For Your Entertainment...

Seems we have a bit of a confused fandom running around here? Believing that reporters from E!News or Hollywood Life are actual (swallows laughter) Journalists?!?
Ken Baker and Marc Malkin in 'Sleeping with the enemy'?
I have been going over this weeks...hilarity, that is known as celebrity news and i have to tell you, there are a lot of people running around who have lost their minds (get well soon, i hope you find them)
To believe anything that comes out of the likes of E!News or (lol) Hollywood Life, or any other kind of media entertainment mash-up, means you have lost all common sense and need to take a long vacation to go over your life choices.

How many times do i have to introduce you to 'Journalism 101' = tell lies and get paid for doing so. The flip- flopping idea that anyone from gossip shows such as the aforementioned or webloids such as People-online, E!-online, Radar-online, Hollywoodlife-online or any other low life, scrapping at the bottom of the gossip site, tell the truth - really? Did i miss the memo on this one, because clearly i must have fallen into some kind of alternate universe, for that to happen?
Big Hollywood names, means big headlines...
Here we have two individuals; Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. The traffic online around these two people is on average very high. There are young and old - females who seem to have the attention span of a goat when it comes to dear old lad from Blighty - Rob, because they stumble across his name and their lives just...slip away.

Especially now that it seems he has been 'reported' single. No confirmation i might add, a nod in the right direction from a rep close to the star. BUT oh there are plenty of sources, yes sources make the world a whole lot better - doesn't it? Sources come from...
Gossip sites, webloids as they are known as. Who feed the masses with their 'celebrity reports' that then get transferred to a 5,10 minute segment on their show...with no actual news, just gossip and speculation. Written by people like...Ken Baker. Good old Ken Baker hasn't got any better in his old age has he? Starting out as a writer for a gossip magazine (USW) and has since moved up in life to 'Head of Entertainment' at E!
A round of applause for good old Ken - his writing skills haven't got any better have they? Oh wait, what am i saying, he doesn't write his reports anymore. No...he gets people on his writing team; mainly made up of students or part time mothers, who will write his daily drudge, in between school runs and soccer matches. Or haters such as the Spanish contingent of Kristen haters - headed by the online character of Anny Packer.

Someone tweets a sighting, whether it is for attention, real or just to 'add a touch of publicity' for Ken Baker's friends book release, at the Roosevelt during the week and hey presto we have a 'Robert and Dylan' hook up story in the making. What was that you say...only last week there were photos of Rob driving behind his...ex Kristen Stewart, coming from his home in LA?
There were photos of two cars driving through traffic and photos of Rob at this 'publicity event' at the can that be?
Around about the same time, the newest in celebrity fucktards - SarahStalker-Online aka SarahMOnline or a stupid made up name to that affect...decides to tweet, that she was at a Selena Gomez concert and saw Rob with his new love - how cute. Now this little low rent in life, is 17 and tends to get her face smashed with a celebrity - i.e she stalks celebs just to get her photo (I can see her career in life going really far, can't you?) But you see her twisted tail is so twisted, she doesn't know which way is up? First she tweets she saw Rob and his new love, then once E! caught wind of a tweet suggesting 'Rob was with his new gf Dylan Penn' at the Roosevelt, suddenly changes her tune and corrects herself, that she saw them 'together' at this book event.

Colour me surprised - shit doesn't actually stick!!
Little Sarah seems confused; one minute she's at a concert and the next she's at the book event and Not only that, but she's not of legal age to get into the place where it was being would she know? Well readers it's like this, she doesn't because she makes shit up and has made shit up before, just for the attention. Oh she may hunt celebs down and get her photo with them, she might even strike up a conversation while doing so, but with no photographic proof dear Sarah - no story other than what the interns at E! can provide - right? You can tweet from your cell phone dear stalker, but a photo of Rob with this supposed girlfriend, why it would fetch - thousands, so how come you didn't take a photo?

At last! Proof to the haggard haters, that Rob has moved on from Kristen Stewart. Everyone is reporting it, so why not prove it with a photo? Oh that's right it was proven; a grainy photo taken at a nightclub of Rob, sitting with two people either side of him and that constitutes as the 'Dylan and Rob' story - LOL
This couple, causes so much indigestion in the narrow minded of minds. The heartburn must be dreadful, because no matter how many rumours; hook ups, moving out, out partying, out having fun and letting his 'single' hair down - Who is the one person that is still in his life?
Yep you guessed it, and the haters are rolling as they clutch their frozen hearts in fear of what that means. You see you can have Rob one minute 'driving behind Kristen after spending 4 hours talking about their dogs' LMAO!! And the next, attending a book party with the name that the entertainment industry are throwing around like a football - Dylan Penn. And yet...not one photo of the 'couple' together - how come?

Well the book party was a waste of space; "oh the robstens will be crying into their pillows - the end of Stewart and Pattinson - Pattinson and Penn exists!!" Ah no, the couple who lol apparently were 'Rob and Dylan' according to the haters/packerettes were just a couple (guy tall, wearing a leather jacket and short hair, girl with stringy blonde hair and even stringier sweater) were not alas Rob and Dylan - well drat and darn, how come E! Reported it?

