Stop, Look, Listen - THINK!! - Part Deux...

let me get this straight...
I seemed to have opened a can of worms and i feel it is only my duty that i come in here and try and knock some brain cells together (some might need a little bit more than a hammer in order to achieve the best results)

So...i left a little photo at the bottom of my post yesterday. A photo i was given anonymously, but it had come from the carefully put together evidence that a very firm supporter of Rob and Kristen (respectfully) called WS (for short)
we have in one corner,
The doubters; those who even with evidence staring them straight in the face they still can't see the woods for the trees.
The flip- floppers; those who run from one side of the fandom to the other, clutching their hands in desperation and hoping that what happens makes their ship stay at the very least...afloat.
The negative nellies; yes these are the firm favourite as they look at everything in a negative light. nothing is as it seems anymore so they just stick their heads in the ground like the Emus that they are and wait for this all to blow over.
The haters; self explanatory - Rob lovers and Kristen lovers - neither like the other and will do what it takes to push their theories on anyone willing to listen. They have a strong force of delusional idiots who hate Kristen with a passion and the same can be said of those who simply cannot tolerate the fangirling and association with Rob some people on either side have.
This photo collage has caused some people to nearly go into meltdown and why is that? Because it might be telling the truth?
Let me bring some points across;

Why is it not Rob Pattinson in the photo, what makes people believe it's not him?

Because it doesn't fit your profile of him, to go to some place incognito and not be identified until weeks later when a photo pops up?
Because it's so blatant, and Rob just doesn't do blatant?
Because Rob and Kristen are not together, she is in Switzerland and he was in LA (the same old song from the same old hags, pushing the same old excuse) isn't that right JG317?
Because it was posted up so publicly - Rob doesn't do publicly?

As far as i was concerned, this fandom doesn't have any right to try and put across an image or a personality of a person 'THEY DO NOT KNOW' that's right, no one in the fandom from either side know the real Rob Pattinson; his moods, his decisions, his reasons, his thoughts, his belief to go where he wants and do what he wants. But Oh, so many believe they do. They believe stupidly they can predict his pattern of behaviour, that suddenly they're all experts in knowing where Rob is at any given time, as long as he is 'Not With Kristen' (haters mantra)
The instagram photo is on Jack's account (friend of Rob's) and because it's on his account it must be him right? Even when someone who also knows Jack asks the question 'where you there?' (Bobby Long)
Now surely if he was there, Bobby would know, because he would be able even wearing a disguise such as a pair of glasses, to identify Jack in his own photo - right?
Setting aside the fact that if Jack wore glasses, he would have at the very least been papped by the stalkerazzi (more publicly stalking than online trolls) wearing them. But you see...the glasses are pretty famous right now. They seem to be a permanent feature on a certain young 23 yr olds face. Not only that, but they're the same glasses that perched on the nose of the 'Red head in the truck' several months ago, you know the 'Kristen Stewart look a like' who some assumed was (and still do - another eye roll) Riley Keough - even when she actually publicly denied it was her (but they all lie to cover up Rob's affairs don't they?)
The glasses themselves are identical in the photo as the one's Kristen wear. Did Jack borrow them from Kristen before hot-tailing it to England? Did Suzie snatch them off the bedside table when saying goodbye to her bestie, before she travelled to England?
Curiouser and curiouser...

Facial markers are what this all boils down to, some have been adamant that it's Jack, but if you look at Jack and place the photo side by side, the facial markers do not match up.
The high forehead with the widows peak in the centre of the hairline - Jack doesn't have.
The nose long and straight with a curvature point matches Rob's, but it doesn't match Jack's. His is more spread out towards the point of the nostril - whereas Rob's comes to a point. The Jawline is similar, but Jack's is longer as his face is more angular than Rob's (the famous Pattinson jaw struts out, whereas Jack's is more elongated towards the bottom and comes to a point whereas Rob's curves)
The smile, the slightly crooked bottom lip that leans towards the right side muscles of the face and the teeth are the most important. When you look at the photo of a previous image of Rob and compare it to the photo Jack put up - there is more evidence in that smile than the remaining facial markers. People don't have the same smile - so Jack smiling would not match up the photo on his account (if anyone is willing to put one up, i will be happy to ask my pathologist friend to have a look at it)
The comparison's are uncanny and are not seen as unsubstantiated in their identifying markers. So that to me lead me to believe, before anyone was really interested in this photo, that it did indeed look like Rob in the photo and not Jack. The eyes are cast down towards the glass in front of him, but even with those 'remarkably familiar' glasses he is wearing - the unmistakable eyebrows that sit perched above impressionable eyes, cannot either be mistaken.
Now, i am not familiar with criminal programmes that are on the TV, so forgive me for laughing at the CSI reference - those are fictional programmes. Yes they have medical and forensic consultants on set, who will help the actors make sure they get the information right in their shows - but i have been privy to how you can identify a person based on photo-set images and forensic discovery, because i have a good friend, who works in the main Forensics Laboratory for the UK - based in Northern Ireland. So forgive the ignorance of some fiction writers, who decided that the photo comparison was nothing short of delusional manifestations - you have absolutely no idea what on earth you are talking about!

(the mysterious girl in the background i will leave for another time)

WS did a good job, unfortunately her job was uncovered prematurely and therefore, she had not prepared herself for the 1001 questions she has been given since the photo went up. Those who still believe it's not Rob - no one was asking you to believe, because to believe you have to have an open mind and unfortunately there are so many floating around cyberspace right now, with closed minds. I have followed up yesterday's post with my own explanation as to why i put it up. I had a strong belief it was who i believe it was the moment i looked at the photo, that was sent to me via an email. I during the whole discussion of yesterday, i had emailed my friend (evening in Oz, daytime in the UK) and she sent me her findings from the photo, which i have put up.
It's up to you to believe what you want, but personally speaking...this fandom is eating itself alive, with the negativity that surrounds it. The hate that is trying to control it. The ignorance that is blinding it and the lack of belief that is currently sitting on top of it. If you think for one second that Rob's 'lack of photographic evidence' is because he has barricaded himself inside his 'alleged' Beverly Hills home, surrounded by dogs and cheap women burning up his sheets - enjoy your delusional fantasy, because it's a poor reflection of your personality.
If you choose to believe that when Rob or Kristen go missing, it's for a reason. It's a pattern of behaviour they have always displayed right from the very beginning.
For Kristen to be so distraught and broken hearted - she is coping really well with the whole breakdown of her relationship (thanks to X-17 online and radar online, who have now decided to cash in on the action)
For Rob to have moved on, he seems quite content to hang with male friends, or enjoy a quiet drink with people he feels secure with in a friendly nature. the women he has been reportedly linked with are the fictitious ramifications of haters tearing up the comment sections on blogs. Sending tips that are so full of holes, they look like tea-bags. But hey - salacious sells and HWL bases it's gossip column on lies, fed by lies.

Instead of people trying to work out the meaning of Rob and Kristen and their relationship; whether they are together or not, based on second hand information of just poor fan fiction? Why don't you let the two people in the middle of it all sort they're on lives out eh?
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