Delusional Round-Up...

I feel the need for some good ole bitch-slapping - be patient i will get to you all...eventually.
There are times in one's fandom life, where your eyes roll that much to the back of your head, you're seriously afraid they might not roll back again.
The never ending drama in this Rob and Kristen fandom; filled with supporters and haters and flip-flopping psychotics (and i use that would liberally) who all feel the need to justify their beliefs. The Dior Robsessed with the 'hidden clues' he has split 'finally' from that disgusting excuse of a woman (yeah bitterness never did look well on some people) helmed by mama 'cougar' herself - Maria Estevez, who promises after her interview seemed 'tame' compared to her disastrous 'tweets of a single and moved on Rob' which she tried to quickly remove, but alas - screen-cap there is a God! To post the rest of it online on her twitter...

clawing your way out of a shit-hole you dug yourself in, should not be this painful to watch.
"There's a very precise line that marks reality and fiction.
If people aren't capable of distinguishing it,
there's nothing i can do to explain it to them."

I think that answers the hater/fringe question, on whether Rob hooks up with every model, actress, musician, personal assistant and ball scrubber out there...don't you?

 The powerhouse couple...

I have seen an increase of attention in taking this couple down...cunningly, swiftly, bitterly and spitefully.

It's no longer an issue of the events from last year, this time - it's personal. We have seen Kristen vilified by both haters and the media, whom in my opinion, work in tandem with each other as they listen to the delirious ramblings of such idiots, hiding behind their pseudonyms; poopscoopstew (and her multiple personalities) Anny Packer (her delirium has surpassed making any sense of it at all) Brie by any name is still a smelly cheese called Brie - this person it seems, has all those multiple twitter accounts and just jumps from one to the other, when she gets blocked and reported.

Like i said, multiple personalities of young people, who really should not be operating any kind of heavy machinery, an internet connection, never mind gaining access to it.

The same can be said unfortunately for Rob - as it's his 'loyal and obsessed' fans who have seen Kristen as their personal target for vendetta; including stalking family and friends of both online daily. Gaining access to photographs, that have nothing to do with them and then post online to cause a stir.

"They look at a photo of me and think they have a special relationship.
A friendship, an affair with me - someone they haven't met their whole life.
That's crazy. And in some moments really scary and creepy."

Are you reading the words of your so called 'God' little robsessed out there? Do you not see that your behaviour creeps the hell out of the idol, you so desperately worship? 

I don't think he is referring to the 'Rob and Kristen' fans; he knows they don't overstep the mark (well not all of them) when it comes to respectfully supporting both their careers. It's the obsessed; the crotch loving, suit walking, coma in his smile and jaw induced muppets - who devote pages and pages to how he dresses, how he walks - as they pour out their suggestive feelings about this Dior campaign, which is a fragrance and nothing else. It's a scripted interlude, between an man (played by Rob) and a woman (played by a model) and nothing, fucking else. IF you see more to this, then i suggest you book yourself in with a professional therapist, who will listen to your delusions (i would take you on, but I'm already fully booked with that thing or go and see a reputable eye specialist for your short sightedness!

Those who desperately and i mean desperately 'need' to prove Rob is single, will go to the media and spin their stories. (hence there is so much shit out there) There is no fun in this fandom anymore. People take things way too seriously and over-invest in a couple's lives, that should not have any impact whatsoever on the health, never mind the well being of those who support them.

It's not the young and impressionable i worry about, they will eventually move on to the 'next Hollywood heartthrob' and the 'next dramatic actress of her generation' it's the much older of the group, who seriously need to be taken by the lapels and shaken until they 'wake up!' They are by far the worst instigators in stroking the drama, filling empty space with bullshit, oh and obsessing over a 27 yr old man, who is old enough for some, to be their son! (I kid you not)

And yet...
 Uniformly dressed...

There are a few things however, that have made me laugh so hard, i almost 'did something in my pants' (throwing a Rob line in there)

1. Jacket, t-shirt and guitar case...OH MY!
Yes it seems the hate/fringe has been working overtime in dismissing the very fact that Kristen was seen, walking through LAX with her best friend, carrying an old battered brown guitar case. Which sorry, for those who can't see very well (it's called denial in this fandom) it's the exact same 'guitar case' that Rob has been seen carrying, whenever he is going to be on location for a while.
No, she did not get it in the 'separation' again, desperate clinging.
No, she did not 'steal' it from his house, when he was too busy visiting her house to see the dogs.
No, he did not give it to Suzie, because he has some kind of 'feelings' for Kristen's BFF - you know the same feelings he has for anything single and attractive?

