The Tale of All These Women...

Wow it's been an...interesting couple of days...
Has Rob been 'burning up the sheets' since Kristen 'left'?
There is one thing i cannot tolerate and that is stupidity and i have seen it in abundance the last few weeks. Heck take it further, the last couple of months. This fandom seems to be on meltdown, both emotionally and physically!
Everyday somebody somewhere, sees something and immediately hysteria begins. High emotions and vilifying hatred, now go hand in hand; one minute fans are up, the next minute they're rocking in the corner, listening to idiots talking through their asses - as they attempt to come across with the 'it's just my opinion...but' no one needs that kind of false concern. Especially, when it comes from well known haters of Kristen; those desperately clinging to the idea, that Rob has been a very busy ah, playboy - as he burns up the sheets of his bed and adds another notch to the bedpost of his conquests (he must be built that a stallion and have the stamina of one) as he goes through the 'who's who' in Hollywood? Or is it the yellow pages; open the book with your eyes closed and pick a 'random' name...

The poor trash-toids are beside themselves as they try and keep up with the list of 'available women' Rolando Blanco keeps churning out, with his fictional lies. One minute it's a blonde, the next a brunette...all mysterious i might add, until the good ole (still sane) people in the fandom do some investigating (not that hard to do when you have a computer and...ah intelligence) and hey presto, their name appears and ooh lookie, the women's status is 'in a relationship'


Unless of course, you're from the lunatic fringe, who seem to think unfaithful is a new cologne and Rob is splashing it all over himself. When he's not 'apparently' drowning in orgy inflicting Dior - Pour Homme - that is.

(Psst, Tempest it's not called unfaithful if he's free and very single?)

Yeah, you keep telling yourselves that lunatic fringe, the pain is truly excruciating when you face plant into the concrete. Tripping over your own lies as you desperately run to 'Hollywood Lies', 'X-17 Yawn Line' and 'My Radar Is Off Line' to try and sell yet another stupidly put together and full of holes story. Stories so far fetched, even E!Mews stepped in to explain 'your' desperation as nothing short of...desperate.
Kristen is all kinds of adorable here...
I have often asked the question to the not so bright and full of hate "Why do you hate Kristen Stewart so much?"
When you take away the typical vile names they call her, the reasons behind their hatred are full of nothing, but spitting fur. There is not a single reasonable explanation for their hate.

*They call her a skank, because of what she 'apparently did' last year (but these are the reasons behind a relationship, that up until then, they believed didn't exist!)
*They believe she drags darling Rob down with her sullen disposition; her lack of hygiene and looking unhappy all the time (have they looked in the mirror recently?)
* They all want him single, happy and sleeping around with blondes, brunettes, red heads...anyone but Kristen, because Kristen is the threat. Even when apparently they so adamantly go onto blogs/message boards/twitter/instagram and any other social network, that doesn't have a 'net nanny' and proclaim that there is no 'relationship' Kristen Stewart still maintains the coveted role of 'Owning Their Asses!!'

She is the ultimate threat and even when 'according to the trash-toids' they have each moved on, getting on with life without the other. Enjoying singlehood, living it up, no longer under each other's feet. Yet still, despite the painfully thin lies...there is no 'new' partner to comfort and console them, i wonder why that is?

I won't name names, because we have given the idiots enough attention. But let's just say they're amongst us, they're stupid and they live in their own delusional world. They clutter up the place with their hatred; spitting venom and hell-fire, because 'she just won't go away!' To them, we are all a bunch of overbearing idiots; supporting a relationship that's not there, it's over, it never was and we are wasting our time by believing Rob would ever 'touch that' again...
You Are Warned...
It's moments like this, that i appreciate the silence. A silence that is both serene and very telling. In silence - you cannot lie, you cannot...hook up with blondes, brunettes or red heads. You come and go as you please; hopping on a plane and spanning the globe and not once, do you need to offer up an explanation for it.
Peek-a-boo, i see you...
The tale of all these women is simply just that - a tale. A very tall tale, but a tale none-the-less. The doctored and lack of anything substantial from 'X-Full of Holes' and it's stupid partner in crime 'Lost Radar' (changing their names amuses me, more than having to poke fun at the inflicted with stupidity)

Of course, the trash-toids will try and hook Rob Pattinson up with anything, but a pulse. They know the truth and the truth doesn't sell as much as a young happy chappy, with more STD's than Robin Thicke. Because this durty boy, just has to have an even duriter reputation...and neither could be further from the truth. But you see, we are not dealing with the truth here.

If you are one of those people, who believe every single thing that the media prints or posts online, then i truly do feel sorry for you. Because you are the very people keeping this ridiculous charade, that the paparazzi (Rolando 'i can't distinguish a truth from a lie' Blanco and his cohorts) going. You are keeping trash-toids and web-loids in business as you continue to click on a tab or buy one of their magazines and believe their embellished fictional crap.
You can believe that this kind of life; constantly being hounded, constantly being harassed, constantly being photographed by people, who call out your name just to make fun of your relationship. Call your other half names, just so they can get a reaction from you or her for that matter - is not the sort of life Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart want anymore.

To have idiots posting up a bounty on their website; asking, no begging for people to take photographs of Kristen, while she is in Europe shooting her latest movie (I guess PoopSugar didn't learn from the last time they were stupid enough to invade a person's privacy and take photographs, they later were 'warned' to take down?) To have the stalkerazzi sitting outside your home, in the middle of the street, where you cannot do anything about it. Because they're in a public place and 'not breaking any laws'

To have haters/robsessed, daily posting threats towards your other half online (they're just joking, they mean no harm...NOT!!) Or posting photographs; images of your other half and explaining what they're going to do to her, if they ever meet her.

Maybe, just maybe they've grown tired of the media, cheapening (still) their relationship and earning money from photographs of the two of them together?
Hey if the delusionals will have you believe 'no photos, no relationship' i can go with the more...probable explanation.
If looks could kill...
Having idiots believe that Rob is now 'dating' Sean Penn's daughter (really??) I would have to give a dire warning to Rolando and his team of unfortunately stupid or haters that have nothing better to do with themselves, than tweet stupidity - Sean had a reputation of not exactly seeing eye to eye with the stalkers, sticking their cameras in places he felt, were not meant to go. I can't see that much has changed in his temperament since then, so be very careful what you accuse his 'daughter' of. But then again, if you believe the foaming words of idiots, who seem to have the trash-toids on rotation - go right ahead, rile up Mr. Penn.

You do remember he has nothing but loving words for the young actress, who starred in a little indie movie called 'Into the Wild' A movie in which Sean directed and Rob watched. Causing him to hop on a red-eye, just so he could audition with the actress who was to play Bella Swan?

(Getting my popcorn ready, because this will be interesting :P)

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