If You Live By The Sword...

Wow, there are a lot of angry little harpies out there right now. Desperately clinging to each other with support, because the walls are closing in on them...hold on tight.
Well now, let's see...
The fandom is in a serious state of disarray; scuttling little worriers, concerned or constipated (you can never tell the difference) are so desperate for any news of their 'once upon a time happy couple' that they will literally believe anything, and i mean ANYTHING.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know, that the 'once they were fans, but now they are not' need to prove that indeed the fairy Princess and her frog Prince (try to keep up) are no longer living in the Kingdom of Love. They have divided their assets, split up their four legged children and are now ninja'ing in and out of places, no longer together. The frog Prince aka Rob, has been seen partying (that's code for drinking it up now that he's single when in fact he been going to a place where no 'photogs/parasites' can get in) in his usual watering hole Château M. with strange unscrupulous women (Michelle Rodriguez) neh close to three occasions (it must be love?) While the fairy Princess aka Kristen, has been working (drooling over all the beefy men in Marine uniforms and deciding which one is the married one. According to so called media journalists aka idiots, who are then backed up by the ever popularly stupid E! News)
Every entertainment reporter, sitting drooling behind their laptops...
I have often said that some people are just born stupid and when you decide to be an idiot, you do it in style. By tweeting a pretty absurd assumption of why a certain actress could not attend an awards show at the weekend, because hey, this particular actress is a multi-millionaire and owns anyone, who has anything nasty to say about her - ASS!!

When you feel the need to be put someone down, by being a typical idiotic (should have remained on the tissue) vile piece of the male species - you do so, knowing that for you it may be a joke. But you don't joke about someone's personal life...unless of course yours is so wonderfully brilliant and you don't have to earn your next pay check, posting bullshit.

If you live by the sword, you then die by the sword...

Words; anyone who is in the entertainment business should take note. That includes the interns, who seem to be writing so much crap recently for the rag/tabs and getting it wrong, every single time. Hey E! News, for further information on how to get you ass handed to you...it's Prince George of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. That's Prince William and his wife - Catherine of Windsor (Wales is only ever used as his Pilot 'code name' while he is flying) I think you need to start putting down the fan fiction and go back to Journalist school! There is indeed a Prince Edward and he is the third son to the Queen, that's Elizabeth II in case you didn't know that? You may be across the pond and not know much about the Royal Family, but for future reference. When you are going to post up anything to do with the Royals, kindly check your facts first and stop using your normal flair of idiocy when it comes to getting things wrong. Then and only then you will stop looking even more stupid than you currently do.

Back to usual transmission.
The 'original' fantasy couple...
The loudest proclaimers of the frog Prince and his 'apparent' nightly trips to the ale house, are the ones who shout 'they are no longer together' but the need to constantly say this over and over. It's like watching one of the scenes from Halloween, where Jamie Lee Curtis' character chants three times into the mirror at the stroke of midnight. If you say it often enough, then it's going to come true - right? They want to see Rob out with another woman quicker than they can say 'hot potato' and they want Kristen sitting all alone in her castle, pining and crying into a tub of Ben and Jerry's - that's the kind of fantasy they want...

pity it's not working out for them, then...isn't it?
And then of course you have the revellers jeering (well if they are together, why haven't they been seen out together?) for the very reason that people are wanting to see them out together - exposure! You seriously think that after months of the stunt that a pap agency pulled; on exposing their lives with constant harassment from a band of disgusting parasites - they would want to sell anything more of their privacy? 
Are you dumb, fell out of the tree when you were little, ate too much lead paint off your cot bars?

If you believe the end justifies the means, then you really do live in the land of denial and will try and justify your reasons why 2 + 2 = 9. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some over step the mark from curious observer to downright stupid.
Always watching Kristen...
Fans are meant to be smart, they are meant to see beyond the lies the tabloids fill column inches with, drone on about on a 5 mins segment on their shows looking for hits. They are meant to look for clues and when the clues don't match up with what is being pushed, dismiss it as nothing but time wasting rubbish.  I have banged on and on about how the media is making people stupid, heck as i have used it before in my postings - ROBERT PATTINSON said so himself, that the media is making people stupid and yet...yet...

There are those out there STILL believing in the rubbish they are printing. Taking to twitter and any other 'open' social network to discuss it and before you know it, BAM it's gossip headline news.

