The ring appeared on her finger, after celebrating her birthday in Budapest where Rob was shooting 'Bel Ami' and has not come off ever since. As for the necklace debate? Look it's fairly simple; when a man buys jewellery for the woman who means more to him than life itself, it's kind of a given that he does this because he loves her. Kristen possibly has a priceless collection of gems and jewels from Rob and why not? He can't give her the world so he opts to give her things she likes and all women love baubles and sparkly things on our fingers and around our necks, don't they?
Kristen with Rob and his sister Lizzie...
The premiere was a success; Kristen looked stunning as did Aussie hunk Chris and his delightfully dangerous Charlize and handsome Sam, as they stood and posed for the paps. But it was the ninja grace of Rob sneaking in at the last minute into the theatre and watching his girl on the big screen, that stole the show. That and he attended the after party; standing protectively beside Kristen, smiling and holding her hand, when they weren't spotted with their arms around one and other that is. Even when Kristen becomes a bit self-deprecating about her acting when talking to his sister - Rob is overheard saying 'shut up, you're amazing!'

My stone heart melted a little there...
It's been a weekend of discovery, a weekend of confessions and a weekend where Kristen announced she 'Can't wait to do another movie with Rob!'

There has also been joking banter about both Cosmopolis and On The Road in Cannes and how stiff the competition will be between the two of them as actors, all is fair in love and war as the saying goes. The only war will be between those who just have to invent 'bullshit were it's not needed. But i suppose they want the relationship that Kristen and Rob have, but need to drop the bitching and whining from their lives in order to get one as successful and loving as they have.
The might trio; Kristen, Chris and Charlize...
Have a lovely day :)

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