Stop, Look, Listen - THINK!!

I have been away, sorry but i do not spend all my time sitting on the internet, depressing myself or waiting until someone offends me. But what you are about to receive you may not like from Tempest's lips.

What on earth has gone on around here?
Who the hell gives some people the right to be so self-entitled over people's lives, who you know nothing about other than what you read in gossip magazines that lie through their teeth, just to get hits!
Where on earth do you get off in coming in here, believing in all that crap and bringing everyone down with your delusional reasons as to what 'you think' is happening, what 'you assume' is what is being said and what 'you believe' is wrong with Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart?

I have not done any updates, why?
Because, i don't believe it will achieve anything, when people obviously have made their minds up about the status of Rob and Kristen's relationship, but let me for once clarify some things...

The Dior interviews; if you are going to believe the saccharine words, twisted around and dipped in fangirling sugar from women old enough to be his mother and make their 'displeasure' known from the very outset that they rely on the tittle tattle of the gossip rags - and dislike Kristen Stewart, a young woman who has been in his life since 2008, pretty much by adding the gossip into every interview they have done with him - their opinion, their perspective, their words - NOT HIS.
He did two audio and visual interviews, where he spoke about himself; his challenges and his changes from the young unknown into the person he is today. "he sees himself as finally grown up" In those interviews, he spoke not once, about his relationship or the status of his relationship with Kristen - NOT ONCE!!

Yet, oh boy - there seems to be this stupid reason why people have come in here and took Rob apart, for speaking about his relationship and taking Kristen down - are you reading your interviews in a language only known in the outer realms of outer space????
There is nothing in the printed interviews where Rob has spoken about Kristen or said anything salacious, slandering or degrading or her - the journalist has done that for him.
You need to stop reading the embellished word of an over opinionated journalist (all women) and actually take his 'silence' as his truth. Over the 4 and a half yrs he has been with Kristen (in a relationship) he has never once spoken about his relationship, opened up about it, gave an opinion about it 'sold it' to anyone, no matter how charming and relaxed he can seem (according to the overly opinionated journalist) he will never and has never and will continue to never speak about his private life, purely so it can be sold and made already cheaper than the version the media is trying to sell to the public.

That doesn't mean...
Because we have no photos - they're not together.
They have not been seen in x amount of months - they are not together.
She is in one country, he is in the other - they are not together.
He has dinner with a group of friends, including Katy Perry - they're not together.
His friends are spending more time with her in the locations of her movies and not with him - they're not together.

These are the delusional opinions of hate filled women; spending way too much time on the internet and not enough time in real life. They are the haters, the hackers, the harpies and flip-floppers. The condescending 'maybe fans' who post on comment sections that they are 'worried about R/K' when really they're shit stirring idiots, with an agenda to wind up and rile up the 'true fans' just so they have something good going on in their sad little lives. They will tell you they 'know things' when they know absolutely nothing - why? Because out of the lips of two people in the centre of this all...NEITHER HAVE SPOKEN!

So they slide and slither into supportive blogs like myself, RPI, HKN and any other pro Rob and Kristen site, to whine and winge away; how 'nothing' has happened; the debate of 'Where is Rob?' seriously has tickled me no end, when i haven't been too busy rolling my eyes that much, i almost detached the retina's. People demanding he is in LA and not in London, Toronto, Switzerland...anywhere but where Kristen is. Showing, posting and re-tweeting a really 'bad' image of a receipt of 'Robert Pattinson' where sorry, a child of 2 could forge a better signature (psst coincidently, FYI - there are more than one Robert Pattinson in the world!)

The haters; 'the packer posse' will make you think they know things; that Rob is sleeping his way through Super Models & Co. (Robin Thicke he's not!) they're that far gone, even the lunatic fringe won't welcome them into their inner circle of idiocy. They will try and pass off photos of Rob and say they're recent, when any child old enough to access google images, can bring you up the same photos with the dates, clearly showing when they were taken. They're fixated on blonde supermodels - especially Camille Rowe, because seriously, they see her everywhere! If i wasn't of sane mind i would swear they are trying to do an re-enactment of 'The Sixth Sense' "I see Camille Rowe"

If you believe in all this hogwash, then do yourselves a favour and stop coming into this blog and blogs of Rob and Kristen, because you're really wasting your time. Not to mention boring the living hell out of me by thinking you will get me annoyed. I have way more important things going on in real life, without having to read through psychotic reasons why you think you are right and if you are a person reading their posts and believing them, then you are no better than the idiots posting their crud up.