The frog Prince and his fairy Princess of this story, all they have ever wanted was a normal life. To live it the way they chose, not by who chooses it for them. To close the door from the outside world, from their jobs and responsibilities and be 'themselves'
But that's not allowed apparently in Hollyweird, because in Hollyweird, that's not their kind of 'normal' 

If you are not together (in a photograph) then you have to be hooking up with someone, anyone! If you have an argument - it's an all out war, with friends caught in the split, dogs, plants, furniture and cars. You can't be seen wearing items of clothing belonging to one and other or clothing the other person has bought you. You can't be seen wearing caps that the other one wore no more than a few days ago and you can't simply be seen 'without' jewellery he or she has at one time given you. In Hollyweird, when it's over, it's over and you have to hook up with the next available person of the opposite sex or else...
I've got your back...always.
The just graduated from Kindergarten level one journalism, will make your story up for you. They will assign themselves the truth bearers of your life. They will have you hooking up with anything in a skirt/shirt in no time. Actors/actresses on other movie sets - no problem. Friends who look as good looking as you do, with a chequered past or once belonged to the lonely hearts club - got it. Any actor or actress that falls into the category of 'good enough to sleep with' is fair game. You need to be seen as 'don't care anymore i am over him/her' you need to look annoyed (hence the surrounding of parasites) that's code for 'trying to deal with the split' you need to be photographed separately with the 'they can't stand to be with each other' then of course they need to have you out and about doing mundane things like shopping or eating out, to prove you have 'moved on without him/her'

BUT, if there is any reason for the truth bearers to worry; clothing exchanged, seen around the other person's home or neighbourhood...they have to dig out the 'what to do when your plan is beginning to fail' and make it known that there is 'a reconciliation' in the air. You have had a few months to 'calm down, to think things through' you are lonely without the other one and that is why you haven't been able to have any long standing relationship (2 hrs in Hollyweird is classed as almost married)

To the little people, who like to write fairy stories (that's journalists and haters of the fandom - who might actually be the same thing!) Robert Pattinson has to be seen to sleep through half of Hollyweird. Every female has to fall under his charm, he's like the modern day James Bond to them; irresistible, debonair, British and oh..yeah single, he has to be seen as single. But then again, these same fan fiction writers had him single when there was clear evidence always to prove he was not. Kristen has to be seen as the wrong woman; she has to be seen as the person who brought the frog Prince down; messed with his head, messed with his life, made him unhappy, made him drink, made him a wimp.
Yeah, Rob looks really miserable here, doesn't he?
They need to visualise and write something that fits into their justification of their lives.
The only people who are making Rob and Kristen unhappy, is not each other and i don't need any kind of insider or 'gossip hack' to tell me that. It's the ever annoying 'swap and change' journalists, who simply have to make their stories more idiotic than the next, and the over obsessive fans who can't leave them alone. Who have to demand that they be heard, that they 'know' what's going on in Rob's life. It's the possessiveness of the fans of Rob, who steams this ridiculous behaviour along. That and the tirade of many a Kristen fan, who believes that Rob is nothing but a sap, clinging to her bright and shiny star.

And you know what, despite the hate for the other person actively in each others lives, it's YOU who are feeding the drivel being written every single day. It's you that has driven this mighty sword through your own throats. You may think that following YOUR person and seeking justice by demeaning the other is by some small way, you being a loyal fan...it's not.
All you are doing is showing the world how bitter, twisted and hate filled you are inside. You think you have a chance with Rob? (laughing) I suppose, we can all live in the fantasy world once in a while. I have often liked to think that i could be the next Mrs. Hugh Jackman. But then i wake up, smell reality and know that he is very happy and content with the current and always will be, Mrs. Hugh Jackman - and that's just how life goes.

You think that by being a disgusting low life and saying vile things about a woman, who can run circles around you and still beat you at your own game. Believing you're doing this, because you're a 'fan of Rob's' and he needs your support...
You keep thinking that, because this women owns each and every one of your asses and you know it!
As it has been proven; several months have gone past and who is Robert Pattinson with?

(The list of women's names grow every single day, but no person can actually prove that he is dating any of them. Especially when they (these scandalous women) hit out at the media and post or have people close to them post, that they are 'definitely not' including of course the wonderful vocally talented Sia from Australia - loved her little dig!)

The pen is mightier than the sword...
especially when you plan to stab yourself with it, which the likes of HWL and of course X-17 have done countless times so far...
If you live by the sword, you die by the sword...
once again, if you are going to go out of your way to post up stupid assed assumptions, speculations, lies filled with jealousy and of course, that also applies to these small minded journalists. Better be willing to die at the hand of the pen/sword you write with.

Basically it amounts to the same thing - words are like weapons and they cut deep. Understand that you can dish out your own brand of sarcasm; post something completely stupid, because you think it's 'funny' once it's seen, it doesn't matter when or how you decide to delete your thoughts - it can be screen capped and forever 'unseen'
If you think ^ this is over...it's only getting started.

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