Rob and Kristen Deserve Better...

A long time a fandom far, far away...

There used to be a group of people, who believed in a relationship between Rob and Kristen.
There used to be a group of people, who did not believe in a relationship between Rob and Kristen.

It was fairly easy - spots with spots, strips with strips.
You were either for the relationship or you were against it - there was no in between. There were no naysayers or flip-floppers, or angry bitter little trolls - we knew on both sides who the enemy was - Robsten (still hate that word) or Nonsten (against Rob and Kristen)
Good times, good times.

Now it's beyond ridiculous, beyond comprehension, beyond belief, that the downright bowels of disrespect are being played out on public boards, public blogs, public twitter accounts for all to see.

Let's get a few things very straight;
When you have a public blog, it's there for all to see. Your opinion is your opinion and if people like it they read it, they may even respond to it. But if they don't like it, they don't have to read it. And if they comment on how they feel you are doing a 'disservice' by posting your opinion on a public blog, that is yours to do with whatever they want...then expect to be treated with the same kind of 'attitude' that you present to them or those who also post on the blog. It's just an opinion, an expression of feelings and musings and you know what, if you find it offensive - DON'T bloody read it - simple.

Differences of opinions, I grow tired, weary and so pissed off at the holier than thou attitudes of some people. Putting down, belittling, disrespecting and encouraging others to 'bully' a person or persons, just because their opinion differs from yours. Who the heck gave anyone the right to 'brow beat' a person into 'accepting' what you say is true and anyone who says different is a liar and a troll and worse than the haters of Rob and Kristen?

What on earth has got into some people; those who go to gossip blogs and post up, no, rant away at people, who have a difference of opinion. Support Rob and Kristen as a couple as much as the next person, unless they are a robsessed hater, and trust me there are a lot of them about!
IF you don't agree with a person's opinion or expressed concern, again, the rule of thumb suggests so what? Accept they have an opinion and what if it's different than yours, as long as they are being respectful - why get your knickers in a twist over it?

Kristen's weight gain yes or no? *bangs head on desk* The biggest debate since the ludicrous suggestion of a pole to 'get rid' of Robert Pattinson for Edward Cullen (Yeah some people in the US DIDN'T know who Robert Pattinson was - funny that?)
You know what? I am so sick and tired of the sanctimonious people, who call others out over this - it's downright pathetic. Childish behaviour that represents this fandom right now!

You don't believe Kristen's pregnant - good for you.
You do believe Kristen's pregnant - good for you too.

Two stunning women (Kristen and Tara)
You see when you go down that childish, mean girl slippery slope, of calling out people, spreading hate and lies. Posting angrily and hatefully in blogs, twitter or public boards, you are no better than those, who spent every waking moment from 2008 - dismissing Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as a couple. Oh wait, that's still happening.

I could say that the majority that do this, are mean spirited teenagers/college eds. who are on Spring Break right now and need somewhere to vent their frustration. As they lay claim they are 'true Rob and Kristen fans' needing to 'protect Kristen from a bunch of people, who are spreading lies about her and the invisible condition' all over a public blog, that should be private. Or attacking a person who posted up a video privately to a few people and told them specifically 'do not post this anywhere else' and was re-posted, re-tweeted and re-blogged ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE!

To the point that the person who did this, because they have media contacts and thought it would be nice to show a few people what she was able to maintain...the mean girls, the horrible and downright disrespectful of this fandom, have seen this as another avenue to attack this person.To spread about that 'well she shouldn't have posted it in the first place' Really...that's the excuse to take something that was deemed 'private' and spread it everywhere. But not only that, discredit what was or was not seen and then continue to attack and bully this person. For the purpose of what exactly?

Mean spirited, hateful, vengeful and downright ignorant - this is what this fandom has become. There are no true fans anymore, because true fans would not be this disrespectful. True fans understand that others have different opinions than their own, but have come together, because of the relationship of Rob and Kristen. But that's just it, isn't it? Half of the people who are behaving in such a despicable and embarrassing manner, don't believe there is a relationship. They 'run' to Hollywood Life with lies, gossip to Gossip Cop with untrue gossip. Repost from online gossip blogs, that have always spread lies and hate, claiming they speak the truth, when they have always been called out for their lies...