For someone who seems to be suffering from PTSD - hair loss, appetite loss, dysfunctional behaviour. Not coping well with the split of a relationship that spanned 4 and a half yrs, i can categorically say that Kristen Stewart is coping amazingly, extraordinarily well.

Not only that, but she is welcoming with open arms, childhood friends of Rob's, who seem to be spending time with her in shifts out in the glorious Switzerland countryside. I've lost count the amount of 'his' friends who have spent time with her - it seems to be an inner 'happy' circle of the fellowship of the ring, the way they are so close knitted together. Nettie (old girlfriend of Tom Sturridge and has known Rob about the same length of time) is the latest in the wave of 'friends of 'ex's' to come visiting Kristen as she shoots 'Sils Maria'

Here's a little FYI...
ex-boyfriends, friends; especially friends they have known for a very long time, DO NOT hang out with their ex-girlfriend. They don't go visiting them on the set of their movie if their friend (ex-boyfriend) is no longer talking to the ex-girlfriend or doing anything else, for that matter.

We as humans are a very dominant, protective, selective species; when we are done with someone, we cut ties, we move on, we separate and accumulate our losses. We DO NOT keep cutting the wound even deeper by hanging on to anything, that has an emotional connection with the person we are no longer with. We throw them out of our pack - excommunicate them from our church. Rob and Kristen are NOT codependent of each other - proven by the amount of times they have done things, see other people (friends) outside their relationship and have worked in their jobs away from each other over long periods of time. That's not to say, they haven't seen each other during those times. Oh-Oh i hear the hysterical chewing of nails as the harpies start their engines up...

You think Rob has been in LA the whole time Kristen has been shooting her movie in Europe? You're more delusional than i thought...
One photo of Rob, after how many days he's been playing 'Where's Waldo?' Wow, I'm disappointed in the Robsessed of Robert Pattinson, i would have thought they would have had more evidence than that?
Tweets he has been here, there and everywhere (always No Vacancy) but this is the only photo, that was taken at an event last Tuesday?

Has Rolando gone into retirement?
Has he...broken anything; fallen on his camera and could no longer haunt, stalk and stake out Rob's home? Follow him grocery shopping for hot pockets and beer?

You see to suggest that Rob has remained in LA, you need a little bit more than supposed sightings from people, who are looking for their 15mins of fame and need to promote or advertise something. Or are just idiots, needing to show how really desperate and stupid they are (one dumb blonde with a credit card receipt) by making people believe he just ate or drank at their establishment.

Meanwhile...two people who know how to successfully do the disappearing act, are playing the 'catch me if you can' with the parasites that stalk them - relentlessly. The 'split gossip' isn't selling anymore...not when you purposely go out of your way to prove you haven't split up; ring, t-shirt, sunglasses, guitar case...happy, happy smile and not a delusional grimace, that some see, when they look in the mirror. The delusional haters writing more fan fiction for HWL are fallen on hard times, not even the idiotic piece of online gossip is buying into their cracked views of R/K's relationship - the last piece HWL put up, was just too painful to even laugh at, never mind read.

Successfully trolling, has been done well, I'm actually very impressed.
I will just leave this little thing here...and let you decide for yourself. It was sent to me by a very good friend. Yes i saw the original when it was first posted, yes i spoke about it (away from the lunatic fringe always watching and waiting to be offended) and yes i can understand the reasons behind it (still chuckling)
It's like everything else in this topsy turvy world we live in - sometimes things just happen to 'hide in plain sight' and get overlooked.

You choose who and what to believe, but choose well. There are people out there offering you their point of view, but i have always found that 'common sense' is much easier to tolerate and indeed...find.

Post Edit;
I was asked to put this up by the owner of the first photo that seems to have caused a bit of an uproar with people lifting it and taking it to another board, who have then decided to dissect the photo, claiming it could not possibly be Rob, because the hairline is wrong, the colour is wrong - that's a Kristen body double in the background - it's Jack as it's on Jack's instagram account.
Okay 'would be' sleuths you claim this is Jack...
the hairline is not the same - a growth of beard is just a growth of beard and can look like that on my husband after a week - but Rob he is not.

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