Real Life vs Fan Fiction...

We can all come on here; the wonderfully 'world wide web' for a bit of escapism, but that's just it - escapism. Every person inside that computer you sit in front of, tablet or laptop screen, is just a nameless, faceless internet buddy. Unless of course, you take the friendship one step further and meet up.
Our opinions like our internet buddies are just like that, nameless and faceless. We all have them, but that doesn't mean we are always right.

The media can be blamed for many things; social media has brought out the worst in some people, who feel that the opinions of others, out way common sense and fact. But the media is controlled by hearsay and speculation, neither is the truth. Speculation, rumour, assumption, overhearing, theorising - are all words, that describe (if you were taught English Literature and Comprehension in school) a second or third hand/party conversation. The media use this very same writing and reading skill, that most novelists/authors - both fiction and non as a way of building up a story, a representation of what exactly happened. Colouring the synopsis, bulking it out...stretching the truth.

Which is why they are successfully, staying far enough outside the line of being 'sued' by celebrities, complaining, calling them out or asking/seeking retractions. A source, is like a nameless, faceless internet buddy. You assume they are telling the truth, when they claim they are who they say they are. A bit like believing what they are telling you as a 'source' is the truth. Usage of the descriptive; a source, an onlooker, a friend close to, a bystander - are used by the media, to cover their backs from being sued or the magazine/site/newspaper/gossip show from being sued. That way, the lie can go out there without any retraction or claim of defamation from the celebrity. When the media, place the label 'exclusive' they have to be 100% sure in what they have written is the absolute. Because if is not, then they are opening themselves up to a shitstorm full of embarassing apologies, editorial kick up the asses and a grovelling retraction...if the celebrity doesn't decide to sue, that is.

They, like the many faceless and nameless out there, get their kicks by spreading lies, carefully wrapped and packaged as rumours. They take a well known, money-making celebrity name, where they are almost guaranteed (because of his or her very vocal fans) a story, that is believable. Because of the gossip rag/site/show (E! News, ET, TMZ...HWL, Radar, LaineyGossip, Gossip Cop...) will with run it, without checking its 'source' first, to see if its real or not. When in fact, because of the faceless 'sources' who gave them this story (mainly gleaming the crap that is on the social media networks, the media watch - Twitter being the worst offender) there is no comeback, when and if a celebrity or their representatives complain.

The fandom of Rob and Kristen is the money-making source of all the media. They like others, have a demographic made up of women; the descriptive for this would be...passionate, over-protective, loyal and true. When in fact, the true definition would be; jealous, spiteful, hateful and childish.

Those who for some deranged reason, believe that they control either actors lives; Rob out with a group of 1 or 2 guys, 'he's just hanging with friends.' Kristen out with a group of 1 or 2 girls, 'she's a lesbian.' Rob seen at a party where there are females, 'he's looking single, he's hooking up, secretly dating...' Kristen seen at a party where there are females, 'she's getting drunk, she looks smashed/taking drugs and heartbroken.'
Descriptions from 'females' mostly obsessed Rob fans, who contact the gossiping outlets with their 'speculative'...lies.

Onlookers, who see a bunch of photos and make up a story, because fan fiction is believed quicker than the truth. The media has a no brainer here. Some little jealous Rob fans, don't want him with anyone, especially with HER! Inventing multiple hook ups, imaginary relationships, ensure that their little warped sense of righteousness, will be rewarded. If you throw enough shit at the wall, its bound to stick right?

Some Kristen fans believe, that their heroine needs protecting from the ass who never cared for her. So creating a lesbian relationship, means she has 'decided' female company is better than none. Therefore, projecting their homophobic beliefs on a young woman, who would be disgusted at their warped sense of loyalty. Homosexuality is not like a patch you can take off and on. You can't just exchange it for an upgrade or sometimes be one, when the mood arises. You either are or you ar not. The ignorance is this fandom is shocking, but not surprising. Generations are being brought up in ignorance by parents, who also refuse to live in the 21st century.

By all means feed the media with your lies, if you get your rocks off sitting behind your computer, agreeing with nameles, faceless buddies - the media enjoys using your stupidity to line their pockets at your expense. Enjoy the notoriety while it lasts; you are just another hormonal driven, faceless wonder, they laugh at as one more of your fictional pieces, pings an incoming email. Believing gossip sites tell the truth, is like insisting the Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real...only until you are 11 yrs old. Of course, the let down is about as painful as seeing the truth, but refusing to believe it. A bit like for over a year now and neither Rob or Kristen are in an 'exclusive' relationship with someone else (speculation, assumption, rumoured, overheard, believed to be) - are only used by the media and idiots 'one of the same' when there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

The real world however, is passing you by, while your entire existence is sucked into this big, black hole called imaginary friends, who like you for who you are. They don't know you personally, but for every nasty comment you make, for every insult you post. For every threatening statement you write and every fan fiction story in a gossip site/show you like/retweet/reblog and agree on, your personalty comes shinning through, and boy you create a not so lovely image of yourself.

My mood from my vacation came back disconnected, with this fandom and its ridiculous assumptions. Unfortunately the loss of lives in the 'real world' hasn't helped. No life should ever be allowed to be taken, so senselessly, so despicablely, so mindless and so painful a grief, regardless of ignorant beliefs.

My heart, my thoughts and prayers go out to the lives lost, from flight MH-17. May the light of you lives have gone out quickly and you suffered, no pain.

T xx

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