Dangerous Minds...

"God is like Robert Pattinson: It’s not the person you have a problem with; it’s the fan club that freaks you out."

I have a lot of thoughts running around my head; like, respect doesn't cost a thing, so why is it so hard to be respectful to people, you don't know and would never get the chance to know?

And i am not just talking about Rob or Kristen. Although goodness knows, some people in this fandom really need to go outside or get a life - the amount of hate they generate behind their monikers. I'm talking about those who seem to attack on a daily basis other people, based purely on the fact that they don't agree with what the other person's point of view is. I've been blogging through various accounts since 2009 - WordPress and now Blogger - so i am not new to this game. I am also not new as most of you know, to this fandom; having stumbled across it through a mutual interest in the Harry Potter books and movies through my two eldest boys, one who has Autism and just adored the magic behind Harry.

So i get the passion, i get the interest and i even get the obsession - to a point. What i don't get is the hate and the obsession, which kind of goes hand in hand with the complete and utter devotion (it seems) to Robert Pattinson.
My interest is and always will be in the two people who brought Twilight to life, and thus sent both actors into the stratosphere. With fans falling over the film list of Rob on IMDB to download or purchase anything he had ever done prior to Twilight and anything up and coming - thus his obsession was born.

I don't run a blog, outlining my fascination or any other kind of impulsive need aimed at Rob, so my views are pretty open to interpretation - honest admiration and genuine appreciation. Those who travel across the various blog accounts, understand this and i monitor my comments section, routing out the stupid people leaving asinine comments, purely for attention. So i am shocked at the recent events and the downright stupid attack on one fan called Vernier, who got a chance most of us would have given our left arm for - being able to meet and watch Kristen direct a music video, during a trip to Nashville for her friend Sage.
WTF is wrong with some people?

The hate on Kristen is bad enough from women, who either seriously need therapy for their Obsessive disorders, which are multiple, or they need to find themselves someone who will give them the attention they clearly need. As they spend most of their waking hours, drooling over photos of Rob in anything he does, while making up fan fiction stories that either feature them in the starring role or a blonde model, Caitlin Cronenberg or the latest hit - Katy Perry.

But to attack a fan who was generous enough to share her experience online to anyone who wanted to read it - have you seriously lost your minds?
It's bad enough we have blogs that have been created to vilify Kristen or objectify Rob, now we have blogs where either the narrator is making fun of fans and their points of view or comment sections filled with fans (a loose term) attacking other fans, because they just so happen to mention the 'elephant in the room' and for what?
Their opinion doesn't match yours?

GET OFF your fucking moral high horses and grow the hell up!!
Oh incidentally, i couldn't give a rats arse (British slang)

The state or condition or either actor. I am happy in my knowledge, that i am not that obsessive. I have listened and read the points of view - both vast and varied, and my opinion is as it has always been;
'It's NOT my life and NOT my relationship'

I am a fan and i don't feel i need to overly obsess over the two actors i follow. Nor do i need to put down other people's points of view,  proving just what kind of cyber bully i am. Cyber bullying another person says more about you than it does them. It shows your complete and utter disrespect of someone you don't know anything about. Yet you feel you can justify your nasty comments as 'just stating my mind' NO it's not, it's called bullying and it's disgusting!
This fandom used to be a fun place, now it's just filled with dangerous minds - attacking and hating each other when they are not obsessing over Rob or hating Kristen.
It used to be a place where people logged in and chatted with like minded people; enjoying the hype of Twilight and watching two people fall in love off and on the screen. Of laughing at the witty banter and hilarious mind of Rob, as he was interviewed without the need to sanction or watch what he says - in  case he insults his obsessive fanbase (that didn't last long)

The people i see online - once they were fans. but i wouldn't call them that now. Since 2012, there has been a change, a shift in what constitutes as a fan and what is seen as a cynical hater. Where people once gathered together supporting a young couple, who did not follow the Hollywood trend of appearing at anything, including the opening of a Shopping Mall. Now its the worrying trend of 'anyone who tweets they have seen them together is a troll' or 'anyone that suggests that Kristen may or may be pregnant is a hater worse than a Nonsten and incredibly disrespectful. Oh yeah and a troll'

YET and i state this quite clearly, as far as i am concerned, the trolls are really the people who cause a nuisance; wandering over to other blogs and posting nasty comments, purely to get attention and get their rocks off getting that attention. These are the people who are on one side of their face, supportive and respectful, while on the other side of their face a nasty hater; making fun of other people for pure entertainment. Claim they are Rob and Kristen fans, when really they have always been a Rob fan and the idea he may be single (because it's been ............. mths and still no papped picture of the two of them together) excuse, plays a more prominent part in their fantasies. So when someone tweets they have seen them, their twitter account gets attacked until the person deletes - because the stupid drama is not worth the hassle.
If you don't believe they are together, then why are you wandering around Rob and Kristen blogs, posting your disgust and argument? Unless as i have stated time and time again, you need the attention to make you feel YOUR opinion is that special?
If you are Rob fans, stick to your Rob blogs and leave those who 'believe their love is one that has overcome a hell of a lot more, than what your small mind could ever comprehend' alone. I have no time for the robsessed; they are a bunch of dangerously obsessive women, who spend all of their time objectifying a man who will never been theirs, while attacking anyone who suggests he is STILL with Kristen.

So it comes as no surprise when i read the list of names, who attacked a fan for having the 'gall' to speak about Kristen in such a way and take photos of her.

Yeah, you must be pretty happy with yourselves, showing your mean girls status? The same people who would be absolutely thrilled if they where the ones who had the chance of meeting either Rob or Kristen.

Final thoughts
I started this blog as a fan of both Rob and Kristen - that has and never will change.
I couldn't care less what they do in their personal life; who their friends are, where their friends go and what their friends do.

When they are not working, they are entitled to have a private life. I don't need papped photos; invading their personal space by disgusting parasites, to prove to me they are together - their lives, their relationship!

And i couldn't care less if some members of this fandom are on baby watch - it doesn't bother me, it doesn't penetrate and invade my life and if some people are thinking that way - it's better than tagging Rob with every available female on the planet, thus believing he is some kind of manwhore - which he's not, clearly. Or spreading rumours that Kristen is in some kind of Lesbian relationship with any of her female friends. Or threatening family members, friends accounts and posting up disgusting rumours to any gossip hack, that will pay over the money for poorly written fan fiction.

This is a blog, dedicated to the work, love and mutual respect of Rob and Kristen. Don't agree, don't read, don't follow and don't feel the need to post your tirade on why you don't follow my line of thinking.

It's as simple as that.
Tempest x
I just had to add this - so cute!! Rob's latest girlfriend; a strawberry blonde lady called Daisy. Let the rumours begin.
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