Pause...For Thought...

I wasn't going to touch this subject...(latest whispers have now turned into great groans of 'lies, lies and more lies, how dare you spread these lies'!!) To anyone who will listen as they call out the liars, readying to stone them to death like they did in the Biblical times (mostly seen in movies)

But i have felt in my little corner of the world, the wave of hostility coming from all sides and have decided to speak up. Not as a defence, but as a little bit of common sense. We all know there are 'insiders out there' and no, not the ones that would make you believe they are insiders, because they lost that crown oh, so long ago. Or the ones the trash-toids have on retainer (sources from another source mother) because they don't exist and if they do, they are haters with an agenda and can't sort out the truth from fan fiction (pretty crappy fan fiction i might add)

Firstly; the rule of thumb in this fandom or indeed in any event in life, but yes, mainly this tempestuous fandom is - "Don't say anything public, unless you have evidence to back it up!!" Because this fandom will 'hang, draw and quarter you' which is a very severe case of 'what has got up your ass' but i will digress for now.

The second rule of thumb is - "Don't post anything public, unless you have evidence to back it up!" Once you put it out there, it cannot be retracted nor deleted. Too many insidiously minded people, have such a thing in their arsenal as 'screen capping' 'copying and pasting' word for word, what you post and will use it later to fling at you like week old dung, once you decide to creep in the middle of the night and delete posts or indeed blogs or websites.

SO as a general rule; when you run a thing such as a blog, you don't go making announcements, that are not credible in their information and will later be found out to be lies. Because it will forever be marked on your tombstone the day that happened, once a hell fire of hate has finished reigning down on you.

There are some 'not very bright' gossip bloggers out there, who make money out of selling 'gossip' whether it's truthful or not and fill their stories with words such as 'a close friend, a next door neighbour' as their source. Therefore, removing them from the situation, if the gossip is not true (isn't that right Perez Hilton?)

Elaine Lui (Lainey) is such another, who tends to fill her report with lengthy digs at her readers; drag on about how much the 'celebrity in question' gets on her nerves. But generally does nothing but fill empty air with information a previous entertainment site has used or shot down, but hey she's the gossip gal so she needs to get her needle thin claws into something right?

In other words - these blogs do it for the sensationalism and not for credible journalist integrity - they don't have it, so why bother? They do it knowing full well, that people may believe their thinly disguised lies as pure gossip from the 'source'
Sure they have asked around, they get their 'tips' from random people, who post in/email gossip like 'i saw ........ in ....... and he/she was with ...........' that might seem harmless, unless of course you are married/engaged/living with someone else. It might have been a harmless 'bump into' this person at a bar/supermarket/liquor store/gym or night club...but you can guarantee a gossip site/blogger/trash-toid, will make something else of it! (Isn't that right PeopleMag online?)

This unfortunately is this fandom; they dispute evidence, they cry for information then turn on it once it's given, with sceptical delight. They pour scorn on anyone, who has evidence contrary to their beliefs and invest way too heavily parts of their lives, on two people, who coincidently owe them absolutely nothing. But 'this fandom' feels compelled to be the 'net' security when it comes to photos of said couple; passed around on instagram and ask outright to the person(s) who took the photos, really uncomfortable and way out of order questions - to see if it fits their profile, fits their agenda!

There have been rumours running around for a while, so this does not shock me in the least. I have heard the rumours and have even taken part in many a discussion 'offline' between people, who were essentially speculating, because the rumours where coming from various sources. Not just one or two or even three and all unrelated. As with anything that is spoken about this couple, who quite a few adore and want to protect...some rumours go no further, than just rumours.
Rumours 'offline' pose no threat, it's idle gossip and EVERYONE gossips. If you are not making random judgemental statements, then it's not hurting either Rob or Kristen. That is why you have such a thing as Direct Messaging Service, or makes a much safer way of communicating and less chance for the media (those who hide in plain sight) or nosey haters looking for a way to attack you.

(Some people should learn this, before they go shouting their mouths off through their keyboards and attack instead of 'getting evidence to back it up!)

