
For all the media outlets. Yes, you know who you are...'s Friday once again and boy has this been a colourful week?
Crap, followed by more crap, followed by smelly cheese crap. Followed by fudge-Packer crap, followed by anyone who believes in all the .... crap!

I mean, really when you think about it - everything just smells of the wonderful aroma of...bullshit!
Drama after drama after drama. It's like that disease you just can't get rid off. You keep washing and sanitising the place and then the next thing you know, everything is re-infected again!!
Time to dig this one out again...
You can't fix stupid and unfortunately in this fandom, there is a lot of stupid about. The media knows this and that is why they are a successful bullshitting force of feeding the stupid people, their lies. Who else thinks the media makes people stupid? Oh yeah, Robert Pattinson does.
If only i could stand on some of them...
Parasites who feed the media their photographs, with a nicely made up narrative to go with the pictures, deserve to be stood on like the roaches that they are. I normally hate the use of pap photos, but on this occasion, it only seems fitting to show the fuckwits in their natural habitat i.e they will do anything to get a photograph and i mean anything.

Lie on the ground, sit and wait in garbage cans or behind hedges, cars or fences. So that they corner you, like the pack of hyenas that they are...slobbering and drooling at the potential corpse they will happily feast upon...

Next you have the mind-numbing idiots. That little group of mingers, who have no life of their own. But feel compelled to email sites like Hollywood (bullshit and lies) Life; who eat up their delirium and spit it out as a headline the very next day. Or maybe it's US (very) Weekly, because let's face it, tag teaming another rag is nothing new in the glorious world of the tabloid/webloid media.

It's not often that i name drop, but in this occasion, Ewan couldn't have said it better. Not that he has experienced the same 'frenzied' fan hysteria as what Rob and Kristen are having to endure. But he's had his fair share of run-ins with the media over the yrs and of course, bat-shit crazy followers to boot. Generally speaking, his mentality is pretty much "Fuck the lot of them. They (photogs/media) don't deserve to breathe the same air i do"

Hmmm...sound like anyone?
Kristen's face says it all...
I finally (reluctantly) relented and watched the pap video the other day, to get a general feel of the emotional crap, that Kristen had to go through...
I'm sorry i did. Because once again, it's Kristen singled out as being the 'foul mouthed' actress yelling back at the paps, who have cornered her while she was out the other day, minding her own business.

What you miss is the photogs blatant goading of her in the video and subjecting Kristen to god knows what kind of filth, spewing from their mouths. Yeah trash-talking has a whole new meaning to it. It means the trash (media) talking to you in whatever manner they want. But hell no, don't you dare talk back to them. Their questions/comments/filth is not heard on the video, but i have been told, when asked about whether i have seen the footage or not, that they where taunting her (usual drivel of nasty) and you can clearly hear the change in Kristen's voice (raised/high level of worry in her voice)

They DON'T deserve to breathe the same air as Kristen (yes that's what she said back to them, after finally being helped to get away into a waiting car)
They don't deserve any kind of sympathy, regardless of their pathetic excuses. I am so sick and tired of whiny fucking women and men, accusing Kristen of being an ungrateful 'bitch' - taunting the parasites with one fingered salutes and cursing at them for 'just doing their job'
I give you the Paparazzi...
This is them doing their fucking job. This is the lengths the paparazzi will go in getting photographs of 'celebrities' Really when you think about it, they camp like this outside homes, schools and eateries, just to get their money's worth of your favourite celeb. We have a society today, that has essentially ostracised Paedophiles (sex offenders) from going anywhere near our children and that includes working with them. To the point that we have in several countries 'sex offender registers' so that those 'monsters' are listed as a warning in case they move into areas where children live.

Photographers; mostly men i hasten to add, go about their business much the same way. If they are not harassing you, then they are sitting and waiting outside your child's school, to catch a glimpse of you with your child. And if they are not doing that, well then, they're counting down the day until a celebrity turns 16 (18 in the US) or a celebrities child, before they do the good old 'crotch shot' photograph.

