The Chain...

Break the chain...take control?
Listen to the wind blow,
watch the sun rise...

Run in the shadows,
Damn your love
Damn your lies.

And if you don't love me now,
you will never love me again.
I can still hear you saying,
 you would never break the chain. 
And if you don't love me now,
you will never love me again.
I can still hear you saying,
you would never break the chain.

Listen to the wind blow,
down comes the night...

Run in the shadows,
damn your love,
damn your lies.
Break the silence,
damn the dark,
damn the light.

Rpt chorus twice...

Chain...keeps us together,
(run into the shadows)
Chain...keeps us together,
(run into the shadows)
Chain...keeps us together,
(run into the shadows)

*Fleetwood Mac*
I grew up loving Fleetwood Mac; they have always written such deep and meaningful songs. Especially during an time, when both lead singers underwent a personal heartache in their lives - the ending of a relationship. One that had grown with them through their college years and then, once the spotlight was trained on their musical career - it became too much for them.

Stevie Nicks, turned to deep profound lyrics such as Dreams, in which she resonates about letting her lover go; "Now here you go again you say, you want your freedom. Well who am i to keep you down?"

Whereas Lindsay Buckingham, got his point across about the loss of his lover, with such noteworthy lyrics from Go Your Own Way, channelling his bitter disappointment; "Loving you, isn't the right thing to do. Packing up, shacking up is all you want to do."

They turned their bitterness into a successful musical life story; penning some some of the most well known, rock songs of the 70's - still prevalent in today's music as the band Fleetwood Mac is still alive and still belting out their music. (I can't see Justin Bieber raking up the hits or years like that - can you?)

*Where am i going with this?*

Very simple. There is a song of Fleetwood Mac's, that i absolutely love -  
The Chain
Yes the lyrics have a bite to it, but a bite in which, if you think about it - a relationship is very much like a chain and it's only as strong as it's weakest link. And if that link breaks under the pressure of being pulled and tugged...then the relationship, like the chain, falls apart/breaks - hence the wording 'never break the chain'

But there is also another chain, a chain of responsibility and when you have celebrities in the spotlight; the media and entertainment world believe the 'they' have a responsibility. Obligations to be everything their fans want them to be. But in this age, where the responsibility gets stretched, pulled, tugged to breaking point...that's when it becomes apparent, that the responsibility becomes too much.
Robert has a fanatical fandom of women (young and old) who all believe he is the one for them. They have become completely obsessed with everything to do with the young actor; blogs, websites, message boards, dedicated to the British actor who stole their hearts as Edward Cullen. They are possessed with wanting to know everything about him; assume that he has to give back as much as they gave up a part of their lives to follow him, support his career, choose who he should or should not date....

HOLD UP - what?

Yes, THEY believe they hold the rights to decide who is worthy of the 'Pattinson charm' they decide which actress/model/gym trainer/daughter of a Hollywood veteran - he should date. Rather than accepting the fact, that it's his life, and he chooses who he wants to be with. Not his fans/media, idiotic obsessed hater or head stalker of the paparazzi.

Kristen has just as much of a fanatical fandom, but they are mostly made up of women, who just despise the person she is has been with since 2009'ish. They are not bothered about her personal life per-say, just about her career and getting the respect they believe she deserves. But they can be just as disrespectful when it comes to one person...

The fandom of Rob and Kristen; supporters of a couple and actors, from the hit movies from the 'Twilight Saga' has now turned into a war of hate, vilification, lies so many lies and the media is right bang in the middle of it. Taking notes and making up gossip, that is fed to them by those who see it as their duty to fill column inches of fabricated stories and rumours.
Little did Rob and Kristen know the kind of obsessive hate, that would be generated, simply because they found each other and wanted to be together. The jealousy and idiocy of people, who believed they were 'hurt and used' because Rob was no longer seen as this 'attainable single Hollywood hunk' SHE took him away from it all. The hate from what i see, has come mainly from that kind of thought process. Those who feed the hate, are the same ones, who feed the lies to the media.

Why can't the fans be happy, that they are happy. That they found each other. Why do they have to help create a miserable existence for themselves, but more importantly, the person or indeed the people they 'confess' to be fans of?

It makes no sense other than the trivial belief, that they will 'find someone that will make them happy!' And then what, you will hate them too and so on and on on?
One paparazzi's story; told a tale of a 'supposed phone call, a teary-eyed Kristen and the end of a relationship. Months have gone by and the story gets more elaborate as it continues. From a long standing relationship; the guy is now somehow sowing his wild oats - as if they're going out of business. He's not just tied to one women, oh no. According to the media, who is fed stories 'rumours/hints' from 'sources' who email their sites with tips...
Robert Pattinson is sleeping his way through half of Hollywood!

And Kristen?
Why do they need to care about her?
She's miserable, pulling her hair out, losing her appetite or gaining it as another string of rumours - fed by those, who don't like her hits the media online sites. She's as unhappy as she is ugly according to them. As long as she's as far away from Rob as she can be, it means they i.e the media - can make as many stories up about him, conquering any female that looks at him.

"I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain."

That's the bit that scares the haters the most, months have gone by and still the media can't pin a new girlfriend in his life. They can't pin a new boyfriend in her life, and it worries them, oh boy does it worry them.

The latest; a young up and coming model (now more notoriously known, thanks to the hater fed media) and daughter of a director/actor; who directed a very young Kristen in a movie, that was seen by Rob and thus made his mind up about auditioning for the role in Twilight (there's that chain reference again)
Kristen singing, Angel from Montgomery...
So really, who is the media trying to kid here?
Funny how one photo of a man, sitting chatting to what appears to be this young model/actress - make a relationship? According to sources...they have been secretly dating for months. That Rob doesn't want to make the same mistake he did with Kristen by flaunting his relationship in public.

LMAO - do they seriously read back what they write, before posting it?
Rob made his relationship with Kristen how?

The only people made it 'public' were either the fans, who believed in them and supported their relationship. The obsessive media, who wouldn't leave them alone. Or the haters turned into sources...
Yeah sources are those little trolls, that tend to contact the media, when they have a lying story they would like to tell. The media doesn't have to investigate the 'rumour' to see if it's true, as long as it makes a headline - they don't care.

Therefore the chain needs to be broken, between the media and the celebrity...
and they have done a brilliant job of it so far, haven't they? ;-)

ET (Entertainment Tonight) put up their list of the top 15 celebrity splits of 2013. I found it interesting, i wonder of the Kristen haters did also?
You can't say that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart didn't make the top 15, because their relationship wasn't that important - hell their relationship is way more important than say - Taylor Swift and Harry Styles (PR or not PR?)

ET (Entertainment Tonight) - Celebrity Break-Ups of 2013 

Miley and Liam made it there - so why not Rob and Kristen?
I think we all know the answer to that one?

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