E! darling, stupid non journalistic entertainment site that it is...took a tweet from an ... attention seeker or name dropped by Ken the snowflake Baker and ran a 'gossip report' with it - simple. About as simple as Hollywood Life running the same story on the back of the reunited *we told you so* story of Rob and Kristen, or People Online 'reconciling because Rob can't live without Kristen' or let's face it - take your pick, because each gossip webloid follows the other when it comes to reporting...lies.

The broad spectrum of the gossip sites/magazine sales all depend on figures and hits. Stick up a headline about Robert Pattinson and you will get every little robsessed in the world clicking on it to read. Stick his face on the front cover of the same magazine, with the same 'open to interpretation' headline and you will get tweens and housewives, picking it up, just for the mind-numbing read.

Kristen is bad news; anything relating to her is subject to 'hate hate and hate again!' If she is making a movie - she's away from him. If she is looking down and depressed - she's a moody bitch and suffering for her 'indiscretion of last year' (again open to interpretation) If she's near Rob - "Danger, Danger, cover your ears - everything is alright, everything will be fine. The bible, known as 'entertainment' will prove it all wrong. Will prove that there is nothing going on - Rob is single, Rob is single. We have code Red people, code Red!!"
The hysteria is hilarious, it truly is. We have those who operate under the guise that the media knows everything. That Rob's family and Kristen's family, even their friends talk to the media. Yeah, because having a private life means your family and friends don't give a rats ass about it and will talk to anyone - just for shits and giggles.
Only in the minds of the delusional that happens.

E! has the grip of the nation firmly in their hands (in their delusional world) therefore anything they report is fact. Really? So if it's an EXCLUSIVE report, from the mouth of the actual celebrity - then it's subject to 'speculation'. But a report from a 'source close to' the celebrity, speaking about the celebrity is the 'truth' how so?
That's what haters believe and they are the ones pushing the 'rumours of hook ups' the 'date nights with imaginary girlfriends' and 'just talking about the dogs for 4 hrs, but it didn't mean anything' bullshit that the trash-toids keep pushing.

Just an FYI if you are a person who believes what the celebrity gossip is giving you. If Rob has 'moved on' and is no longer 'romantically involved with Kristen' how come we don't see him partying it up? How come we don't 'physically' see him with another woman?
And the BS of 'he doesn't want to ruin it the way it was ruined in his last relationship', because really who are you trying to kid?
Kristen and Rob have said in both print 'exclusive interviews' and on recorded/taped interviews, that they are both very private people. The only people who made it public were the rabidly obsessed fans and the media/paparazzi - NOT Rob and Kristen.

If i was Rob's 'newest girlfriend' (yeah, dream on those who wish it was them) and the media did nothing, but drag up my new boyfriends past girlfriend. That he even went and visited her and they talked for hours about their dogs and then was seen driving back with her in the lead car...but yet, doesn't want to be seen out with me? Doesn't want the paps to catch us together, because then it would ruin our relationship, but it's okay to be seen with .... HER!! I would be one pretty pissed off girlfriend, wouldn't you? I would want him to shout it from the rooftops - oh he hasn't said anything? Be seen coming or going from my place - oh he hasn't has he? Be seen with me on a date night somewhere exclusively 'celebrity hang out' - oh he doesn't do that either?

Entertainment shows report the rumours going around. They don't need to check for factual evidence, because come on, they're celebrities - it will be someone else next week. They don't need to print the truth - they're called 'gossip blogs' for a reason - Gossip means Rumours, means Lies.
Hey no harm, no foul, sorry kiddies but we only report what is going around, we don't actually believe in any of it. We are not breaking any laws, any rules - freedom of press and all that jazz.
They don't follow any Code of Ethics, why should they? It's not as if they're telling the truth. These people are in the shallow business, where all that glitters is gold. They get paid millions to look fancy, to live fancy - you roll with the rough and the smooth. You don't like it, don't like the lies spread about you - hey you signed up for it, you signed your soul over to Hollywood - not me.

That's how gossip reporters see it, they have no moralistic bone or integrity inside them. They are paid to just report and if the report is full of holes - so what? Mocking them and tweeting 'how annoyed' you are at them, only gives those narrow minded, soulless idiots a kick. They sell gossip darlings, not bleeding hearts.

Entertainment means escapism - fantasy not reality. Remember that when the next headline catches your eye. Unless it is seen as an exclusive with photos that support the story - pass it by as just another report, filled with conjecture and speculation.
When a couple split; regardless of the 'never confirmed' status - usually when it involves another person or one of the party decides to 'admit' that it's over, then and only then you can say 'it's over' I feel that given the situation surrounding the speculation of either personal lives. If one or other was seen out with someone else, then you will get some kind of 'confirmation' You will finally get a 'moved on'

Until then...
Consider 'this couple' to still 'out wit' the gossip surrounding their lives.

T. (i just had to put it there ;P)
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