Oh wait, they tell lies?
Double standards are very much alive in this fandom and sucking the fun out of everything in it's path. You call yourself a fan and yet publicly speak about areas of Kristen's body and claim those who 'think' she is carrying a baby are 'loco in the head' 'delusional and pathetic' but at the very same time, they are forever banging on about 'how skinny she still is, how she doesn't look any different from .... last year'. You are behaving no better than those, who are red circling baby bumps or baggy clothing.  You are resembling the very same people, who constantly objectify Rob and his looks, his swagger, his legs, circling his groin and fingers, while swooning and sighing over the Dior ads (still shuddering over that porn-fest in the fandom)

THAT is disgusting, because he's a human being, not something to slobber and get your 'rocks off' over. And i am sorry if you believe this is the norm. because women objectify over Michael Fassbender, Ryan Gosling and others, so doing it to Rob is no different? Yes well, say that to their significant others, when they see women who claim to be fans. Setting up blogs over their obsession and objectifying the person 'they' are with. 'It's harmless fun' no it's not when you stalk movie sets and spread lies about them to the media. OH that's right - Kristen can't speak up about it can she?
To the point...
She can't speak out and tell those women to stop making blogs about her significant other, because it's demeaning and disrespectful. She can't show that it's downright disgusting to have photos posted all over the internet of the groin area with cackling women (some old enough to be his mother) blowing the images up as they 'obsess' over him. And yet the same women, attack 'certain' bloggers, because they are being just as disrespectful and demeaning to Kristen - how so? By suggesting the young girl is expecting?

How many actresses get put under the 'media baby watch spotlight' with fans 'whispering, suggesting or assuming' whether she is pregnant or not? Look at the headlines and you will see that Angelina Jolie is pregnant, having affairs, getting married, having plastic surgery, adopting more children - every single week. And that's just one actress the 'media' has got wrong, time and time and...time again.

The trash-toids are filled with lies, lies and more lies and people stupid enough to believe the media knows what it's saying, eat it all up. And yet a few insignificant blogs, an insignificant opinion, seems to have divided this fandom into a war zone. Those who have these blogs or have formed this 'opinion', haven't gone to the media expressing their 'happy concern' they have just spoken to like minded people about what they think - true or not on a blog or twitter or facebook, tumblr or public/private board. But it's those who disapprove, are the ones spreading the 'opinion' all over the place, not those who are voicing it. It's those who disagree about what is being said, feel the need to repost and retweet this 'opinion' everywhere. So really who is carrying it to the media?

Asking a blog to be shut down or go private, asking a person or person's to stop speaking about this 'opinion' all over the social network. Asking fans to choose a side - for or not for a pregnancy or relationship - who on earth made you Queen of the fandom?
Rob and Kristen deserve better...they sure as hell do. They deserve fans who will respect them, regardless of their personal lives. They deserve fans who will understand that it's their lives, their right to have or not have a family. To work or not work. To eat or not eat and to hide from the media and give those who have hounded them relentlessly - absolutely NOTHING. Because at the end of the day, this fighting, this explosion of disrespect doesn't affect their lives one bit. We are just fans, we do not feature anywhere in their lives, we don't have a voice or opinion about their lives, that they will listen to. So really, the only people we are annoying, being disrespectful and downright stupid ourselves.

I am a fan of both; their personal lives do not affect me. I adore them as a couple, but i respect them as the persons, the individuals that they are. I don't encroach on their personal space, but i won't ignore other people's opinions. I won't loose respect if someone doesn't agree with my opinion, they have the right to express theirs as i have the right to express mine.
This is my blog, my opinion, whether you want to read it or not. I am not forcing you to read i am not forcing you to click on the link and therefore give this blog another hit. If you leave a comment, remember - respect costs nothing and if you choose to lower yourself and attack me for my opinion, that's okay. I won't resort to name calling and being a bitch like you want me to be. I have a delete button and i will use it. I respect your opinion, but if you attack mine for no reason - then that's why you will be deleted. Its fairly simple and incredibly respectful.

T x
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