"Let It Go, Let It Go..."

This fandom is an extraordinary collection of emotional outbursts. Of people telling you that you are wrong in your assumptions and followings, to listen to what they say, because they know the truth. To those then willing to discredit anything you were told by the previous person, but to follow them, for they know everything...and everyone is wrong but them.

People are losing friends, left and right. Those who they have been friends with for yrs (as long as twilight had began 2008)
Fences and battle lines have been drawn and for what, difference of opinion?
For me, the problem lies not in the difference of opinion, but in how it is projected to the fans who follow Rob and Kristen. I won't discredit sole Rob fans or Kristen fans in this, because there are some decent 'respectful' human beings out there, who feel they get a bum ride when it comes to the nasty taste the obsessed leave behind. But as shown in the photo above, it's the media's transparent lack of respect, the paps who hound and stalk celebrities to get the 'money shot' spending weeks on end camped outside either film shoot and see it as their civic duty to post daily photos of either Rob or Kristen as they go to or from work...

When they are not hounding them at airports and hurling abuse at them, oh that's right, it's become an increasing trend for either to stay as far away from walking through airports where possible - taking the 'private jet route' and flying under the radar.

I have friends in this fandom, who believe a stork will soon be delivering to the Stewart/Pattinson household. I have also friends who don't believe this, but believe they are very much together. I haven't un-followed either or discredited their opinions, because each is entitled to their opinion, as long as they remain respectful.

It's the fans who mock and ridicule those, who believe something different from theirs, they are the people i have had no time for. We can all agree to disagree, but to act like a school-yard bully (see my musings on Cyber Trolls, previous post) is just so wrong.
The obsession over this couple is beyond acceptable anymore. Fans came together and watched this couple fall in love. And good or bad, it's their life and their relationship. Haters constantly discrediting fans do so, because they are jealous of what Rob and Kristen have. They believe that a papped photo, means a relationship exists and nothing short of that will do. The 'pics or it didn't happen', 'receipts or they weren't there' Tweets from random strangers mean nothing until, the person or persons they were dismissing as not being there show up - and then...

These are the same people who refuse to let July 2012 go.
This constant battling and fighting amongst each other is monotonous and boring - Kristen and Rob moved on why can't you?
Is she, isn't she - i don't care, its got nothing to do with me and has nothing to do with you - let it go!
If they have decided to live their lives, under the radar and away from media attention, then i am all for it. The cries of 'they haven't been seen together since October 2013' mean absolutely nothing and shows you are more invested in their lives than you are your own. The answer to that little doozy is; correction, they haven't been 'papped' together, since 2013, because if you think they haven't seen each other since or before that....LOL

If people are running blogs and counting down birth dates and having baby showers - so what? Again you need to let it go. Are they writing fictional stories about hook up Rob and his every growing need to dip his pen into anybody's ink? Are they suggesting either is having some kind of substance abuse meltdown. Or my favourite, the armchair Psychologists, who have Kristen with every mental health condition under the sun - including fits of Bipolar anxiety ? Then as far as i am concerned, they are doing no harm and causing no injustice for believing or dreaming in something - true or untrue.
The people who rant and rave about 'Rob and Kristen are no more' are the same people who will ship Rob with anyone, why? Because they are Rob fans and are jealous and frightened of a young woman, who still has her 'claws firmly into Rob'

As you should be, because she owns each and every one of you. The jealousy spills over every time they comment in a blog about the fact that 'they believe' they are no longer together. Please enlighten the rest of the fandom with your wisdom. If Rob and Kristen are over, really over...then why are either not dating someone else?

Media hook ups do not count, because they are mainly made up by sorrowful and pitiful people behind their computers badly in need of attention. And don't use either friends as hook ups on the same batting team, because all that shows is your homophobic attitude to life and good luck with that. The world has moved on, as has the draconian attitude of 'sticks with stones and never in the same pile' Don't try and reuse past hook ups either, dismissed once and that really should be the end of it. Blustering and blabbering that 'you know for a fact' please, the pity party left last year and must have left you behind.

All in all, those who protest the loudest, generally do so out of fear of being wrong.
People can generalise or speculate about Kristen until the big fat cows or chickens come home, but the fact remains that she is still very much part of Rob's life. They're just not living under the papped stalking spotlight and good for them. I don't need to see  receipts to know they are together, i don't need to have a papped photograph of either slipping through an airport and i most definitely don't need to stalk their friends instagram accounts to try and follow their movements, seriously? You really need to get a life!

Rob Pattinson has only had eyes for one female since 2008, i know it burns some people, but you really need to get over it. You can throw up the past, it won't work. Hook him up with anything with a pulse, it's just a waste of imagination. Bottom line, the truth is much easier if you just accept it and...

"LET IT GO...."

T xx

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