It's there as a bold statement and only the blind and delusional cling desperately to the belief, they are 'no longer together'

Over large jacket and over large white t-shirt...(maybe she's looking to pile the pounds on while in Europe?)
You know, this young woman has a lovely, petite figure. A figure some women would kill to have. She is small in stature and everything is proportionate to her size - so why on earth wear such big assed items of clothing, that literally swamp her tiny frame? 

The answers have been anything from ludicrous to downright stupid - "she's wearing her brothers clothes, her fathers clothes. Left over clothes from her previous boyfriend (we all know who that is and his first name started with M) she likes wearing big clothing, they are comfortable. She always buys larger clothing for herself"

...why, in case Rob decides he would like to borrow them?

It's funny, but as soon as photos of Kristen arriving in LAX and the items she was wearing, hit the 'net' the excuses came thick and fast. Not to mention, too many jumping on board to do the '' of where and when did Rob wear them last? 

I don't mind some eagle eyed fans doing this, but even i could see that the jacket is not one that Rob has worn. Although it's of a similar style as that kind of 'varsity jacket' is all the rage right now, even in the part of Australia i am currently living in, as my eldest son wears a jacket similar to the one Kristen was wearing to college. 

Bottom line, it's a man's jacket and the man who would have worn it, is of a considerably larger size, compared to Kristen (see other photo above of Rob exiting the Children's Hospital he visited at the weekend) the same can be said for the t-shirt she is wearing, which quite frankly, when you have to wade through the shit from people trying to point out that Kristen likes loose clothing (she said so herself, so it must be true idiocy) it gets tiring after a while. Rob's clothing is something of a 'need to wear his scent' kind of thing. You wouldn't know that if you have never been in a relationship, where when either one of you is away from each other - that feeling of carrying them with you, especially for a woman is very, very personal.

If you can't see that, then maybe you should put down your posters, stop hugging your Edward pillows and actually go out and enjoy life and maybe find your own relationship - a real one that is.

2. The newest addition to the Kristen family...dear Lord!
This, my final post (Rumours of this blog closing and Tempest taking a hiatus from Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - have been grossly misleading, exaggerated and filled with hate, by idiots from the 'fringe brigade' - stay pressed little ones, stay pressed!) is brought to you today - by the letter M for Moron.
I can't believe when i logged onto the cyberspace of everything 'out there' that i would come across so many flip-flopping idiots, who are the epitome of 'drama queen' clinging, obsessive and desperate - as the hater/fringe once again, tried to make something out of nothing. Stalking a friend of Kristen's instagram, to bring the latest drama "the new pup was not being looked after by Rob and was not with the other dogs - therefore 'Rob and Kristen have split up"
Sometimes i wonder if these people where not dropped on their heads as babies?
One little pup caused so much of a hysterical melt-down, it was so easy to see that half of the so called 'hardcore' supporters of Rob and Kristen - or that name i absolutely hate - RobSten (ugh) are children; running around believing everything that someone says as fact. As they then turn to the likes of (rolls eyes) E! News and push the story. When what do you know, Ken 'the idiot' Baker and his interns, make it into a fiction will never die, when you have the media and their crayon drawing lunatics, working for them.
Sitting up here and avoiding the bullshit...
*I wish i could sit up there with you Rob, the smell down here is dreadful!*

Sometimes i think to myself 'why do i bother with all this crap, about a couple's lives and the hate that surrounds them?'
And then i think to myself, i admire them both as actors individually and separately. That despite everything, they have tried to maintain a private life, even if the idiotic media and the stupid headed fandom, doesn't let them. That when two people fight through all of that, they come out the other side, much stronger and more determined than anything to 'make it'

No amount of 'rumours of a split' will be silenced. Because the more evidence that is shown (Kristen wearing 'men's' clothing and a shiny new bauble on the finger she used to wear a plain gold ring) will keep the haters quiet. Their bitter resentment and jealousy is so evident - they should really avoid all mirrors in case they crack them - that kind of ugliness on the inside, spills out and shows how much of an insecure and ugly person you really are.

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