Putting Words Into Kristen's Mouth...

While i am writing this post, i still haven't come up with a suitable title...

Having the clarity of 'getting myself as far away from the drama seeking, social media' To just sit back and watch the lengths and breadths some people will go, to cause the amount of desperate bullshit i have seen flung around. It has afforded me less headaches, having to wade through the offensive faecal matter daily, less time sitting with a 'WTF' look on my face as i watch how completely 'over the edge' some people have gone, and they are just the ones who had been for the past 4+ yrs, supporters of both Rob and Kristen. Never mind the attention seeking haters, who love to see their names printed up in lights and discussed to the point of euphoric dizziness, like one of the 50 shades books!!

I cannot tell you, the amount of times i wanted to physically reach into my computer screen and slap so many upside the head...because i lost count and simply chose to shut twitter down. Better to keep my thought process to myself and stop the maddening merry-go-around, so many seem to be stuck on - as they cry, criticize and continue to read the bullshit, offered up to them so willingly on a platter.

My point in this post, do i have one?

I have no idea. Several weeks ago i took a long hard earned summer break (It's summer in Oz) and that seemed to be a cue to those, who don't like what i write, but come in to look anyway, that i have somehow given up my Rob and Kristen crusade. I didn't do what some other bloggers do and post during my vacation with my husband and kids. (It's called a vacation for a reason; social media and faceless people behind social media, do not count) Although some of you i am sure are lovely people, i don't share my family time. It's personal, protective and not meant to be discussed by other people...

Which, leads me nicely onto another family, who don't like to share their personal life (yes dogs make a family. They are not social statements or something nice to look at, until they get fleas or their paws get too big or your kids get bored of them and want a candy bar instead)

Recent Marie Claire interview first, then i will tackle the rest of the bullshit.

"Back in the living room, where a Bugs Bunny cartoon DVD plays on mute, she lights a Camel filter, slides open the glass doors beyond which her dogs, Cole, Bernie, and Bear, are whimpering and scratching, and then comes back, exhales, and sits, twitching her feet in vain attempt to burn off excess energy."
Now, colour me surprised, when this little ditty was leaked, all hell broke loose (on both sides of the fence) with people suggesting first of all, that Rob has given up Bear (WTF) and they now live (the dogs that is) in a broken home, thanks mainly to Kristen.
Are you all on crack??? 
Never mind the usual 'smoking brigade, weight watchers brigade' and any other support group, that stick their stupid noses into a young man and woman's personal life!!
Lets get one thing drilled into the stupid people's heads shall we?  
DOGS are not commodities, they are not fashion statements, a la  Paris Hilton style! They are not used in some emotional tug of war! I don't know what kind of home life, some haters and stupid thinly veiled supporters come from, but as far as i am concerned, when you get a dog, or dogs as the case in point, you give them a home, a loving home that is  - as they become part of your family, they see themselves as part of your pack. Not to be shoved into a handbag and paraded around like a Kardashian attachment!

But of course, you have the 'his dogs' 'her dogs' they have some kind of 'time share on the dogs' Rob gets them when she is working and Kristen gets them when he is working - as some kind of kooky deal drawn up by an imaginary lawyer, with dodgy credentials only ever dreamed up in fan fiction scenarios - or bought online, whatever tickles your fancy?

Again, WTF are some people smoking?

These supposed fans are discussing the 'emotional mind set' of two people, they don't even know, but feel they have some kind of 'stake' in telling their willingly stupid followers, that they 'know' what goes on in the life of  Rob and Kristen. They are either a sci-fi experiment; a kind of mutant, that can change into a fly and buzz along to one of the walls of a house either are in and listen to everything that goes around them....(hey if Rolando Blanco can do it?) Or they are just bullshitters (much like Blanco) needing the attention to make themselves seem relevant? I know which one my money is on...
Because Kristen has the dogs in a photo shoot and interview (that has more journalist interpretation, than actual hard facts) that was done between the movies, 'Sils Maria' (as in Kristen came back from Europe for the photo shoot and the interview was concluded in November) after she came back from 'Anaesthesia'

The dog that has the confusing name - Bailey or Cole?
I personally couldn't care less and won't be losing any sleep at night, worrying over whether this is another Max/Jella combination, or Rob and Kristen are playing the media by embellishing the truth (a little) but the little pup is relevant throughout the shoot (oh she loves that dog more than Bear and Bernie!!!) Thus concluding that B and B are Rob's dogs!?

Sticks up people's asses again i see?

