Time and Tide...

Wait for no man...
The New Year has arrived...
another wave of resolutions some may never keep.
Out with the old and in with the new...

and yet?
The bitterness in this fandom is as always - present.
Could it be that even with the seasons of joy; the too much wine and too much food, people still find time to log into their social media accounts and attack, bitch, moan and generally cause a nuisance, because life would simply suck, if you didn't at least troll once into the New Year?

*Getting off my 'holier than thou' platform*

The tide has changed and with it, a new wave of hostility. Of 'i know something more than you do' the newly appointed 'troll insiders' with their need to prove 'they are speaking/posting the truth' when in fact they are just being trolls and trolls are scarcely listened too...at least that's the sensible way of looking at it.
So many want to have you believe they 'know things' when in fact, they are simply gaining attention from those, who are 'disgusted and dismayed' at what the trolls are doing. And yet, they are the very ones keeping the attention focused on the 'insider' person. Ergo - fame and notoriety. If people aren't talking about you, then you have clearly failed in your attempt to infiltrate the fandom with your 'insidery' spider senses.

For some, it's been a crap year personally. Others in this fanbase have seen it as simply 'sucking' on a large scale. 2013 (the 13 should have clued a lot in) was for some, a very emotional year and it's end was very much needed. Some lost family members, others lost friends so really, the closing of the year brings as always - fresh hope.

I would like 2014 to be very different. For people to stop and think first, before they move their twitchy fingers to back stab or complain. The people filled with deep seeded hate and jealousy - need the responses; the knee jerk attitudes to make themselves feel important. Lord knows i learnt my lesson of getting too involved with fandom politics, which really when you think of it - no one wins. Of setting myself up by defending those who have been maliciously attacked, only to be attacked myself for speaking my mind. This is not about real life this is about internet time, spent in cyberspace socially interacting with faceless people. Internet identities some hide, others choose to show and the rest use for malicious intent.

But the bottom line is this;
I joined this fandom in 2008; to interact with like minded people, who both supported Twilight and the actors behind the characters - Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. I didn't join it to have to defend myself or my opinions. I didn't join it to take sides. I joined it to share my happiness at the movies, that brought so many together. To form friendships socially, to enjoy my escape time from my real life, just for a little while and not take too many things seriously.
I joined it, because i saw something in two people, that was both rare and untouched by Hollywood's need to 'control' it. I saw a friendship and i saw a love. A love, that has had it's challenges; has had it's fair share of heartache and pain in many ways. Has had to fight tooth and nail against those trying to destroy it, and yes i do still see it today.

You give me a valid explanation as to why you believe it's no more (not including the various stories, both haters and the media/tabs/photogs have tried to produce, unsuccessfully i might add) and i will consider it. Hating Kristen Stewart is not a valid reason, hating Robert Pattinson is not a valid reason either. Consider the fact that it is neither your life or your relationship, therefore unless you can come up with a valid, truthful or reasonable excuse as to why Rob and Kristen are no longer together (pictures or it didn't happen is also not a valid argument) then i will concede. Until then...

I don't need people pretending to be an insider and spread muck and hate over the internet, to challenge my beliefs. I have eyes, ears and a heart, i have faith and my support still in two people, who as far as i can see are living 'their lives, their way'
2014 is going to be a busy year for both of them. Work is as ever present in both their lives, i for one, am looking forward to the movies that are going to come out this year - both strong, both exceptionally brilliant in content and character. I am going to as always, support their future projects.

As for their personal lives?
I come from a time period, where we were all supportive of the idea, that Rob and Kristen found each other and took steps to protect what was theirs. I feel that this is something that has been lost somewhere along the way. This obsessive need to 'know everything' following/stalking friends and family on social media, has left a lot of people with a bitter after taste. It's not why they joined this fandom and it's this, that has made so many turn away from the constant hate, drama and negativity.

The only drama i see in Rob and Kristen's lives, is other people's 'projected' drama. For the couple whose lives seem to be a constant source of 'need to know' they are getting on with theirs; enjoying down time with friends and family and simply...living. I would suggest that those who need to inject the drama, start the new year by 'living' your own lives and less time trying to 'live' theirs.

Rob and Kristen to me, have always respected each others 'need for privacy' that hasn't changed. Their unity is in respect and love, it's in not allowing the hate that is so very present in today's social media, interfere with their lives and they will continue to not allow it in. It doesn't matter how much the media tries to paint an alternative picture - the truth always comes out in the end.

So i am going to raise a cyber glass and toast the beginning of a brilliant year to come. Of positive thoughts and respectful wishes. Of a fandom filled with respect and no hate. Of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, continuing doing what they have been doing and enjoying every single moment of it.

Cheers to a brilliant 2014!!
tempest x

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