A Little Update to Soothe the Fraying Nerves...

People calm your bits, i was on a family vacation with my kids, which means no internet and no posting, sorry you have to understand RL takes more priority than worrying about the haters and harpies on both sides duking it out amongst themselves. I will come back with a post on Monday and yes i am fine and yes R/K are as always, getting on with their lives despite the fan fiction theories some people like to roll with.

If you want to believe the hypothesis that Rob and Kristen are no longer, please be my guest but guess what, you know about as much as the rest of the fandom, so sit down and shut up and stop with the 'i know more than you do' crap...it's wasteful and meaningless and very 'ner ner' school yard bullying (i see some things haven't changed in my absence?)

Those who are fans sit back and allow the 'TWO' people in the centre of the 'RELATIONSHIP' to get on with it. Without the need to try and 'i told you so' theory. There are some out there that need to be slapped with the 'knock some sense into you' stick...so many to smack, i wonder how strong the stick really is?

Anyway, as i said, calm your bits, stop worrying and just concentrate in being a fan....
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