The Story of Rob and Kristen...

You know this fandom is all kinds of fucked up don't you?
I have spent the best part of a Sunday morning sitting with my mouth hanging open like a fish, as i read the retweets from twitter overnight with my name attached to them - absolute hogwash and horse-shit. Considering (reading back on Saturday's tweet) i never mentioned names i said, this fandom is messed up, completely and irrevocably - messed up. You have those who still support Rob and Kristen; believe in their love and their respect for one and other. Want nothing but happiness for both of them, despite the hatred spewed about and the media's intrusive fan fiction write ups. Then you have those sitting on the fence, don't totally believe they are together, don't totally believe they will get back together, but will throw verbal rocks and stones at those who do.

You have attention seeking insiders and those who may or may not have insider knowledge. But at the same time, you have once upon a time insiders; feeding the stupid people their pious bullshit, because they once had the glory and threw it all away by being stupid. You have those who dedicate their meagre existence by hating on Kristen - everything about her, everything she does or says, because she is with Rob and no matter what shit they have had flung in his direction with hook ups...he hasn't stepped out with anyone since Kristen. Or those who despise Rob with every fibre of their bodies; believe he's on some kind of downward spiral of destruction or he has more STD's than half of the momma porn stories out there of bondage and red rooms of pain.

Universally challenged in every step you take, as you manoeuvre around the fractions of this fandom when it's no longer a fun place to be. Why? Because when you have people who offer up their opinion and then mock every other opinion out there. Despite the fact there is zero evidence to support anything one way or the other - the joy of being a supporter is snuffed out like a candle. There are those who simply don't want happiness to come, because while they see Rob or Kristen separately, it means in their prejudiced minds, they are not together and anyone who says they are together are deluded and need to get a life.

If i am to be called delusional, then i will happily sit on my delusional boat and watch the world go by. It's better than dissecting every photo, every interview, every snippet of information. Stalk their friends on Instagram and follow them obsessively on twitter. Kristen doesn't look like this, Kristen doesn't look like that - why, because you said so, therefore your word goes? How very pompous of you. And if you see people who disagree with you, then call them out on their disagreement and make fun of them. Behind your locked accounts, where you think they can't see your comments about them. When in fact the very people you poke fun of are followed

Bottom line; this is a fandom, a collection of people who follow a person, place or thing. In this instance person(s) and it's those persons, who are subjected to the daily obsession of those wanting to know everything about their lives; where they are, whose house they live in, whose friends they are out with, which ones are they 'not supposed to be friends with, because when you split from your ex you split from their friends...'
yeah, you get the gist.

I have never spoken about Kristen or Rob's personal lives in my blog, other than to sometimes defend their need for privacy and i am not about to start now. Just because others have offered up their opinions as fact (according to their followers) that doesn't mean they are. Unless you can supply concrete evidence to your opinion one way or the other it's just an opinion and that's that. But you see some others take it too far; they throw their opinion around like it's some sort of given fact and they assume people are going to believe them, which *shakes head* they do, because it's 'follow the leader' in this fandom of late...

This used to be a fun place to be...
Now it's full of hatred; Us vs Them (how ironic)
It's full of 'i speak as fact and unless i get receipts, invoices, photos or it didn't happen' what i say goes.
It's full of throw a couple of bird seeds around and cryptic messages; but forgive me if you believed every little thing i have said as fact, i never said i was right, your reading too much into my words.
It's full of worriers and flip floppers, not quite sure which fence to sit on.
It's full of haters who say it with a smile, a psychotic grin, that sends a shiver down your spine.
Bottom line; it's full of nameless, faceless people - all operating under a name that isn't really theirs. But feel they can bully and mock behind their monikers and not have to worry about the outcome or the feelings they actually hurt.

Why did i get annoyed...?
Because no one knows the truth. No one has the facts, only what is shown. No one has evidence to support anything other than what the media is playing to them, while they dismiss it in one hand and take it back and believe it in another.

Because, it's their lives, not ours. It's their future, not ours. It's their happiness, not ours. Rumours, suggestions, assumptions, that's all they are. My opinion is no more important or believable than the next persons, but what i believe or what i honestly think - i will not disclose online, unless i have 100% proof. I wish some people in this fandom would think that way too and then maybe half of the crap that is written in the media about Rob and Kristen, will somehow stop.

Do i believe Rob and Kristen are together?
Yes absolutely. Show me evidence to support why you think they are not - and i will show you evidence to support they are.

Anything else is known as 'wait and see' because this is not our story - this is the story of Rob and Kristen.

Oh and incidentally; no names where mentioned in this blog post. There is a fine line of respect that some people cross and never think about the consequences. Needless to say i resort to holding my head up high and walking through the slings and arrows. 

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