The Invention Of Lying...

I've been in this fandom a very long time...
I started this blog in 2009, after i saw two people fall in love. I didn't need a gossip magazine to tell me, an entertainment show to show me. An insider to whisper it to me, i saw it with my own eyes.

And in that time, i have seen various waves of hostility over one person or the other. It's like watching a see-saw in a children's playground; one side goes up, while the other side goes down (one opinion needs to be heard over the other) I have sat back and watched haters of Kristen, battle it out with haters of Rob - equally as passionate about their feelings and equally as wrong in their opinions. Because neither have actually met the individual they hate, but yet feel that their 'freedom and right to form an opinion' is justified. As the years have gone on (5) various fractions have come and gone to make way for new fractions; new levels of hate and jealousy. New reasons to voice opinions, to the point, that i have had to stop and think to myself 'why?'

Why is there this ridiculous need to prove one way or the other, they are NOT together?
What does it have to do with your life?
Why can't you just simple settle with the idea, that either are happy?
Why must you invent lies and spread rumours to support your feelings of hate and jealousy?
What does it matter if someone else's opinion differs from your own?
Why do you feel the compulsive need to visit sites/blogs/social networks, who don't support your beliefs and spread hate?

This 'mean girl' policy is old, tiring and now very boring.
The constant need for drama; fuelled by those who essentially sit on the internet - sometimes hours on end, just to be offended by someone else's opinion.

If you are a fan of Rob; you can't support the idea, that he's with Kristen and if you are a fan of Kristen; you can't support the idea, that she's with Rob.
I didn't realise there were rules that stated, you can't be a supporter of BOTH?

The lies that are spread through gossip; the media is a prime example of how that works. People, gullible to believe that the media, will always tell them the truth, set themselves up daily to be let down. They follow entertainment blogs  religiously, regardless sometimes of their own basic common sense. Gossip sites are called 'gossip' for a reason and gossip does not necessarily mean it's the truth. Bullies hide behind gossip faithfully, they see it as their way to 'prove their opinion' by commenting on sites that hold no interest in them. Fill pages of their 'idea' of what goes on in a person's life - when they know absolutely nothing.
You have this spillage of 'insiders' good and bad - gossiping behind closed direct messages and emails - support is not the issue if you hate either actor, it just fuels your petty need to spread more lies.

The more lies that are spread, the more victorious the haters of either are and so runs this vicious circle. The daily attack on supporters of both is not new, but there comes a time when you have to think to yourself, are they this bitter and obsessive in real life? Hiding behind monikers doesn't excuse you or your ridiculous tirades and attacks on people, who don't agree with your opinion. Especially when it's driven by hate?

If you support the actor, then equally respect the fact, that their private life is not up for discussion or ridicule. That's how a real fan should behave.
You don't go to blogs, whose policy is different than your own and demand that the people there 'believe' in the story you are trying to 'force' them into believing.

If you believe that Rob and Kristen are over; that he's moved on and she's moved on - then what are you still doing here? What does it matter if other people don't agree with same thing? Because you feel the end justifies the means in which, you purposely visit blogs and message boards, spreading your opinion?

This fandom used to be a fairly happy place. Fans of Kristen adored watching her play their book heroine - Bella. loved reading and watching her interviews and getting a better insight into the actress and how passionately she felt about the characters she plays in her movies. Fans of Rob did likewise; enjoyed watching him transform from a virtual nobody (unless you were a Potter fan) into a Hollywood name. Read and watched his interviews, getting a better insight into how his mind works, when he is preparing for the roles he plays. He brought Edward Cullen to life and they adored that.

Now it's just filled with hate; hate on one side or the other. Women proving once again how disgraceful they are in their jealous rants and deceitful beliefs, that 'their' opinion matters because Rob and Kristen owe them that much.

Gossip sites meanwhile, have you right where they want you - believing in their lies. Their spread of hate and jealousy is fuelled by those, who are willing to contact them with a fictional story about either actor. They in turn, make sure that they have their avid reader populous, by suggesting that they are 'policing bad gossip' supporting the need to be 'first with the gossip' always there with the 'scoop' when really all they do is sit around and twist their stories to suit whatever sells - and right now any story featuring Robert Pattinson 'without' Kristen Stewart sells.

He could be having a quite drink somewhere and he is hooking up with ...............
He could be visiting his local gym and he's 'leaving a friends house'
He could be driving to the supermarket and he's 'just had a crisis meeting with Kristen over the dogs'

Gossip sites don't care; they have images, that the freelance photographers (parasites to many, but you know them as paparazzi) give them, with a short narrative as to when, where, who and how. A lot of the time (85%) it's not accurate, because some freelancers believe they're the next 'hotshot' journalist.

You don't believe me?

You only have to look across the broad spectrum of gossip sites to get a different story in each. Sometimes they have the same one up. But if you look at the wording, you will simply see, that they have copied and pasted word for word what the first gossip site put up as 'fact' or 'exclusive' when the only exclusivity is the photos and not the story.

So really who is being fooled? The fans; who believe that Rob and Kristen are trying to maintain some semblance of a private life - away from the glare of gossip and invented lies. Or the media/gossip sites; who need to invent a story to make money? Therefore the haters of either, can spread their gossip and fictitious rumours as fact to any site/blog/social network, who do not support their beliefs?

As i said, a vicious circle...
And it's a circle, that will keep on spinning until the very bitter end.
And that end neither is looking forward to it seems - the haters or the gossip sites. Rumours circulating under the media's nose is seen as lies also. How can you believe in something that has not been printed in the media?

Media = lies?

How can you believe in the word of fans, who are purposely putting about delirious gossip?

Fan gossip = lies?

Who can you believe?
As i said; i came into this fandom with my own eyes and saw for myself, with my own eyes, a relationship that DID begin. I have always used my eyes when i need to know the truth and so far, my eyes and my common sense. Which really when you think about it, is 'using your eyes' have never proven me wrong.

If you want to believe they are not together then fine; believe it, embrace it, own it! But don't go searching for your soap box, just so you can stand up and voice your opinion and demand people believe you. Because that just makes you petty and stupid.

I know what i believe; I opened this blog and began writing in it, because of what i believe.

And until the day, when i physically 'see' with my own eyes and 'hear' from the person in the centre of what i see 'confirm' that, they have moved on and are now with someone else. Then and only then, will i believe Rob and Kristen are over. No amount of conjecture, suspicion, assumption, speculation or rumour is going to change or sway my opinion. Therefore, you are just wasting your time, trying to change my point of view.
That's not blind delusion, that's just common sense.

It's been 5 months; where two people, have given the media 'nothing' to write about, involving their lives. The freelance photographers 'nothing' to photograph and earn money from. The haters 'nothing' new to speculate over and the fans 'nothing' to hope or worry about.

In other words; Rob and Kristen haven given 'nothing' because they owe the media, the stalking, hounding paparazzi. The jealous and hate filled OR the worrisome, panicking fans - 'nothing'

And that, is how it should be...


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