Still feel sympathetic towards them?
Is this acceptable behaviour of a Paparazzi?
Isn't it nice, that in the world we have today of media saturation and those who get the photos, that you source through the internet - 'crotch shots' or 'knicker shots' make the most money?
Let's face it, as soon as a female celebrity hits the red carpet or a public appearance, where she has to stand and face the lewd remarks, made by these 'delightful' men - who are literally undressing them with their eyes.

I guess the uproar of a few years ago; when Kristen remarked that it sometimes (being followed and harassed continuously by photographers) felt like 'Rape' these so called feminists (I use that term loosely) and haters, called her out for using such a 'strong' word to describe her 'grateful life!
Cornered by a dumpster...
What is so grateful about being hounded and stalked by the media?
What is so grateful about being called names, suggestive remarks about your sex life, about the people you are with. About the work that you do and if you are hooking up with anyone on the set of your latest movie?

What is so grateful about idiots, who email these sites; fill comments sections with their idiocy, supporting the fuckwits who do this. Supporting the gossip that is spread, solely so they can continue their support of the MAN they will never get their hands on?
Oh yeah, Rob is grateful for your support and it clearly shows doesn't it? Of course, he has also said he would like to 'castrate the photogs' 'shoot them' was another suggestion. But alas, much like Kanye West right now, he would be the one in the wrong for lashing out. For beating them into a bloody pulp for their disgusting behaviour.

My train of thought has been pretty scattered in this post, I apologise. Maybe because my anger towards these so called 'celebrity photographers' i.e Paparazzi, or as i like to call them f**kers, w**kers, ba***rds and stalkerazzi's, varies from deep seeded repulsiveness to repugnant hatred.

Maybe it's because i feel that the media hysteria is brought about by the growing obsessiveness of the fans/haters alike. Who feel compelled to feed these media sites, with their possessive behaviour towards Rob and Kristen. Never has there been such a media frenzy since the Beatles. But then again, back then there wasn't the access to the bouquet of information that you have today. Those who see the internet as the gateway to 'be who you want to be, hate who you want to hate, obsess over who you want to obsess over' because your identity, your face will never be known'

Wrong, oh so very wrong.
It doesn't take someone very knowledgeable in IT, to find people who are a 'potential threat' to a celebrity, they are fixated on. In a group it's much easier to trace all the IP's together. Faceless? Not really, you would be surprised the number of idiots, who have social connections such as twitter/facebook/tumblr and instagram. Who just can't help, but put photos up of themselves. Or friends who post photos up of them together.

The media's greatest avenue of all things gossip - where they get most of their information from is twitter. That lovely little social network, filled with people who just 'can't help themselves' but gossip about the gossip and there goes your next headline. Re-usable trash; regurgitated, re-hashed and re-spun. Just in time for the next salacious twist and plot of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's lives.

It must be fun; to be that malicious? Wow you must be the life and soul of every party you have in your bedroom. When you post a nasty comment about Kristen, or a disgusting rumour about Rob and who you believe he is hooking up with. His body parts seem to call to you and your battery operated boyfriend? A lonely life, for such a tragic soul.

It must be a wonderful life; using your camera as a tool to destroy, dishearten and disgust the celebrities, who you stalk and rile up. Just so you can go and say 'i made pay-day with that photograph!' It's just a job, I'm doing my job just like they are doing theirs right?

Yeah well...insects that are lesser than the mortals who walk on the earth, were made crawl across it instead. They had to live amongst the filth and excrement each mortal dropped and tossed aside.

Shit sticks, doesn't it?
Rob and Kristen - clearly not amused...
The more the media 'hooks up/rumours' Rob to be with, the more they show with each passing piece of bullshit, just how stupid they really are. Oh yeah, it fills their quota at writing something, anything suggesting he is young, attractive and single.

So ladies watch out!
What for?

Psst...she hasn't gone away you know, and it kills; haters/idiots/obsessive/possessive/photographers and owners of gossip sites, just how much Kristen Stewart owns your asses. ALL your asses!


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