Common Sense, Is Sometimes...Not So Common...

It's September the 1st...good things are coming...i can feel it...
 Rob and Kristen...the way they look at each other...

I am finding it difficult putting into words, how i feel right now, but i will try...

I feel all of those things and so much more for this fandom.
Maybe i have contributed to a good part of it, simply because hurtful views, jealous rants and excuses - made me take to blogspot and create a blog in 2009 - to show those willing to try and trample supporters into the ground with their hate, that they were wrong.

Over the years, i have seen haters come and go, robsessed (a name they gave themselves, because they were all things 'obsessed over Robert Pattinson') grow up, in some cases and move on. Kristen supporters, become less as she showed desire to be with the one person they don't like, others turn their back on her when she made a mistake...but the bottom of it all...people came in waves and went out in loud smacking of doors, screams and shouts.
 Kristen flies off for Sils Maria as Rob wraps MTTS

The pattern of behaviour has been as predictable as Rob's love for Kristen and Kristen's love for Rob - that's not delusional, crazy beliefs from this side of the fandom, that's actually real life, with real emotions.

Those hell bent in trying to make a common place for people to enjoy - a fandom filled with young and old all looking at a relationship and enjoying the moments shared - their reason for existing are doing this, because they are filled with deep rooted insecurities and have fixated on a young man, whom they believe they have some hold on, some kind of special bond with, when they are clearly the ones living in a delusion. That delusion has spilled out into making twitter accounts and blogs - dedicated with their hatred. They attack other people on a social network, because it's so easy to hide behind an account, an online identity. Who no one knows but yourself, what kind of 'split persona' you can create.

Before, people had an opinion and based it on evidence that they saw or had connections with. Nowadays it's just hate, hate and more hate. There is no evidence so it gets invented. The new Dior campaign for the man's fragrance that Rob lent his 'acting talent' to, has been belittled to nothing short of 'soft porn' in some people's eyes. A way of Rob to broaden his acting abilities sure, but it has little if no impact on his personal life, because it's not his personal life he is transferring to the screen. 

The commercial - it's a character, developed from a script. A script Rob had a lot to say in, with regards to certain scenes being left out, because he was uncomfortable with them.
The new face of Dior...
People who see more to this than there really is, are doing so, because it's their fantasy and in their fantasy, Rob is the hot, single, sexy guy who they want. Having a girlfriend is an appendage they simply refuse to accept. They want him to appear as loose and as free as the character he plays in the ad. To have a hook up on the set of any movie or even this ad, he shot last year in New York, allows them the sense to believe he is young and open and not looking to settle down. To be as flirtatious and have lose morals - free to give his love out as often as he likes.

Unfortunately, the actor doesn't see himself that way, but they are willing to overlook that with excuses, that he is 'obligated, pressured' to say those things, when really this is as open and honest as you will ever get Robert Pattinson. Unedited or editorialised by publications, willing to see the 'free and single' angle, because they base a lot of their beliefs of fellow journalists hearsay.
You think i am lying?

How about the times when one publication says the exact same thing as the next one? Or how about the love of webloids - easy, accessible and free. When has one online gossip blog, not said the exact same thing as the next one, or the next one? Slightly altered, words moved about from one line and tidied up on the next - but they read the same, because they lift and copy from each other.

In 2009; haters filled their days going around and dismissing anyone who supported a then 'hopeful' relationship. One that was hidden, sheltered and at some times, shielded by cast members of a movie, they starred together in. Today is no different, with the exception that the fandom of Robert Pattinson has grown into a legion of women, who all hate on one person - Kristen.
Kristen in Berlin...
So, what has this young woman done to so many women to have them hate her with insurmountable passion or hatred, both emotions equate to the same thing?

That much huh?
Isn't it funny that when you ask a hater of Kristen, 'So what has she done to you to hate her so much?' They have very little other than spluttering or in the case of a comments section or twitter and 140 characters - caps lock is on and they scream obscenities at you!?

Kristen has done nothing, except capture Rob's attention and like it or not, he is not going to belittle any kind of relationship, friendship or otherwise talking about it, opening up about it or indeed giving hints and clues about it to anyone. And that includes some overly ripe journalists, who believe that trying to get up close and personal with him, will allow the walls to drop and Rob to confess all. He knows how the media operates, it's just a pity the media doesn't understand that and stop trying to put words into his mouth and second guess him. That also includes his fans, who seem to not know when the thin line between reality and fantasy ends.

With acceptance comes peace...
If you are one of 'hate filled, discontented' i have described in my post, then that's highly unlikely. Unfortunately for them, they tend to see drama when there is none to begin with. They want to create some kind of 'need' for their purpose to be here; hitting out at fans, calling people names. Hating on one woman who has done nothing to them, except in their mind stolen the man they wanted. Yes sorry to burst your bubble, but i don't see any man on Kristen's arm and i don't see any woman on Rob's arm - despite silly childish women, claiming they saw something they didn't or creating super secret girlfriends just to stir other people up - like i said, childish.

Kristen has never looked more content in her life. She has one movie under her belt this year and is currently in Europe shooting another. She is not curled up in a foetal position, not being able to deal with the end of a very long relationship, nor is she cold hearted not to even care it has.

Rob has never looked more assure of what he wants in his life. He has already shot two movies this year and has some time off before he shoots his next one. He is seeing out this campaign, because he felt he could contribute something to it. He is not wallowing in self pity, drinking himself into stupor and unfortunately for some, he is not out partying his 'single' life away and sleeping around with any young, willing and attractive female, who catches his eye.

Their pattern of behaviour hasn't changed. Despite idiots accessing instagram accounts; posting up photos of a young pup as if she is some kind of sick 'tug of war' between her parents. The dog is not there as some kind of beacon to the disillusioned that this means 'they have split up' and no amount of 'they haven't been seen together/papped together for several months now' will change anything. There is a very good reason why they haven't and it has nothing to do with either being 'not' together...

now there is a word that evokes so many emotions.
I am disenchanted at this fandom and the mess it has got itself in. Hate and disillusion are a strong force, that is guiding a once happy, carefree following of people, who came together for twilight into sides and opposing sides. Simply because of the obsession it has created.

It doesn't matter what part of the world you come from - respect is easily given. It doesn't matter if you like Rob or not, to believe you have any say in the matter regarding his life is wrong. It doesn't matter if you like Kristen or not, to believe you have any say in the matter regarding her life is wrong also.

If you don't believe they are together, fine - but why come to so many blogs/sites/twitter accts/instagrams/tumblrs and facebook accts - to spread your opinion IF you believe your opinion is true?
Just because...
There is one thing i know, above everything else. After knowing someone for nearly 20 years...

a man wants a woman who is going to love him unconditionally; the same kind of love he has always had in his life. He wants a partner; someone who equally shares his dreams and visions. He wants a friend; someone who will always be there for him, when he needs to talk and share his feelings. He wants a nurturer; the kind of person who will put his needs sometimes before hers to look after him. He wants a lover; someone he can feel the kind of closeness that brings emotional and physical together.

A woman wants all those things as well, and much much more...

Some people go through their lives and miss that opportunity, because they didn't look after it, or lost it, because it was never theirs to have. Or settle, because they are too afraid to commit to it.

Whereas others when they find it, they never intend to let it go...
Tempest x

*Special thanks to @heavenly_vixen - for giving me the idea for this blog post title :-) xx*

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