I often wonder, when i see the (crystal clear) feelings of some people, as they blatantly speak on social media about a celebrity, 'do they actually spend as much time and emotion over their own relationships?'
The answer as always, is a shocking 'NO' as they devote so much time and energy wallowing, subjecting, analysing and bitching about two people, who they don't know from the next stranger. But feel it's their duty to speak freely about them; obsess and possess them like some kind of 'need to have' emotional attachment. This print interview was fine on the surface for what it was; a few of Kristen's words strung together and then taken apart, because the shallow media (Ken Baker and 'his' Side Show Bob - Marc Malkin of E!News) like to dissect interviews and give their 'own' analysis; "Kristen was talking about her 'affair with Rupert the ugly Bear' and being split from 'Pattinson since 2012"
ORLY....so all we got in 2013; including the stalker Rolando's hounding up until Rob and Kristen decided to 'protect their relationship' didn't happen? As far as i can see it did and that is not me suggesting 'i know what is going on in their lives', that's just 'proper analysis' and not over obsessing about it. 
BUT according to this painfully see through (you had an agenda to stroke your own ego) interview, this person was more interested in creating some kind of bohemian existence of Kristen Stewart; living in a house that looks to be not lived in (because it's not) as you can tell by the sparse furniture he mentions and the lack of anything personal. Except the statue with 'FUCK' written on it (i have a feeling that was an 'in' joke on Kristen's part for the interview) You have to only understand one thing in all of this, if your hate filled brains can stretch that far...oh wait...

THIS is a multi-million dollar actress; she has starred in a mega movie saga, has been acting her entire life and is still acting. Even after 'her' preferred break, to you know...chill the heck, from all the work she was driven by passion to produce. Why would she be living a sparse existence, in what looks like (describe as) the bedsit of any college student?

Yeah, only those who are willing to make a drama out of this, can't see the woods for the trees. Anyone with a tingling of common sense, will know that both Rob and Kristen do not, have not and will not, let anyone into their own 'personal domain' for an interview; hotel rooms are always that 'thing' or a friends home, rental or even a place that is now used (most likely) as a place to chill with friends - or in this case, an interview. Beyond that, people are reading, reacting to the wrong thing and for that, the drama in this fandom will forever be boring and unnecessary.

His life, Her life, this is how i see it. When and if and how they allow the likes of papped sightings (watching them drive around in cars all day long, is the latest, in just how boring a paparazzi's life can be) or sneaky when told 'no' photographs of them out with co stars, just chilling and not 'distressed, distraught' over print interviews (the Kristen hater was strong in this one) and selling it to TMZ and any other gossip celebrity site, who wants to mention this poor souls desperate attempt at being famous. I hear Hollywood Life is beating a path to your door. 
The more i see the need to 'project' personal beliefs on these two, the more i am inclined to shake my head, sit in my bunker where bullshit cannot filter in and watch the world  go around. As crazies; haters with agendas, supporters who don't actually support, flip-floppers who need their hands held and told 'it will be alright' and green with envy robsessed, make their lives incredibly unhappy, as the talk about the one person they want to be, more than anyone else in the world. 
Continue to tag her 'boyfriend' with anyone, who marginally looks at him, or sits beside him. Harass and cause a nuisance to those, who still support her as not only a very confident and soul searching individual; whose acting has surpassed a lot of her age, who owns her life and lives by the mistakes she has made...
This girl/woman, owns her life and lives it how she wants to. She doesn't owe anyone who hates her or those who follow her, a damn thing. The very thing can be said about Robert Pattinson also. You can tag him with as many women as your shallow view in life can handle. Have him embroiled in a list of affairs as long as your imagination can think up. Have him hate her, move house, split their dogs up and run around looking 'relieved' in your analysis (more like psychosis) to be away from her and everything to do with her...

But you don't know a damn thing and all you are doing is making yourself out to be an idiot. 
Take a look in the mirror and describe what you can see? If you see someone who is happy in their life; be it young adult life or scarily as in some cases, married, much older life. Then you are spending far less time 'obsessing' over a celebrity couple's relationship, that has little if nothing to do with you and instead, you are 'supporting' them by watching their movies and enjoying the knowledge, that it's the little things that 'scream the loudest'

If you see something else...
I choose to be on the side of 'it's none of my business' i couldn't care less for airport sightings, or dinner sightings or 'rolls eyes' car sightings as either go about their business. I have never been interested in the papped 'stalking' of two people when they are not working, getting on with their lives. Yes it's been nice, but as of April last year; when after months of hounding, of watching everywhere they went.  Obsessive following of their friends and family on the social media...of constant harassment to dizzying levels of embarrassment - Rob and Kristen have stuck a big middle finger up to everyone, who want to inject and project their beliefs into their lives and instead allowed the bullshit, that has been flung from both sides, to slide down with every lie eventually uncovered.

So this interview said nothing new, other than what a lot seemed to miss - the dogs are theirs, despite the 'her dogs' as the fans understand, Bear, Bernie and now 'Cole' have a home and that home can be any one of the home(s) they live in. They are surrounded by love as any animal should be, both adore the dogs and that has been noticeable in any interview they have done. Their love for their animals is not half hearted, or whenever the time arises, or when they have nothing better to do. It's unconditional, much like the love, respect they have for...each other.

Tempest x

*Post edit; note i have finally given this post a title, let's just say it means what it says 'don't' put words into Kristen's mouth. And that goes for those who hate her or like her and for journalists, who can't think of anything suitable to write, so they develop armchair Psychology instead.
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