When Thoughts Collide...


I reared digital moonlight
You read its clock, scrolled neon
across that black
Kismetly… ubiquitously crestfallen
Thrown down to strafe your foothills…
I’ll suck the bones pretty.
Your nature perforated the abrasive
organ pumps
Spray painted everything known to man,
Stream rushed through and all out into
Whilst the crackling stare down sun snuck
Through our windows boarded up
He hit your flint face and it sparked.
And I bellowed and you parked
We reached Marfa.

One honest day up on this freedom pole
Devils not done digging 
Hes speaking in tongues all along the 
pan handle

And this pining erosion is getting dust in 
My eyes 
And Im drunk on your morsels
And so I look down the line 
Your every twitch hand drum salute
Salutes mine…
I have seen so many 'fan' interpretations of this poem, it was like Poetry 101 in 'Creative Writing' class all over again for me, which i loved by the way. I, like most, sunk my heels in while in Education and from that, came away thankful, more knowledgeable and with better understanding.

The very fact, that this young actress has stirred English Professors to defend a piece of personal and meaningful decadence; her poem in itself speaks of human feelings, of passions and confusions - to which those who have a very narrow point of view when it comes to this gifted and forever misunderstood woman, didn't understand and so, they attacked.

Ridiculed through misunderstanding, through confusion and jealousy. They would rather sully the creative words, with hints towards an older man, a tryst, rather than see it as a form of a love poem. Of expressing her deep feelings for someone, she is almost stopped in breathlessness in 'his' beauty.

We can all confess to have studied and exalted in creative writing ourselves, but the fact remains, that when a glossy magazine such as Marie Claire decides to publish one  of Kristen's works, haters of this gifted actress come out in force. Including the media to try and decipher the words and sully its intent.

Hence the need to defend; to open people's minds (some smaller than others) to the realisation that Kristen Stewart, is not a one dimensional bimbo, who has had it 'good' until she went and 'ruined it' or she should have kept her 'hands off Robert Pattinson' and thus saved herself this 'hate that she rightly deserves'. The hate comes from women jealous of her because, she has been successful in her work at such a young age. Has movie industries bowing down and offering her roles on a silver platter....oh and did i forget to mention the real reason, the crux to this all...the man 'every girl young and old' want?

It's this very reason that drives this hate, that has the media and journalists salivating at the prospect of bringing her down. Of hounding her relentlessly, because she doesn't smile and wave and give the media what they want. She doesn't kiss ass, she doesn't apologise for who she is...you either like it or you don't, but Kristen's not going to change herself for anyone. And that includes 'multi million dollar movie moguls' in the industry. 
She's not a Disney Princess or a media darling, like so many of her generation. She's brutally honest and her own worst critic. No one can say that she doesn't live by her code in life, too many are too willing to mock her for her plainness and her humility. Her removal from the bright lights that tempt so many in Hollywood, suggests she is awkward and difficult and not worth the attention or adulation of one young 'hot' Hollywood actor. But so few seem to forget that it was he, who was 'armoured' with her, when they first met all those years ago at an audition.

Her creative piece of work, struck a cord in those who were enraptured by her words. Words that made a lot of sense, if you could look beyond the deep seeded jealousy and mockery, that was presented of course. As i said at the beginning of this post, there have been many interpretations of this poem, some thoughtful and well written, others stemmed from the dim view that she speaks about a break up and estrangement. Collective interpretation when others see something you don't. is what creative writing in particularly poetry, is all about. We each read the same story and from that, interpret a different meaning and so on...

A regular in the blogging world herself Rae H. happily offered her services to decipher the meaning behind the words, that Kristen beautifully and personally wrote and she has willingly shared her 'Interpretation' with those who want to respectfully read it.

My Heart Is A Light Thing That Revolves Around Our Time Together

I was raised in precision reflected light and beauty.
You saw this face spread brightly in the dark.
We were destined to surrender to each other.
I bowed to rapidly follow even your smallest success.
I’ll cherish this deep beauty.

Your soul pierced the harsh hearts.
Newly covering all of the senses ever imagined.

The media invaded everywhere, exploding outward carrying
Something, without limits or boundaries.

While the camera flashed in the challenge of press and fans, 
It was invasive beneath their intense stares.
They stealthily followed, invading our privacy.
He struck the public in the face and it flared up and caught fire.
I spoke up; but you refused to move on.

We reached Marfa….. Strange and surreal.* (Marfa Texas home of unexplained phenomena.)
A measure of reality, a space of time, away on this liberated perch.

Tabloids and media are still working to dig up dirt.
He’s phoning/texting across Texas;
And this grieving loss is making me cry.
And I’m now intoxicated on your morsels these sweet bits of you.
And so as I look into the future
Your smallest gesture finds an echo in my soul.

Interpreted to the best of my ability….Rae.
If there is one image that sums up everything about Rob and Kristen, it's this one. The complete and utter surrendering of respect and love. I have never been interested in what the media twists and turns for it's own agenda.  For i know for a fact, that the media is a lying game of those willing to spread those lies to sell a story.
So it doesn't surprise me, that those who disagree with a relationship that is not their own, agrees with every story, fabricated about this couple. 

I guess that in order to have some kind of peace, you stop allowing the media to push you into a game you are not willing to play. (My reference to the way Rob and Kristen now live their lives)

Of course the same people who believe in the media, also believe that Rob and Kristen are no longer a couple, but offer up no evidence, other than they haven't been photographed (papped) together for months...therefore they are no more. While believing every hook up story, that time and time again have been proved false, because it's better than believing the obvious right?

Kristen for me will always be a strong force to be reckoned with. Her captivating view of life is what drove one person to seek her attention. But in the event of that meeting, she too became captivated by his light also. 

Rae H. did a fantastic job at deciphering Kristen's words and yes, i do believe it was written by the skilfully woven hand of Kristen. With doubt comes negativity and with negativity, comes distrust and this fandom is filled with such people. Disbelieving anything that is set in front of them, that becomes so glaringly obvious. I am sure there will be those who disagree with her work, she has offered up an explanation as to how she came to the understanding behind the meaning of each word and line. You can find the full summary on another blogger's site; SRWN - Tumblr - Poetry 101

Tempest x
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