A Song For Whoever...

 *cough, clearing throat*

"I love you from the bottom, of my pencil case.
I love you from the songs, I write and sing.

Love you, because you put me in my rightful place.
And i love the PRS cheques, that you bring.

Cheap, never cheap,
I'll sing your songs, til you're asleep.
When you've gone upstairs I'll creep,
And write it all down...

Oh Shirley, Oh Deborah, Oh Julie, Oh Jane.
I wrote so many songs about you,
I forget your name (i forget your name)
Jennifer, Allison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel too..
Jennifer, Allison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel too,
I forget your name.

I love you for the bottom, of my pencil case.
I love the way you never ask me why,
I love to write about each wrinkle on your face.
And i love you til my fountain pen runs dry.

Deep, so deep the number one, i hope to reap.
Depends upon the tears you weep, so cry lovey cry, cry, cry, cry.

Oh Cathy, Oh Allison, Oh Phillipa, Oh Sue...
You made me so much money, i wrote this song for you.
Jennifer, Allison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel too..
I wrote this song for you.

So, let me talk about Mary, a sad story,
turned her grief into glory.
Late at night, by the typewriter light,
she ripped his ribbon to shreds..."

(Song by; The Beautiful South)
^ THIS, song after the ah...discussion, that seems to be ripping through the fandom like a tornado; picking up speed mainly thanks to the robsessed in their quest to get to as many blogs, twitter accounts, hell even a few fan sites or three, to gleefully clap their hands and proclaim "Ding, dong the wicked witch is dead" (meaning of course who other than Kristen)

I was sitting looking at my time line this morning, just shaking my head at the hysterical rants and raves of people, who didn't even stop and think for one minute...nope they joined the lunatic fringe on the front bench and welcomed the insanity.

Let me put it in plain words that might, just might sink into someone's sub-conscious and blow out a few of those cobwebs, that have been gathering around the dark recesses of the mind. Look at the lyrics and think to yourself;

"Is this what the media and haters alike, think Robert Pattinson is capable of?"

That he is some kind of lothario; going through women quicker than you can go through a tube of Pringle's? 
He's either downing as many energy drinks as he can take in one day, popping Viagra like candy or he has become some kind of Love Guru!! Because that man has become a walking, talking ball of testosterone and no woman is safe!

I mean, how many of them is he currently dating - 2, 3, 4, 5 all in one go?
And all have been confirmed by a 'source' has nobody learned a thing about what a 'source' equates to?
Nobody?...How disappointing (Severus Snape droll)

IF you are going to believe a blurry picture of a guy, who let's face it could be anyone, standing in the middle of the Viper Room, with a girl the 'source' says is Dylan Penn (oh lord i can just hear her Daddy now!!) and another girl (blonde, mysterious) you take your pick?

Yesterday it was the Trainer - Sydney from the local Gym. Now it's Dylan Penn, who seems to be caught in the bullshit net of the media/trash-toids and i put People right up there with them. Before that, another mysterious blonde, then we have the diabolical stupidity of Camille Rowe, then Katy Perry - 1,2,3,4. We have also had the Riley Keough debate (People cornered that stupidity also with 'Pattinson's source' confirming it and Riley shooting it down, just like the others) Then there has been several nameless, faceless women - all have had a piece of the Pattinson it seems. Don't forget Mischa Barton was also caught in the net, Sarah Gadon gets thrown into the mix, every now and again.

*Do you see where i am going with this?* So many woman, so many to choose from - Rob must think he's living his life like 007 agent - James Bond?

Just like the lyrics of the song i have posted; Rob has so many to thank for his career, so many to say he loves, so many to write about...oh wait, that's Rolando and his friends. 

The haters are falling over themselves as they send in grainy images of people in a bar, proclaiming they are who they say they are with the lovely, written piece of how 'dazzled Rob is with ......' 'smitten with ......' is another one they like to use. 'Been dating ...... for a couple of (month's, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds 'you choose')
How can one man bag so many women? Because the media is painting a fucking picture with crayons and everyone stupid enough to believe them are eating it up. So far this week - Rob has been tagged with 3 women, how can that be - does he have them on rotation?

His fans, his gloriously insane fans, will have you believe he 'deserves someone who will make him happy!' How the heck does 'sleeping/hooking up your way' through half of California make you happy? Oh that's right - because its anyone but Kristen!

Look, it's obvious people will believe every rag mag out there, who want to push a story of a young, single Rob; enjoying his life and washing his ex out of his hair. You go ahead and believe it all. Next week, or most likely within the next hour, it will be some other poor unfortunate, who will be tagged with him; the girl who stands next to him in the grocery queue, the one who brushes passed him getting into her car, taking out the garbage at the same time. 

Bottom line, the media is disgusting in their attempt to create an image that is neither true or respectful. They are earning money of ludicrous stories; taken from tweets and hints, that are left on their sites and just running it, without even checking the facts. But then again they never have so what's new? 

I won't be part of that lunacy, i respect Rob and Kristen's privacy too much to put my trust in idiotic trash-toids and the voices of people, who need to go out and find a man of their own and stop obsessing over one they will never have.

*Enjoying sitting in my corner of the world and allowing the meltdown to wash over my head*
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