"Hold Onto Your Lug-nuts - This Is Going To Be A Bumpy Ride!!"

Restraints in hospitals are often needed, when patients get a little 'stressed and anxious' I see a lot of people needing to be restrained right now and it's not going to get any better.
So get it right, next time you send me your drivel in crayon!!
The last time i did one of these 'long' winded rants;  i spoke my mind about 'armchair/text book/ Psychologists' weighing on on Kristen Stewart's mental state of mind...it still irks me to this day, that people who have no qualifications or experience in this area, are so quick to judge someone they know nothing about 'personally' only on what they see in one dimension - but i digress.

This time however i feel that as the months have gone on, so too has the lengths people will go to, when offering excuses as to why they 'believe' Rob and Kristen did indeed 'split up' in May. Holding court as always are the haters with their legendary 'book of do' as in they often refer to it whenever they believe they have all the answers the universe holds with regards to the "relationship between Robert Pattinson and that ***** Kristen (poker face) Stewart" (their description, not mine)
Their hate on Kristen, doesn't get any better with age...
Then you have the 'once a fan, but not anymore' category; those who have found favour in listening to people, who once upon a time ago, had some kind of hold over the 'King's ear' as in they used to get the juicy facts first. But since their fall from grace many yrs ago...people have stopped passing by their table and dropping the 'juicy' bone on it. So they have been relegated to listening to idol gossip just like the rest of us and throwing together their two cents with the 'this is what i have been told' - everyone stand well back, because when someone talks bullshit, it gets messy.

There have been others, but when you play the game of Chinese Whispers, it gets stale after a while when the news you are getting is second, third, forth, fifth - handed down. Like the lad down the street, who is second cousins to the boy who works on the farm who delivers the fruit and veg to the couple who live on the hill. That kind of information. Then of course you have the flip-flop fans; those who just can't quite make up their minds, but need reassurance all the time on what they are seeing or hearing is true. They over-analyse photos, dress code, lunch code, car code and indeed the latest is 'dog code' to see whether the latest edition to the KStew family (that's more than one person and more than one animal - 'family') was spawned from a clandestine union, between Bear and his much older 'lady' Bernie aka Bernadette aka who the hell cares, it's their dogs and they can call them whatever they like! The Golden Pup as it has been so foolishly named by some people, because if you can't have The Golden Child why not look upon the puppy as the child they never had right?

*epic eye roll*
Except it's illegal and yeah, illegal...
We have had it all and have witnessed some of the most ridiculous, hysterical, teeth grinding, knuckle chewing excuses - as to why they split, who split them up, where they split up, who took the dogs, the plants, the half of the bed, the record collection, the guitar collection, the tee-shirts (that debate is still ongoing) the caps, the fragrance campaign 'whose is better?' the whole nine yards of just...stupidity.

We have had the frenzied need for 'proof, evidence, call to arms for support, call to arms for attack' on both sides that really at the end of the day, the feeding frenzy in this fandom has in fact, kept a lot of the 'gossip blogs/sites and mags in pocket' as they simply sat (still do) on the social network - Twitter and just copied and pasted conversations from 'worried fans' and 'delighted haters!' When they weren't of course, being bombarded by hate and vile robsessed and slightly deranged minions of the 'Packer parade' 

We all know that's not her real name and we all know she is not acting alone and we also know she has bypassed obsessed and slipped into 'Psychotically' passive aggressive behaviour (yes i do know what that means, the condition and what to look out for, being the actual professional and all) there is no longer a need to disprove that Robert Pattinson has always had one person in his life who knows him better than anyone else. This person's 'need' goes way beyond proving he doesn't. She and her minions are walking a dangerous tightrope of 'needing/seeking help' because it's no longer a game for her to play on cyberspace - she believes with absolute faith, that the only person knows what Rob wants is she...and those who follow and believe in her sycophantic ways.
This goes out to all the 'Rob-obsessed' idiots of this fandom...
It's come to the point over the last few months, that the main target should not be directed at which side of the fandom fired the first warning shot, but more should be directed at those who claim 'freedom of press' and will stalk, bully and manipulate to get what they want - i.e the media. Yes i know i have been fairly prolific when it comes to speaking my mind about the press and its handling of this cock a bull story; of two people's lives and that desire to paint it like something, from a really bad and horrendously dubbed 'foreign' soap opera. Their relationship reads like a joke, something for the so called 'journalists' to laugh over as they wipe the coffee stain of their 'handwritten' stories (their laptop surfaces look something like an exploding 'science' experiment, to see which diseases they 'can' rule out that will NOT kill - hence writing in crayon and lipstick gets the job done quicker!) Because their lifestyle is a bit like their minds; filled with filth, living in filth and talking nothing, but filth.

