Jackets and Hoodies and T-shirts - Oh My!

Fandom politics have never made much sense to me...
Personally speaking; if you don't like one person or the other. If you don't like them as a couple - then go and find some other celebrity to stake your claim on. Why the need to spread hate and hysteria over 2 people. you don't actually like?

Before the birth of social media; fans of the stars would pick up a copy of a well known celebrity publication to get their fix on what was happening in Tinseltown. Now with the touch of a button, millions can access pages and pages of...'other people's opinions' not just the media, who have always spun a tale or two to get people rushing out and buying the magazine with their article in it. Too many web-bloggers with their 'need' to fill in the blanks of the gossip. Too many 'fanatics' spreading lies and assumptions to get their '15 mins of fame'

Why can't fans simply be happy with the people they follow; their careers, their happiness in their lives? Why do they need to know 'everything' about the person they follow. Stalk/'follow' their families and friends. Leaving sometimes, embarrassing comments on twitter feeds or instagram accounts. Including those insidious of minds; filled with hate and jealousy. They believe by spreading their hate around the social media, they are somehow vindicated. As if somehow their voices, their opinions have the right to be heard. The constant drama of 'who is dating who, who has decided to go after the opposite sex. Clothes swapping is just the latest craze in their deluded minds. Oh but it's not the clothing that the couple wear, no that's not the issue anymore. Now it seems that if Kristen is seen out with her friends...then her 'friends' are either clothes swapping by ways and means of showing that they are now 'all together girls'
The recent obsession or dismissal, whatever way you want to look at it, is in the 'change' to Kristen's body shape. The latest 'who is wearing what' is as ever, an increasing circle of desperation. Does it really matter, has it anything to do with our lives. Will it impact on our lives either way? For some, the obsession is bordering on unhealthy (very unhealthy). The constant drama every single day of what is Rob up to, where is Rob, why is he not with Kristen? For those who believe they're still a couple, why is he never with Kristen, why don't we see them together anymore?

I can answer all of these questions logically of course...
This (i feel) is the very reason, Rob and Kristen decided that they would no longer engage in the daily exposure. Why they have 'chosen' to disappear when they need privacy. No longer feeling the need to be caught by the paparazzi, as they invade their lives with their long lenses and disgusting hackling, every single time they went out.
The childish drama of why is 'Rob in London and not with Kristen in LA? Why did he go to London early, why did Kristen not following him - traditional style?' I saw so much of this last year; the daily cries of worrying fans, who need to know or have to know or should know every single thing they do. It astounds me this 'over investing need' of two people who, regardless of the 'projecting fears of their fans' couldn't care less what the fans think. Creating twitter accounts, tumblr, instagram or blogs dedicated to your hate of Kristen or Rob for that matter, show more about you as a person than proving you have a vast following of like minded people.

All filled with jealousy, because even after all this time (since May when one pap created a story) Rob has not been seen out or engaged in a relationship with another female. Fan made stories, poorly written by Hollywood Life or E! Online mixing it up with X-17 Online or even pulling the wool over People's eyes, does not a real story make.
That also includes the bitter cries of 'Kristen is in a relationship with one of her 'girl' friends' it just shows the desperation in some people to prove one thing or another. Nettie Wakefield (good friend of both Rob and Kristen) is just the latest in the long line of 'conquests' Rob has had (according to the bottom feeder media) did they learn nothing from the embarrassing 'slap' in the face of Marc Malkin and Ken Baker of E! News, when Dylan Penn 'outed' the ongoing rumour of a 'secret relationship' between herself and Rob, by simply saying in her own words 'God no!' that's a bit like 'hell no i wouldn't touch that' meaning, he's a friend through Kristen and i am sure she has met him on countless times...but, um...wrong undead vampire folks.

While fans still pander to the gossip media, that doesn't know it's ass from it's elbow. While they still follow idiots online who 'insist' they are insiders, when i could pull off being a better insider than them and trust me, I am not! While they listen to those who used to be 'die hard' fans, but are more bitter than the bitter people they used to ridicule. Flip floppers or high horse know it alls...this fandom is never going to change and will miss some of the greatest things still to come.
I can't tell you how much i am looking forward to the great things to come. To the new movies, to the new challenges and yes, to Rob and Kristen continuing to protect their private lives, like they have successfully done to date. I don't need to see them together; hounded and papped to know they are together. I simply have faith and know, that when two people find each other and want to be together...

they move heaven and earth to make that happen.

tempest xx

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