All Good Things...

Hello all...
I have taken some time away from the online mind games in this fandom. Reflection is something that we should do once in a while. to take stock, to view life, to see the importance in what we do.

As you know, there was a very special person in the Rob and Kristen fandom who passed away unexpectedly. A lot didn't know her as she never moved in the same circles as they did, but for those of us who knew her, she will be fondly missed.

As for the rest...
People who feel the need to fill a void in their lives with trivial matters, concerning the relationship of Rob and Kristen, will forever live in the darkness of blind ignorance. They will continue their need to 'prove other people wrong' find comfort in the lies that they spread and the rubbish the media invents, to fill that need. The need to dramatise, to compartmentalise emotions they know nothing about. It's too easy to pass matters off as 'if not seen it doesn't happen'
I deliberately took some time away, to look at what on earth this fandom was doing to itself, eating each other from the inside out. The hate, the drama, the need to prove you are speaking the truth. The 'don't trust sources' 'trust only these sources' there are no liars, only game players.

The fractions and the fractures have proven one thing - nobody knows a thing, except two people who are not telling anyone. This is how it has always been; for those who are having a hard time understanding this, it's not your life. You can dramatise your own life, give false hope on what your relationship consists off but for Robert Pattinson and Kristen know absolutely nothing. There are bloggers out there who will make you 'think' they know things but they don't. They are about as much in the dark as you and I...
The difference being, i am not trying to prove a thing. I don't have a legion of '......landers' behind me; backing me up, supporting every single post i write, every cryptic tweet and deliver. Instead, i speak from the heart; my objectivity stems from reading stupid and listening to stupid. To those who still mistakenly believe that celebrity media speaks the truth and others who cause drama, confusing reality with fantasy. Calling out those who believe that to not date anyone other than the person you have been with for a long time, means you are gay. To have male friends or female friends in certain parts of this fandom, means you would rather be on the same team than be with the one you want to be with.

Because 'they' don't want you to be with that person.
But 'they' are not part of your life, 'they' don't call the shots and 'they' should concern themselves with their own lives and leave others to theirs. This fandom consists of so many 'they' people; people who can't allow the simple comfort of 'truth'
The truth is always far simpler than the lies, that are spread through hate.
You can spread as many lies, invent as much hate as you can muster, but the bottom line is those who do this are afraid of the truth. They would rather live in the land of delusion, believe that this couple is no longer and Rob has a dalliance of many females at his beck and call and Kristen has moved on with...another female, but the truth always comes the end.

All good things...
come to those who wait, this i believe completely. For those still wrestling with the idea that Rob was 'secretly' dating Dylan you feel that egg sliding down your face? But this is it, this rumour spreading, lie inventing crap is something that boggles even the most intelligent of minds. Why?
Why go to all this trouble, just to be proven wrong? Does your hate for either person consume your life that much? Is there nothing left in your souls for any kind of redemption?

This i will forever not understand, grown women and young, dismissing the idea that the two people who are the only ones to make that decision are Rob and Kristen.

I wish for people to just stop; take a step back, evaluate your own lives and move on. God knows it's going to get a little bit embarrassing when you start to see things you don't want to see. When those you cling so desperately to, don't deliver the goods you want. When the lies implode on themselves and leave you feeling even more confused in your obsessive little world than you already are.

Media correspondents - king idiots as far as i am concerned. Tweedledum and Tweedledee aka Ken Baker and Marc Malkin continue on in their delusional little way of believing their 'sources' when they are nothing but thinly veiled liars, haters spreading the hate, because their lives are so boring...

while Rob and Kristen, continue on doing what they have always been doing - not letting the outside world in.

I bring you all peace and in peace, i give you. Look to your loved ones and remember the time you have with them. Life can be cruel as it calls the shots; when it can be taken so quickly and so easily away from you. I wish you all a very Merry and peaceful Christmas to those who celebrate it and a wonderful prosperous New Year.

To Kim (Divine and not forgotten) up there smiling down on those who knew her, keep weaving your spell and keep the love you have always had in your heart, shining like a beacon, like a diamond.

Tempest xx

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