I have no doubt that anyone who decides; to paint a person's life like some kind of 'voyeuristic travel to the underworld' 
"needing to sleep around to prove they are over their ex - anyone and anything with a pulse and boobs will do. Right, that's Robert's life sorted out!" 
Then there is the 'cry for help' 
"Kristen deserves everything thrown at her, she cheated on Robert, the skank last year. So let's say she has several and i mean several, eating disorders, she has multiple personalities. Hey what do you call that condition again...oh it doesn't matter mate, i can't spell it anyway! She's pining, wasting away, looking glum and depressed. Let's up the ante a bit, send one of our lads over to stalk her place out for a few weeks, follow her around. Corner her in whatever god-awful place she visits. Let's see if she meets up with anyone and if she doesn't, let's make it up anyway! Hey, it's worked for all the Pattinson stories we have been putting about - the public are eating that shit up for breakfast!" is a journalist.

But we have not been dealing with professionals, we have been dealing with chauvinistic pigs who fill column inches with their 'explosive drivel' and when we have not been fed the horse manure from the likes of Hollywood Life and it's cohorts of 'not good enough for the bottom of a bird cage' you have the female equivalent. Those who have had to 'make it in a man's world' by forgetting they were once women themselves; as they dish out their daily "hate her and hate him, but i will write about them, because they make headlines. She's as dull as dishwasher and needs a wash, he's a skank and has always been a skank. I mean look who he had hooked up with multiple times in the past, or so i was told by my twi-hard source. What a great actress, sorry, i mean source she is/was!"

This is what every 'Arts and Entertainment' office looks like...
Or you just have the cougars; those who believe that the sun and moon shine out of Robert's ass. Those who fawn and fall over themselves, because of his 'English charm' and wish they were young enough to catch his eye or maybe he likes the older women? "He's not with 'her' anymore, because i read it in Hollywood Life that they are over!" 

The media has been the main instigator, behind months of crap. Months of lies and assumptions. Months of speculating, who will be the first for have another person in their lives. Months of rumours, insinuations from the gossip blogs and sites. From so called 'Head of Entertainment' saps, who don't know their asses from their elbows and just report speculation, rather than investigating for themselves, whether it's the truth of not. But when you look at their past career and where they actually hailed from originally...i rest my case.
Just remember; there are two people's lives in the centre of all this bullshit!
Everyone 'believes' they have an opinion to share, like it's their god given right - no you have not, so sit down and shut the hell up. People may look upon themselves as fans, but fans do not have the right to decide what happens between two people and whether you support them or not in their decisions. I didn't know there were so many surrogate mothers out there, looking to breast feed Robert or Kristen? Last time i was checked, they had already been brought up since birth by their 'own' mothers!

Being a fan, does not give you the right to dictate whether the 'idol' you follow does exactly what you say and if not, you will make them pay for it. Sorry, i think you got the description of 'Obsessive Stalker' mixed up with the label 'Fan' when you where mulling around in your bedroom, idolising over someone's life and believing you had a very big part in it. I see nothing, but the aptly described fan in the book to movie story from Stephen King - Misery. There are a lot of scary-assed Annie Wilkes - played wonderfully scarily by Kathy Bates out there, you should be careful as the internet is watched and all it takes is so many block and reports, to get you fingered with suspicion by the FBI. Yeah i find it hilarious how so many think this is funny 'why would the FBI come after me, I'm not doing anything wrong and they can't tell it's me anyway!'