A few things i hope to address in this post, I've had plenty of time as i sat back and observed the goings on in some people's minds and that it's simply this;

OMGYahoo put up an article on their site, claiming Kristen was 'ordered by the director of Sils Maria, to put on weight, so that she was 'carrying' some extra luggage, to make her character appear dowdy, frumpy and puffy'
Now as someone who does have a bit of knowledge of what goes on in the movie making industry - if your character is to appear 'carrying a certain amount of weight or loss of weight, depending on the background of the character' - you take measures to 'change your character's profile' pre-production, not during.

It helps with the overall transformation of the movie, that is shot out of sequence as all movies are. I saw the crap that was written by narrow minded idiots, when the 'taken without consent' photos appeared online from poopsugar of Kristen and Juliette at the lake for the movie. I read the blatantly stupid remarks of 'look how fat she has got' when really there seemed to be more of a complex when looking at their own lives, than a very tiny in all aspects, actress disrobing for the cameras. I am not going to divulge or indeed give speculation as to what i think or believe, but the photos are out there and everyone has eyes. Hopefully good seeing eyes and not delusional 'i will sit with my rose tinted glasses on' eyes.

Needless to say, there the speculation rose and a lot, including myself spoke about it. Once again in private, as it is not deemed to be spoken out loud or indeed in public.
Again that is the general rule of thumb, unless you have 'evidence' to support it, don't divulge it!' In other words, if you have nothing to say, say nothing at all.

For the argument sake of Kristen's character looking dowdy and heavier, because it helps with Chloe's character over shining Valentine - whatever floats your boat. But the script doesn't call for a dowdy Valentine but a very high spirited and non conservative character, not fat/weighty/heavily set/dowdy.

Speaking privately about this matter and in the event it; a) might be true, b) a terrible hoax - is how most people 'should' go about when it comes to 'protecting' a celebrity or a couple in this case, from undue amounts of nonsense, that is daily thrown at them from the gossip fodder (mainly from this fandom)

There are those currently calling for certain 'blog sites' to be closed for their 'blatant' disrespect of Kristen and Rob and that i feel is not anyone's call as a fan to go around doing that. Unless 'they' are causing harm by their 'lies or 'suspicious half truths?' Like i said, look at the 'celebrity bloggers' that do this for a living. I am not making any excuses, i am merely pointing out, that if you are going to attack one, why not attack them all?

How many in the 4 and a half yrs that Rob and Kristen have been singled out in Hollywood trash-toid talk, have had Kristen; pregnant (multiple times) engaged, about to be married. Having multiple affairs behind Rob's back.
And in turn as it is currently being played out right now; how many affairs has Rob had, how many pregnancy scares has he caused, how many marriages are deemed to be happening, but yet haven't?

That's okay, because it's coming from the media and the media tells lies, invents stories. But this is inside the doors of the fandom, from the inside workings of fans and not haters, suggesting this?

*Remember that one fandom, the next time you pull up a story from Hollywood Life, US Weekly, PeopleMag, E!News or the daddy of them all - X-17 Online, and try and pass it off as truth*

...oh there is already one out there from Hollywood Lies? How convenient of Bonnie Fuller and her idiotic interns to give me more fuel for my post ;P <insert sarcastic smile>
The Awful Truth blog (helmed by that fantastical Queen of all tongue in cheek musings and obscure hidden meanings, because he craved the attention - Ted Casablanca) was a message board filled with 'insiders' with connections to either Rob or Kristen and even Summit. They prided themselves in correcting the lies the media was feeding everyone. They dropped hints when the moment was right and they enjoyed reading the happiness of the fans of the two actors in a movie, that launched their careers and their relationship in front of so many eyes.

They hid behind monikers to protect their identities and only when the 'moment was right, when the truth was finally out there' did they bid everyone farewell and left the board. Satisfied that at the very least, they shot down the gossip bloggers, peddling their lies. Made mockery of the haters spreading their hate, but in all of it, it gave Ted a very successful blog. With his comments section each time he put up a 'Robsten' themed story (yeah he was the one behind that name - UGGHHH) hitting and reaching over a thousand hits and posts. That was until haters just sat on the comments section hourly and posted non stop, their hate (yes, even in 2008 through to 2010 there were idiots 'out there') and then everyone left and Ted decided, once he was no longer getting the hits he used to get and of course the changing of the guard at E! Online, he too bid it all farewell.

