I Believe...

I don't know about you, but i had a wonderful Christmas...filled with laughter and happiness; nothing better than waking up to see what Santa Claus has left your youngest and the delight in her eyes as she frantically tears into the wrapping paper from the gifts under the tree.

Christmas isn't just about that for my household; it's a time when we can sit and enjoy the meaning of Christmas and families we miss back in the UK as we Skype them in the small hours of Boxing Day morning (UK tea time) to wish them Happy Christmas...
It's the small things like that, people take for granted. As they sit 'even' on Christmas Day, taunting and bitching about the nature of Rob and Kristen's relationship, sexual orientation, or whether she is going to have an 'alien half breed' like Scully had in The X-Files.

I tweeted that i had treated myself to a Christmas present and went out and bought the complete box set of The X-Files and i have enjoyed reliving some fantastic memories of the cult TV series, that not many people understood, or wanted to understand, but it brought about the phrases 'Trust No One' and 'I Want To Believe' and they remind me so very much of this fandom.

There are so many out there who just don't want to believe. Believe that the media has been spinning your a pack of lies, offering you 'no' evidence to prove they are telling the truth, and yet so many have fallen for their 'conspiracies'
They assume the Rob/Kristen/Twilight fandom is filled with teenagers who have no sense, but to fall for their pathetic attempts at gossiping time and time again. They 'reach' with their insinuations that all is not right in the world of Rob and Kristen; they haven't been seen together in ....... months, therefore it is concluded that they are 'not together' when in fact it's very simple, so simple, too simple of an explanation.

'Its nobody's business but theirs'
and when you think about it, fans and haters should respect that. Wait, what am i thinking...they don't.
You have the non believers in this fandom who have decided to take it upon themselves to spread the word in a very insidious manner, that 'all is not as it seems' as they infiltrate the fandom and only post when they want to cause drama. Meanwhile acting all innocent and supportive. They tend to rile the doubters up with their cryptic messaging; as they cling to the idea that Kristen is spending way more time with her 'girlfriends' than her actual 'boyfriend' and if he was still her 'boyfriend' why hasn't she been 'seen' with him?

Seeing doesn't mean anything, especially when 'seeing' involves allowing the parasites to take their photographs, something i have 'seen' to have taken a very dark and nasty turn since earlier this year. How stalking is the norm for a certain group of photographers, who have decided they are better at judging the nature of a persons relationship as they remove the correct dates, alter/doctor the photograph they have taken and 'lie' about when it was taken. But it hasn't stopped there, because you have 'certain' gossip reporters who add only fuel to the fire as they send out mixed messages in their reports, 'insinuate' relationships are taken place when they are not and when called out on their lies, accuse members of this fandom of being crazy...

Excuse me, but when did 'searching for the truth' make you crazy?
Oh yeah, Mulder and Scully would know all about that, wouldn't they?
It's very simple; a couple's relationship is always filled with speculation, rabid speculation that is.
When there are those out there who don't 'want to believe' that the very reason that Rob or Kristen have not been seen out with anyone else, dating or otherwise is because the truth is always more simpler than the lies.

It doesn't matter how many 'rumour' another female talking or walking past Rob or another cast member who just so happens to think he is cute. Or rather than accepting that Kristen is still with Rob, accuse her of having a 'gay relationship' with several of her best friends. People who have known her for years and who she has known and can trust in this very dubious world of fake friends and even faker media people, who want to be your friends. Sources are not worth a damn when they tell nothing but lies, but the media industry is built up on a wealth of lies as they try to bury the truth.

If you don't believe in Rob and Kristen then why are you still here? Why are you still following sites that do believe, are you frightened of missing something? It seems to me the people who don't care, have given up, because they based their support solely on what the paparazzi could release as they hounded and stalked Rob and Kristen, no matter where they went. It didn't matter that they both looked uncomfortable, insecure, angry or hostile towards the parasites snapping their photos - Rob and Kristen were together, evidence was proven. Now that they have decided that the whoring out to the media is over; they are no longer in a franchise and therefore being 'spotted out together' back then was good publicity for the franchise...

They couldn't give a toss whether fans demand they are seen together, couldn't care less if the media makes stories up about their relationship or in the media's case, lack-thereof therefore they invent other relationships to spin a story...

Rob and Kristen have proven time and time again that they simply don't care.
They won't sell their relationship by talking about it, by promoting it or whoring it out to any media outlet, who simply 'want the truth' They won't give into the fandom's demands that they 'prove they are together' if you don't believe fine, if you do believe also fine, but it has no impact on their lives either way.
The media wants you to believe that they have 'inside' information when they don't why? Because anyone who has been following this couple for nearly 5 yrs now, will know through their own mouths, that their families and friends don't speak to the media 'I don't know a single person who is called a source' - Rob.

Not one person close to either would divulge anything about their relationship, just so it could be turned into gossip - Rob and Kristen are private and their families and close friends respect that. The media decides to tell lies, invent stories that did not happen and hey presto - the invention of liars and haters was born. Those who sit amongst the fandom and spread gossip in their little groups of supporters and the media feeds off that gossip.

Dylan Penn was just one of 'many' conquests Rob Pattinson was reported to have had the 'pleasure' of knowing since May this year. When you read down the list of the 'female companions' this British 'stud' has been linked too, it makes you question the media's need to prove he has 'long gone and moved on'
All his fans 'swoon and sway' because he's the 'perfect gentleman' kind and considerate, fun loving and humorous, smart and witty...handsome as the devil in a suit...and yet, they have him pegged as a womaniser; non committal, sleeps with every woman he meets. Basically he has no respect for women, according to his fans and media alike. He has just got out of a long term relationship and he is treating women like a piece of meat, or according to some of his fan fiction writers - he always has.
Fan fiction writers, who don't read or listen to any of his interviews when he is open and honest about the type of person he is. Therefore this past 5 months of hook ups and partying, couldn't be further away from the kind of person Rob is.

But hey, i have always believed...
Privacy and respect go hand in hand. If Rob and Kristen have managed to hold onto what they have got, by making sure that their relationship is worth a hell of a lot more than having to endure the paparazzi and fan obsession, then so be it. I will stand by and support that kind of healthy attitude towards those, who 'believe' their business is knowing Rob or Kristen's business.

It doesn't matter your hateful attitude towards a relationship you only wish you had, because you spend so much time living vicariously through it - it's not yours and you should just get over it and move on.

Relationships only get better with age. When you have been through a lot together, been tested many times, took the rough with the smooth and have come out - together, it's worth holding onto.

In Rob and Kristen's case; turning your back on other people trying to create a relationship, based solely on what is seen in the media, was the best thing they could ever have done.

If you don't believe, can't or won't see the truth, then clearly you have lost your way and need to go and find some other poor insipid celebrity, who will live their lives solely through the lens of a camera, including any relationships.

Final thoughts...
As we prepare to ring in the New Year, just like Mulder and Scully (David and Gillian; photographed in October 2013 - above) I believe the truth is 'as always' out there. Those who believe see it, those who don't are blind to it. Ignorant to simply live their lives causing drama, because their lives are so filled with hatred - why would online be any different?

Twilight will be forever remembered, just as will Rob and Kristen, for bringing the characters to life.

Very much like Mulder and Scully; Rob and Kristen have been through a lot of persecution and lies (in real life) but unlike fictional television drama characters, they can't just simply switch the channel over and watch something else - they have to endure, but it's the endurance that makes them stronger.

Happy New Year to everyone; may it be filled with blessings and happiness as you look forward, but never back.
It's going to be a good year...i can feel it.

tempest x
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