Famous last words; be careful what you wish for oh minions of the Anny_Packer parade - days like these are numbered.

Hate draws attention and no one knows that more than celebrities. Some tend to be a bit more cautious when it comes to protecting those that they love. Hugh Jackman has recently spoken out about how he has had to cope with 'obsessive media intrusion and obsessive fans' it's not something you like, but it's something you have to endure. Providing there is no actual threat. Well i call people turning up at a public appearance in a shopping mall in London during BD1 premiere to 'hurt Kristen' a threat. I call several 'death threats' regardless of whether they were 'jokes' or not a threat. Photographers stalking the person's home and family and friends who visit, including being kept in the 'know' by moronic idiots, who do most of the stalking online - a threat. I call cornering a defenceless woman at the back of a restaurant, leaving her no other place to go and then taunting her with libellous suggestions, a threat.

When does a threat become a threat - when the celebrity is injured or worse - killed?
Some people don't see it as a big deal, i say put yourself in their shoes and then tell me you don't see it as a threat. Their entire lives are under the microscope of both the frenzied media and obsessive fans. It's not normal to be followed day in and day out by photographers, who are simply there to taunt you with their presence and sell your photographs online. Why? Because when you lie you have to make sure your lie sticks or else you will only show yourself up to be the liar you really are. Isn't that right Rolando Blanco?
Says every photog and obsessive fan...
So here you have it - my rambling thoughts over the last few months. The tide is turning, you can smell it. No longer are people buying the 'break up, split up' story that was so 'explosively' announced by X-17 Online. Now it seems that the cracks are beginning to show and they need a new strategy - oh i know 'they're reconciling! They just couldn't stay away from each other any longer!'

How can you reconcile with someone you hadn't split up with?

Yeah i know, so many will have an argument for that one, but they know jack shit. Just like they have always known jack shit and have developed the twitchy eye syndrome, when telling lies. Except when you hide behind an account/personality online, no one sees it.
Haters are thick and swell like the growing tide. They will hang onto whatever is left of their sanity. With the hope that the media; who they have been using as the Holy Grail since May, have suddenly began telling them lies.

They won't settle for the reconciliation; they will start referring to chapter 684 of their 'book of do' when in doubt, revert back to the PR relationship. They will be forced to spout poetic reasons why Rob had to take back the PR ***** there's a new DVD collection of the Twilight movies coming out. That's it, they have to be seen together for the sake of the franchise, but really Rob's heart is with; Riley, Sarah, Katy, Camille .................... 'sign your name on the dotted line please' 

And so the media once again feeds the frenzy, because idiots like this exist in the world and god help the poor man who happens to pass them by one day and fall for their stalking, obsessive tendencies!
Smile, you're on 'stalker camera'
Rob and Kristen deserve the right to protect their personal lives, regardless if the media see it as nothing but a soap opera. If the tables were turned on their own personal lives, would they be as willing and forgiving when speculation is an every day occurence as soon as they walk out their front door? Oh i forgot, those who work for that kind of industry, enjoy the focus on their lives, because it makes them feel important and famous. Hence they then allow reality shows done about themselves. Isn't that right Kelly Osbourne, Giuliana Rancic and any other presenter, who just so happens to go down that route - warts and all? 

Just because Rob and Kristen don't play the game; don't give the photographers what they want. Keep their personal lives private and show just how much they enjoy the paparazzi sticking their cameras in their faces.

If you are like me, a fan who respects them. Yes i run a blog and yes i put up my musings, but do i stalk and obsess over them - no, i don't. I respect both of them equally and like any good honest fan who feels the same way, i want what is best for them - both professionally and personally. If that means that one day they may not be together (they are, but i am talking worst case scenario here) hey, it's their lives and it's their choices and sorry, but i wouldn't disrespect them for that decision and i wouldn't loose my faith in them as a fan of their work. That's the level of respect each and every one of us should have. it's not our lives, it's not our choices and it's not our decision. So rabid obsessive fans and stalking blood thirsty media should take notice.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart live 'their' lives by 'their' code - not yours!

2008 - Before the obsession into their lives begun...
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