So..insiders are not new. Certainly not the type to 'put things out there' without ramifications if it was deemed untrue, because this fandom is not only passionate in it's beliefs, it's also passionately Sociopathic, when it comes to being fooled.

A question was posed the other day; 'why has the media not touched 'it'?
Well, lets have a look shall we? Why would the media not touch something a 'fan blog' has posted and run with it. Surely it would make a good story, wouldn't it? No, considering 'they' are still full steam ahead, trying to sell the 'break up' story, that was only ever covered in a handful of media sites, to the point that TMZ wouldn't touch it and Entertainment Tonight seems to have passed it by as if it never happened?
In other words, it doesn't fit into the manipulating agenda, that some 'media' is still trying run with, without actual 'evidence' other than what 'one' pap suggested took place.

A lot of back peddling, more so now, than what they are currently doing. When a 'stupid' lying and have been proven over and over again to lie gossip site, has the stupidity, gall or just brainless assumption to call out a woman, who has recently gone on record and said quiet clearly, that her 'daughter was not and has not been in a relationship' with the male counterpart of the 'relationship that split up only in the eyes of the media' then that clearly proves just how desperate the 'media' is in keeping this 'split' story alive.

Lisa Marie Presley (in case some are not old enough to know is the daughter of Elvis Presley) has nothing to gain, by dismissing the claim her daughter - yes, that 'Kristen look a like red head in the truck' mishmash, has not nor has she ever been dating Robert Pattinson, because her daughter Riley is 'best friends' with Kristen.

But you see Bonnie, oh dear delusional Bonnie and her cohorts of mindless monkey's can't let that one go. They have to make a claim that 'Lisa is lying' Why would she lie? What does she gain by lying? It's not as if she's protecting her daughter from an unscrupulous womaniser (oh that's right, he is - according to the haters, robsessed and the trash-toids) or that she has done something against the law and needs 'motherly' protecting. No little rabbits run over in a fit of rage. No dogs where harmed during her time spent being besties with *scratching head* WTF??
Again, because it fits their agenda and their agenda is to make this lie stick.

Then of course the ongoing and continuous debate over Dylan Penn, even thought it has been shot down as well. But hey, they want to keep the 'splitsville' story going, don't they?
Its this daily ongoing drama, that is filling this fandom full of people, who really don't know what to believe anymore. As more call out 'some information' that may allude to happiness - depending on what side of the fence you are currently sitting - the media is spinning the lies. Concocted by the crap, they pull daily from up their tight asses.

Who to believe?
Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I can say one thing is for certain. I believe two people couldn't care less what the media is saying about them. They have kept their 'private life' as far removed from Hollywood and its underbelly of nastiness, as possible and let the lies fly over them thick and fast, since May of this year. The amount of women Rob has reportedly 'hooked up with' the amount of 'admirers' Kristen has had, when she is not 'wallowing in self pity' that is. The daily or is it weekly reports that 'Kristen has asked to see the dogs' or 'Rob has asked to see the dogs' just makes the trash-toids more bipolar than they already are - they can't keep up  with their web of lies. Never mind the insipid haters and their purpose to rid the Rob world of Kristen...everything just gets exhausting and you just have to step away from it all to get clarity and silence...the silence, is really good.

Sometimes you just have to be patient and allow the truth to reveal itself. For i have always maintained that the truth always comes out in the end...
When two people love each other, it's important to remember that it's 'their lives' and not ours to poke, prod or indeed speculate and judge over.
Even so, if people want to 'speak about it' if indeed they are privy or know some thing's about them, you simply have to be careful who you tell your information to. This fandom is very greedy, but it is also very cautious and even some have their 'own' unscrupulous agenda to protect.

Going back to sitting in my corner and observing...once again.

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