Slings and Arrows...

Seems i rattled a few cages yesterday, when i tweeted that i wasn't overly in love with the #DiorRob campaign. It felt as if i had just told the world that Rob had shit in his pants and didn't care if his 'loyal fans' saw the mishap or not!

Hell, fire and brimstone, not to mention a few noxious eggs, decided i needed tarred and feathered for my 'disgusting and disloyal comments' about Sir Rob and his wonderful campaign to show the world how being just him, makes women take off their clothes just so they can smell a real man...

A beautifully fan-made manip...
Let's focus on me being disloyal...
I met this young unknown chap when he was fresh and rosey-faced at the premiere of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. My kids (two boys and a little girl) at the time, had tickets in their grubby paws to watch the movie and attend the glittering VIP after party. Now, they were not there to see Rob and fawn over how wonderful and sexy he was, oh no! They were there to met Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, but they ended up meeting pretty much every member of the cast.

They (my boys) as my little girl was too little to attend an evening such as that and stayed with relatives in London, thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we had a very much remembered evening, out amongst the who's, who of the British Film and Entertainment world. So, for some not very bright idiots to call me out, to suggest i am not a 'loyal fan of Rob's' that i 'just don't understand, why he is doing this campaign' and that it is 'way more important that Stewart's 'Balenciaga' campaign!!'

I had to sit back and laugh at it for about 3 seconds, before i responded in kind...for those who have twitter and follow me, i am sure you saw the exchange go down.

I was NOT being disloyal to Robert Pattinson and i DO NOT follow a ship. You will find them on the high seas or sitting moored beside a dock - not that kind of gal, but if you think i am some kind of childish shipper...think again. I respect both Rob and Kristen individually and together, but i do not have to like every single thing they do. If you are one of those people then fine, your choice. I did not say i didn't like the men's fragrance - Dior Homme is a legend in the men's fragrance world.

In other words, young children of the robsessed kind, it's as old as time and Rob is this new era's 'spokesperson' for the fragrance. Before him, another classic British Actor - Jude Law, was the face of Dior Homme. But i don't think his fanbase was just as rabid as Rob's? I could be wrong, i might have to ask Ewan about it, but i am fairly certain the women who went out and bought their 'man' the fragrance, were much older than 16.18.20?
The scent of the man is adventurous...
There seems to be some kind of 'gang obsessed' with this campaign. The whole need to objectify Rob as some kind of 'master of the universe' image that sorry, for me, just shows how women see this young, bright and very intelligent 27 yr old man, as nothing more than fantasy written with 'exploding ovaries' at the mere sight of a jaw line; a shoulder popped out from underneath a shirt collar. Half naked models lying all around him and the brooding wet body, that just sends all their lady bits into orbit...

*Some women, really need to get in touch with the real outside world*

First of all - O_o
Secondly - I really worry about some people's mental health, because to get on like this?

He's a fine looking young man i admit. He's grown into his looks; from the fresh faced lad, standing on a Red Carpet, bewildered and excited over a movie he starred in along side, some of the most well known and respected of the British Film Industry. But that is were unfortunately, i don't see this 'obsessive need' to think that he is some kind of sex god. No other man could ever compare to him - that's just loose screws and they need immediate attention to get tightened!!
I can understand young adults, who have embarked on their first idol crush, but there are actually grown women speaking like this, and no amount of shock therapy will cure them of their completely out of line stupidity.

Respect Rob Pattinson, stop bloody objectifying him!!

*And people wonder why i am not all fappy, about the Dior campaign? Ladies and gentlemen, i give you the haters and robsessed in their finest glory!*

Then of course you have the 'Dior V's Balenciaga'
When you have a debate, of course you have the muppet attitude of 'Rob v's Kristen' who wore the fragrance better? People started asking me about what i meant when i said 'there is a lot to be said about Balenciaga's 'Florabotanica' ad campaign.'

Yes there is...
If Kristen had been filmed; cavorting around with half dressed male models, kissing and whispering to them seductively, while swimming in a pool of lust...there would have been an outcry of 'disloyalty to Rob' of being 'intimate with her co-stars' of 'exposing' too much of herself for a perfume ad...the outcries would have been horrendous. Instead, the ad didn't say much, the fragrance spoke for itself. It was edgy and colourful and had the scent of a heavenly wild flower jungle. it spoke of the female it was created for; wild - not to be tamed. Edgy, with her own unique style.

Kristen's was a female fragrance, so it centred on her beauty, on her uniqueness and her quite storm of strength. Rob's so far, is centring around a very tastefully done Art Nouveau - a Film Noire of male seductiveness and moody edge. Of a love that is passionate, but not meant to be.

They are two completely different campaigns, so it has little if nothing to do with which one is better - the French Dior or the Spanish Balenciaga - or which one is younger, fresher or more appealing? The houses of Dior and Balenciaga, are just as powerful in their own corner of the fashion world (are you reading this dear hater, who tried to give me a history lesson on Dior over Balenciaga?)

LMAO, did you know that Christobal Balenciaga was once referred to by none other than Christian Dior as the 'Master of us all' I think you need to put down your fashion magazines and learn more about history at school, than trying to teach this old dog a history lesson on couture.
A man, his piano and miles and miles of peacefulness...
Let's focus on the man...
This is what i see when i look at Rob. A man filled with all kinds of personalities; composer, poet, singer, actor, animal lover and activist. Entrepreneur, comfortable within his own skin. Intelligent, quick witted, philosopher and committed to the idea of love and lastly - monogamous (that means one woman - man) 

This photograph for me, captures everything that is Robert Pattinson - the fragrance he is the face of should be able to speak for itself, without mountains of leaked images, that have gone on and on and on. I know people are excited for this, i am excited that he got to do this, but i for one will be so glad when the commercial eventually is launched and hopefully the hype will eventually die down...a little bit.
Twilight although is now over, will forever be there in our hearts. It captured everyone's imagination. But do remember, if it hadn't been for Kristen Stewart's loyal support in Rob to have him cast as Edward Cullen, there would be a lot today, who wouldn't even know who Robert Pattinson is. There would not be the same 'faithful fans' camping outside his premieres, just to get a whiff of how clean scented he is. (stalkerish) There are too many out there, who feel that they need to make this all about them and because it seems, he is not showing any signs of moving on with someone else; the media hand pick someone for Rob every week. It's just a pity he doesn't seem interested in arranged hook ups; pimping him out to the highest bidder - they choose to spin lies and create hate.

He has made it very clear in his most recent of interviews, that those who stalk and obsess over him, don't know the real person, just the image they have of him in their heads - yes all in their heads.

*Takes a deep breath...*

The real person is not; the step son of Reese Witherspoon's character, who died on the cutting room floor from Vanity Fair or Giselher in the Ring of Nibelungs. Cedric Diggory from Goblet Of Fire, the characters from; the Haunted Airman, Bad Mothers Handbook, How to Be or even Salvador Dali from Little Ashes. He is neither, Edward Cullen from Twilight, Jacob Jankowski from Water for Elephants or Georges Duroy from Bel Ami. He's not even Eric Packer from Cosmopolis, and i dare say, he will not even be the character he portrays in Maps To The Stars, Hold Onto Me, Queen of the Desert or Mission Blacklist.

Therefore he is also not, the character he plays in the Dior Homme commercial. He's an actor, who shows many façades of a character in a story, he is scripted to act in. If you can't see that, understand that, then clearly you do not know who Robert Pattinson really is.

I am far from disloyal, i just don't fawn and slobber over a man, who is much more than just a one dimensional character to fantasize over.

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