Long...Runs The Fox...

I thought i had got over the need to address this shambolic of a marriage, that was Liberty Ross and Rupert Sanders, but hell no! Nothing like a woman scorned to get my 'snarky' therapist's' juices flowing...
I will however, promise to be diplomatic, when i cut through the drudge of hypocrisy, with the words 'So, Ms. Ross, how is this helping your children's coping with not only their family unit broken, but also throwing their lives BACK into the public eye again?'
You see, despite people's opinions and my god, in this fandom - they are overly invested and filled with self-righteous dogma, to claim you are 'moving on' since the divorce from your husband; the ever lying, cheating and cunning fox that he is. Wouldn't you show it by at the very least, displaying the 'new you' tastefully and not fill the 'once upon a time' glamour magazine, now favoured in the trash-toid section of a newsagents...by skimpy see-through clothing? 'Wet and desperate' i personally like to call it.

A year and a half has now passed - people have moved on (well, some people) and all of a sudden a certain 'model/bit part actress' decides it's time to show the world, that she is back and better than ever...by?
Dragging up the past.
A past that is only seen relevant in the minds of the haters and so called 'Rob fans' I call them so called fans, because any fan of Rob's would not purposely crow and brag over this article. It shines a shitty light on not only the person 'she' is aiming to hurt by discussing what happened in July last year, but it also throws shit in Rob's direction too.

Last year; i adamantly stood by my beliefs and my feelings as i took to this blog and tried at the very least support the theory, that there are two sides to every story.
The fact that the 'persons' in the centre of all of this said nothing, albeit a questionable few quotes, that the media love to 'spin' in 'scandalous' circumstances such as this. The 'scandal' is still played out by those, who feel they are doing so, because Rob was wronged and Kristen should be punished - and this article is no different than the narrow minded who think this way. When you consider that the 'wronged wife' openly admits that her marriage was in trouble long before Kristen came on the scene. Sorry, but my 'suspicious antenna's' prick up when i read comments such as this.

Call it what you want, but when your marriage is in trouble, you either fix it or you walk away from it. Ah, but this is Hollywood and when you have a young up and coming and very 'hot' market commodity such as Kristen...

Explain this at your leisure, but i take a dim view of someone, who saw their marriage heading for splitsville and decided to use the media as a platform to reopen old wounds. She is "happier than she has ever been" and in a new relationship with a millionaire? Well good for her - glad to see some things working out for Liberty.

Speaking of happily ever afters...
It doesn't surprise me, when i logged onto the cyber-web of all things happening, that my TL on twitter all, but exploded with delight. Photos of Rob and Kristen - driving in LA (geez and i was hoping Rolando could have gone with a different story?) It kinda dampened the spirits of the Ross camp on Vanity Fair...didn't it?

The cackles and cries of frustration, made Halloween even more traditional, as hags took to dismissing this as nothing 'Rob driving behind Kristen - how boring. Wait, is that Rob? So they are driving and spent (according to the super non-sleuths at E!) 4 hours together (kind of creepy, that they were timed) big deal, it means nothing'

Ahuh...you keep telling yourselves that. Keep living in that hole of denial you dug yourselves into in May and are still, breeches deep in the mire. Maybe Ms. Ross has joined you there, considering she too is living in a cloud of belief her story holds, some kind of relevance in this petty world?

Of course this can't be believed, oh no!
Robsessed - not best pleased with the latest development...
After 6 months of privacy; months where they haven't been seen together (publicly) Rob and Kristen are papped leaving 'his/their' home. Gasps of delight hit the fandom, squeals of happiness as the photos were promised and of course, wouldn't you know - E! of all things hypocritical, snapped them up and decided to stick their own 'saccharine' angle to it all.

Desperation sure smells funny...
*No i am not putting up the papped photos. I'm sure if you are reading this, then you no doubt have already seen them on the fan sites such as Kristen Stewart News and Robert Pattinson Life and not via the media outlets.*

Cries of PR mean nothing in the grand scheme of things - truly desperate is truly desperate. And on another er 'fan' site, sounds similar to obsessed (holding onto my sides) there is a suggesting from a very deep and meaningful...fan fiction writer, that Rob and Kristen have been secretly married and the 6 month separation period, a prelude to a divorce being finalised, is the very reason for the 'meeting' at his/their home.
Excuse me, once again...

Desperation knows no end...
*Special thanks to @Petegirlsmom for this fantastic gif, that sums up the idiotic theories*

Honestly you know what? At least the madness is consistent. I would be very disappointed if the delirium were to stop. But come on, you wonder why the likes of HWL, Lies and Shyte and RadarOffline come off with stories such as this?

Oh and a final note; if you feel you are going to take apart this post - i give you fair warning...make sure you have an argument that will stand and not with the theme of 'Kristen has ruined Rob's reputation, she has ruined his career. She purposely did this to embarrass him' crap, because that temper tantrum is better on the pages of the gossip sites. Where as i have said, their fan fiction is about as transparent as one of Liberty Ross' outfits - or lack thereof.
Funny how the magazine that boasts her interview is the same company a certain raven haired 'clinging desperately to a reboot of her career' sister works for? Give you a clue, her last name is rhymes with Loss.

Oh yeah, and Liberty - who outfoxed who?

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