*Tap, Tap* Is This Thing On?

Oh the wailing, the crying, the grinding of teeth. The hair pulling, the gnawing through restraints. The wallowing, the howling, the shuddering and shivering. Fingers tap, tap, tapping, sweat drip, drip, dripping...creaky sounds, howling winds (of not the weather kind) cold air blowing down your neck. Lights flickering on and off and then................

Yeah it's nearly Halloween, but that's not what i am referring to - bwahhahhahha!!

5 months - that's the latest drama! It's been five months and not a sound. Not a photo, not a smile, not a glimpse into a taxi cab as it speeds away. With its passengers huddled over in the back, burying their heads away from the glare of the flashes. The need to run away from the parasites, as they chase you down a street; shouting your name, shouting suggestions, being rude, crude and very vile, just so they can get that 'photo that will earn them big dollars'
No more having to cling onto each other tightly; try and restrain the one you love, from punching the next pap that shoves a camera in your face, demanding you "give us a smile, do you think you will go the distance, does Kristen love Edward's c..k?" (Yes that has been heard on the pap videos, on more than one occasion)

SO...what does this mean?

"Rob and Kristen are over, are done. He's moved on, because he's now dating Dylan Penn - says all the gossip rags."
Yep, pretty much the mantra going around; from closed minds, big mouths and stupid attitudes. Those who feel they need to speak the loudest - are pretty fucking scared right now. They have heard some...disturbing rumours and rather than dismiss them, like every other rumour that's out there (mainly hater rumour from the pack-twit's corner) they are scurrying around like little gremlins and making as much noise as possible.

When you have your ear to the ground, you hear all kinds of fascinating things. Interesting and giggle inducing things. But like everything else, if you have a strong belief in two people; who have decided, despite the media's need - NO the media's obsession of their private life, to live their 'private' lives their way. And not by the code of Hollywood and being all PR (that's doing what all the haters and flip flopper's, whiners and wingers demand and get papped to prove you are in a relationship)

In the same token; the media on the other hand, have had Rob (sowing his wild oats) Pattinson, working his way steadily from every blonde model, bi-sexual, brunette movie star. Red headed friends of friends. French speaking models of Dior ads. Past co-stars from a previous movie they starred in. Daughters of actors, who directed your 'ex' in a movie he watched and accepted the call from Hollywood, once he found out she was playing the lead in a teen/fantasy-movie.
It seems it's been a very ah busy 5 months for Rob it seems. IF you believe in every single story concocted by the media, that is...

Personally speaking; i like to use common sense and not get swallowed up by the lies, from fan fiction writers (the haters have used these months as a writing school, to hone up on their bad literature skills.) who need to invent a better story than the last one. And the last one let's face it, was just a waste of 'minimal brain cells'
I get the usual drivel of; "If you claim to respect them so much, then why are you using a blog to post about their personal life?"

I'm not using a blog to post anything about their personal life. I have never been disrespectful about either Rob or Kristen and their need for privacy. I am a fan and i care a great deal about two actors, who literally have to deal with this bullshit of fans vs haters - obsessed v's supportive - telling lies and spreading rumours.

Just because it's printed in a gossip magazine, doesn't mean that it's true. There are countless rumours, countless hook ups. Kristen having emotional issues and Rob looking as if he doesn't give a f**k as he parties like it's 1999!
Rob is being portrayed as some kind of loose and 'single hot guy' (so says Pattinson friends)


Pattinson friends...unless you are stalking Rob or Kristen's friends on twitter or instagram - then you can't class yourself as a friend. Obsessed stalker, but not a friend and no friend of Rob's would ever, ever (snort) call Rob a 'single hot guy' because, just no. If you consider any of his 'British' pals, they would look at you as if you had grown another head, because 'we' don't talk like that. His US friends would just laugh it off and shake their heads 'dude that's not cool!'
In other words, the only people giving him labels are those poor, long suffering robsessed, who just want to see 'him happy with someone else, who will respect him for the man he is and not restrict him from the man he could be'


The more the media gets inventive, the more you have to say to yourself, just who is feeding who the bullshit?
Rob for all his 'sexual faults' according to the obsessed media, refuses to engage in anything about his private life. So if you consider that as respectful, then you will understand that 'his' friends won't talk about it either. It doesn't matter who prints it, it's simply not true and if you are not doing anything, then 'according to Rob is previous interviews' you can't be accused of anything.

Kristen has returned from Europe; i guess the retractions and back peddling are coming in thick and fast. Rob is seen driving around in LA - covering his face to stop the ever annoying stalkerazzi, from taking his photo; is he going to Dylan's fathers house to plead with him man to man, about dating his daughter. Grocery shopping for Kristen, you know she loves those little gifts of gratitude he likes to buy - or smoothing over their rift with "I've missed you, please let me out of the dog house?"
Tune in, because the gossip rags are scratching their heads, thinking for a new story to sell, to the not so bright!

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