I Saw The Sign...

Real life sometimes takes priority over the 'valuable' time i have on the internet. That and avoiding the drama, that seems to be never ending on twitter and any other social network hangout. So this post will be a very quick, no holes barred type of post. As ever the obligatory 'if i insult anyone during this post, it's because my insults where meant to get right to the point' warning, that i have to give out.

To those resigned to believe that all is over in the R/K world, let me put forward a few questions of my own.

1. Why would someone, who has ended a 4 year relationship, still be seen wearing 'his' hoodies, jackets, shirts. Sunglasses, baseball caps, t-shirts. A watch he wore in Cosmopolis; (replica Chanel, Chrome man's wristwatch) whenever and wherever she is?

2. Don't you think it's about time, Rob asked for all his possessions back? Seems he's the kind of guy who holds onto materialistic things, like clothes, caps, sunglasses etc, because he doesn't like to throw anything away. Not to mention a firm believer of recycling.

3. While people are relying heavily on signs, codes, numbers and the odd crystal ball or two thrown in for good measure? Common sense is usually always found hiding in plain sight.
What bothers me in all of this is not what i feel, or know to be true. But the people around me with their 'sources' making others believe, of what they say is true. I have heard and read everything there is to know about secret signs, secret codes, secret months and secret...secrets? And when answers cannot be given, then those who have been watching and hoping feel; cheated, used, played with - when really at the end of the day, the only people being played is...themselves.

The last time i checked - two people made a relationship work, not a fanbase, the media, haters/flip-floppers or...sources.

When a relationship comes to an end, you don't cling onto the materialistic things, that have a strong emotional and physical bond to the person you used to be with. Not unless of course, the reason for the relationship ending was because of...death.

When the emotional bond is gone, so to is everything associated with that person; the happy times you once had, the physical bond you once shared and the scent of that person, which you carried with you everywhere.

Scent is everything (note; Dior and its hype for the scent of the man. The fragrance of Balenciaga, the scent of the woman) Pheromones, when mixed with fragrances or colognes are a heady combination, when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. Each of us carry our own unique scent, that our 'mate/partner' recognises instinctively and instantly. It's carried in our skin, underneath the surface of everything we touch and wear. So excuse me for sounding a bit scientific here, but if that is the case and it has been proven both scientifically and Psychophysically - then it's the very reason that we will wear something belonging to our 'partner/mate' when we are not with them. Sleep in an article of clothing, so that we have something of theirs that 'smells like them'

Kristen is very much the kind of person, who wears something belonging to her partner to 'be close to them' if not:

4. Then don't you think she is being a little 'unfair' to his fans; stringing them along with the idea that if the 'relationship was over' then why is she still wearing his clothing?

5. Don't you think it would be up to Rob, to set the record straight. To ask her 'not to wear' his things, thus confusing the issue between his fans and potential 'partners' in his life?
You can quote me as many reasons as you can, as to why you think the relationship is over. Show me messages from 'sources' who claim it's done - they have been apart for too long; they have not been photographed together for months, he has not been seen since she flew to Berlin to shoot her latest movie...
unless you can give me 100% proof that you know for absolute definite and are not simply relying on Chinese whispers...and...signs, i will then and only then be satisfied with that version of events.

Until then...
I see what i see; i have been around since 2009 and trust me when i say this, i have seen it all. The hate, the lies, the manipulation from wolves in sheep's clothing. The taunting, the name slinging, the secrecy, the hiding in plain sight...the lot. I am also old enough to know that when a relationship is worth having, then it's worth fighting for.

The fans, the media, the fame, the adulation, the fortune and the lack of privacy - are things, that are not important. They're materialistic and materialistic things come and go.

What is real is what you have for a person; emotions, physical attraction, trust and love.
Kristen is not the sort of person to dwell on something that is over - what's done is done. You live, you learn and you move on.
Rob is not the sort of person, who would allow someone to manipulate his reputation, just to hold onto something that is no longer there.

The excuses cannot hold by using your own set of insecure reasons - the facts of life are very black and white.
My questions are posed at those, still believing others are being 'deceived, hoodwinked by the delusional people still clinging to Robsten' as they turn up in their tag teams to every single supporter blog or site of these two young people, to lay stake their claims.

If Kristen and Rob are over, then why is she still carrying his scent around with her?
I don't need a sign, to tell me the answer...do you?

It is worth reminding, that there are far greater things in the world to occupy your mind, than a relationship that is not yours to speculate over...

This time of year, this month, this date and marked day - hold a meaning beyond words. For me, it's when the terrorists declared war on so many thousands of innocent people...it's when my husband knew that very soon he too, would have to face the fact, that war would be declared on those who did this terrible atrocity and he would be part of that. It's when my heart went out to so many; the people who died, the people who lost loved ones. The Emergency services who went above and beyond their call of duties...
to those who perished trying to save others. To the people who at any one time, were integral in helping out that day, no matter how small or how big their involvement was...
To those who were rendered speechless, shocked and rooted to their spot as they watched the events unfold...

It is a day, so few will forget, and it is never to be forgotten...

"If you could hear me, I would say that our finger prints don't fade from the lives we've touched." Tyler - Remember Me

T xx
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