Closed Minds should come with Closed Mouths...

It's not very often i rant - who am i kidding? If you don't know this blog by now you will never know it!!

But it seems we have a new development in the 'stupid is what stupid does' category of this wild and wacky fandom. And that is those who have 'homophobic tendencies' when it comes to Rob and Kristen. Don't get me wrong, this is one big rainbow coloured world we live in; society depicts we should all fall under the umbrella of 'white and straight' pity society didn't converse with God when he was making the universe, because that 'man got it so wrong' (the society man needs a sit down with Morgan Freeman aka God) 

By any stretch of the imagination (and very few muppets who gather around their social media places to 'hang out' don't actually carry a PhD in imagination, would understand, that when someone spends some time during the holidays with friends and's that, and nothing else.
WHAT, no Rob how can that be? Thanksgiving is all about Rob; Rob eating a feast big enough for 10 people. Rob hanging with his buddies over this festive time with Kristen, Rob eating the desserts she slaves over - because Rob gets Thanksgiving and it's all about Rob...oh and her family too.
BUT wait, she did what?
Yes it seems the close minded in this fandom deduce, that because we saw 'fragments' out of Kristen's day, by a handful of pics 'tastefully' taken by the oh so gracious photographers - aka; she was stalked to her parent's home, where they snapped continuously outside, while she tried getting into the car, followed by her brother, father and friend...

What? friend? (Goes to the code book of all things 'Thanksgiving' to look up the word 'friend' but, but she was with her family, why was her friend there. Why wasn't Rob with she gay?)


As you can imagine with all things Rob and Kristen, there is always drama. Stoked up by idiots, who really have nothing better in their lives to do. Forgive me for painting a very dim view of some people on here, but when you go about whispering loudly behind your hand, that Kristen has 'chosen' what side of the fence she wants to be, because she is seen hanging with two girls who are friends of hers; suggesting that there is something 'going on' because her two friends just so happen to be gay...i find that not only distasteful, but very disrespectful. A person's sexuality seems to be up for discussion in a fandom, where there are so many judgemental, casting aspersions, assumptions and criticisms on two lives that are not theirs - so back the fuck up and shut the hell up!!
YOU have no right to accuse anyone of being gay, just because a handful of photos are shown on a less than shit feeder, media site, The writers themselves are incredibly disrespectful and indeed homophobic (and yet they tear strips of Alec Baldwin - pot meeting kettle?)
YOU have no right to accuse anyone of 'making a decision' based on what - you numb-nut? A girl protecting a girl from the salacious and disgusting pap, who is up in Kristen's fucking face with his camera - what would you have done? Oh yeah thrown Kristen under the fucking bus and ran your yellow ass out of there!

"Kristen is distressed because Rob is with Dylan Penn and she has taken comfort in her girlfriends because of this?" Do me a favour and remove the stick from up your ass and get a fucking life! It's this crap, this media bullshit, this fandom hypocrisy, that has caused Rob and Kristen to not live their lives dictated by the fans, but by themselves. This crap of 'i miss them i wish they would come out and get photographed' happy now?

The only reason Kristen was distressed is because she was hounded and harassed by this pap Rolando Blanco (lovely man) while she was trying to get into a car, followed by her family and friend, and the fucking idiot of a pap would not leave her alone. Try having that kind of life and see if you like it? (Oh that's right idiots who believe Rob and Kristen have a sweet life, want that kind of attention. Especially so they can brag to their friends how awesome their life is!)
She was dealing with a camera shoved in her face, while her friend appeared to be trying to steer her away from the parasite, but forgive me for looking at the photo (disgusting papped one it is) logically and coming up with that reason, based on common sense!

But i forgot how some people in this fandom lack common sense, they lack any sense at all, when they go around spreading rumours, based on their own narrow minded, bitter beliefs.
If you feel the need to accuse someone of being gay, have the balls to actually stand up and be accountable for what you have said. Don't hide behind your moniker and spread rumours in private messages; thinking no one will judge you when you smile sweetly and act like a supporter, when posting 'wonderful things' about Rob or Kristen. Two faced, bitter jealousy wears thin after a while and your true colours are shown when you little façade slips.

The media spread bullshit, because their bitterness is always evident. they couldn't care less and have no stake in what they write, because muppets eat it up and spit it out for breakfast, every single day. Go onto their tumblrs, facebooks, twitter and instagrams, spreading the bullshit the media concocted and that is how this bitter little world operates - gee pat in the back for being another shit eating, bottom dweller of this fandom, you must be very proud?

Here are a few pointers that hopefully, might get through to the thick headed...

1. Rob does not celebrate 'Thanksgiving' he's British, we have never had or never will have that tradition - that's American. He does however, celebrate it with Kristen and his 'American' friends and that includes any of his 'English' friends, who just so happen to be over in the US at this time of yr (quite a few actually)
2. How do we know Rob and Kristen didn't spend it together? Apart from the 'rollseyes' *they can't celebrate it, they're not together anymore* The photos of Kristen out walking - the exit data (actual date stamp the photos were taken) was missing. Thanksgiving Day she wasn't about - as the photos are from 'before and after' Thanksgiving, but not the day itself. 
3. You see fragments in a person's life in a split second shutter of a camera, but that's not the whole day. Whoever decided that Kristen's day should be ruined by announcing/tipping off the whereabouts of Kristen should be taken out and .... (leave that to the imagination) They had no right to do that to her, to have her hounded and harassed...

But then again, when you have idiots who proclaim loudly on their Twitters, that they 'miss them' and want to see 'photos of them' you deserve all the shit storm of unhappiness upon your lives, you get. The media watches social networks, looking for clues. Those clues can form a story, that is so full of holes it leaks badly - but what to they care, it's just a story - right?
I'm done with idiots, I'm done with drama Queens, I'm done with closed minded people. I'm done with jealous bitches, I'm done with two faced muppets. I'm done with bitter harpies...I'm done with them all.

I didn't join this fandom to have to put up with absolute idiots, who have the misfortune of having internet connection and social media. Two people in the centre of all of this don't deserve people like that, to breathe the same air as them. They have done absolutely nothing against those who hate and spread rumours about them, their sexual preferences, the friends they have and the family, who brought them into this world. But unfortunately this is the case...every single day...a sullen existence for those who love to cause the drama.

Karma is a bitch and she loves taken names, you'd better be careful your name is not on that list. Remember the old saying 'what goes around, comes around'

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