Something Wicked This Way Comes...

You know i am a very patient person, when it comes to sitting back and waiting for information...patience for stupidity, not so much!!
I have found the lack of intelligence in this fandom not amusing, in fact it's downright irritating and of course the nonnies, haters, nonberts, packer-twits are just a prime example of why you should seriously think first about procreating...

The problem my dear haters and the idiotic flip-flopping losers, is that a lie when told, eventually gets found out to be nothing but...a lie. And to suggest that People are a 'reputable source of information' ah-huh really?
They're about as reliable and reputable as good old 'former' President Bill Clinton, when he stood up to address the press with the torrid 'will always be seen for the idiot that he is' line; "I did not have sexual relations, with that woman...Monica Lewinsky!"

In other words, they take their lies, sorry their 'sourced' information from the same cesspool as every other gossip magazine/site does. Hints from those lonely little people, who have nothing better to do with themselves, but to make up stories, add grainy images and 'suggest' that Rob is dating/seeing/hooking up with yet another girl - wow do they give Viagra out on an IV drip these days? Because, there are not enough hours in the day for Rob to pop the pill and sit back and wait for the ah, response, in between the hot bed of sin, he is having!!
Serene, secret smile?
Kristen Stewart, the bane of the nonnies and packer-twits existence. She is so much part of their lives now, that they see her in their waking nightmares. They need someone, anyone to support their belief, that Rob has moved on from the tiny brunette they can't stand.
They have tried every trick in the book and each one lasts about as long as the last one...debunked, caught out, laughed at.
People magazine is just another in the long line of 'we need to get this rumour our there fast!'

Bear in mind dear readers that, 'People's *Pattinson source* is the same source who 'confirmed' that Rob and Riley were dating, Katy and Rob where dating, Camille and Rob were an 'item' on and off the Dior set.
Then we have had the blondes and brunettes, the slightly dodgy hook ups he has had, on any given night. The media have him dating so many women on so many nights, does he actually sleep...i mean really, i would like to know?
YOU need those glasses mate, to hide those tired eyes...
It's my belief, that these forever pushing a fake relationship idiots, have been reading too many fan fiction stories of Edward, Eric, Georges, Jacob and can't tell the difference anymore. They believe he has the stamina and recovery speed of Edward, the cold calculating over sexed mind of Eric. The cheating, persuasion of manwhore Georges, the kind, but loving determination of Jacob and of course the latest development, the love them, but leave them single life of the character in the Dior commercial. In other words, their heads are so far up their fantasy asses, they can't tell the difference between what is real and what is not.

"Rob deserves better than that bitch" - the haters cry!
Considering with each 'dating story' that surfaces, it gets shot down pretty quickly. He is a man of very few words, because he offers up none to the media and that pisses the haters off. They try and make people believe; those insipid supporters (trust me i have seen their following list, all as mad as each other, spitting venom and screaming profanities) who follow them like little lemmings off the cliff from reality. That they 'know' he is not with Kristen anymore... i find their excuses really funny - they know...BAH!

Which is why their Queen delusional, sends photos into web-loids and 'confesses' that she 'knows' who Rob is dating. It's just a pity she doesn't clue Rob in first, so he would be better prepared and make sure he has taken his vitamins. But then again, in order to do that he would need to charge up the cattle prod, just in case she gets TOO close!!

It all screams of desperation and i have been saying this, both here and elsewhere for a while now. As the desperation gets worse, the closer it gets to something happening and yes, i do believe something 'big' is about to happen ;P
You can believe the delusional ramblings of a bunch of Kristen haters, that Rob has moved on and is enjoying his single life; drowning in a sea of sexual lust...

Or you can use your own common sense; see how happy and content Kristen is while shooting her movie in Europe (which is coming to a close pretty soon)
You can take his moments of MIA to mean one thing and one thing only, that as soon as he 'touches' US soil - the roach they call Rolando; crawls out from his festering space to saturate the internet/web-loids with his photos; swapping dates, adding more fiction, creating more rumours, hooking up more women.

Your choice of course, but i think i will leave this post with a familiar lyric, that some of you might know...
Haters and nonnies all around the dinner table...
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes.


Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing.


Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes.


In the cauldron boil and bake,
Fillet of a fenny snake,
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches' mummy, maw and gulf.


Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble

Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble


Something wicked this way comes.

BTW, this is a shout out to Haters Know Nothing;
You forgot to add this young solider to your post today. I think you will find she's the cleverest of them all and deserves a nice shiny medal for her strength, effort and determination, in keeping one young 'soon to be' Officer (MBL) in shape - don't you? 
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