I Smell....Stupid!!

I really found it very hard, not to comment on yesterdays complete and utter fucked up the universe and left no forwarding address, idiocy of some people.

Yes it seems where there is a Katy Perry interview, there are fans and haters losing brain cells in worrying amounts. I read and laughed and shook my head at the comments coming from people, whom i can only describe as 'locked in their bedrooms for weeks on end and can't relate to the outside world.' Those who believe they have the basic common sense, but have let it go to waste. Have not looked after it, nurtured it with books and life and everything that does not resemble a computer monitor and a hook up to the internet.

Sadly, there are a lot out there who resemble that description...
Paranoia it is and it's spreading - fast.
You only had to look at blogs and their comments (including mine) to see that someone once again was responsible for leaving the mental hospital doors open - because boy oh boy there was stupid in large doses, everywhere. I make no excuse for my sarcasm people, if you don't like it, then step away now, because i am about to get very insulting!

*You have been warned*

If you can't use the common sense you were born with - you're an idiot!
If you can't understand the media and it's lying trappings - you're an idiot!
If you believe still believe, that Katy Perry hooked up with Robert Pattinson - you're an idiot!
If you believe that Kristen bought herself another dog, because Rob took in the alleged split, Bear and Bernie - (say it with me) you're an idiot!
If you believe that Rob is having a good old time, hooking up with anything with bigger boobs than Kristen - you're an idiot! (see the pattern forming?)

*You know what, I'm bored now, but i think i have made my case!*

So...let's see...
We have had, the overly hysterical assumptions from abstracts (the media's that is) of an interview with Ms. Perry, conducted well over a month ago (around about the time of Rob seen/rumoured/suggested/hook up crap started spreading. The same time Kristen was on her little road trip to help a friend move in and get settled in New Orleans.

Okay, so scenario painted and the bullshit put in it's place. The media's obsessive need to have 'single Rob' hooked up with anyone, anyone but reconciling with Kristen. A split that was bought and sold by X-17 - and believed practically by everyone.

Yeah, been there, wrote about it and got the fucking t-shirt for it...moving on.
I feel that unless there is drama, some people can't seem to function normally. It's as if they get up every morning with the intention of 'screwing up their happy place, just so they can moan and groan about every little thing Rob or Kristen do - or not do as the case may be.

Katy Perry DID NOT hook up with Rob, never has in the past, never will in the future, it's that simple!
I am not even going to dignify an answer for 'why did she text Kristen about the rumours?' Because my God - use the common sense you were born with!! Wouldn't you want to let someone who you valued as a friend, know about rumours circulating that you 'hooked up' with their boyfriend behind their back on a night/day that you were seen together or near the same vicinity as them?

So, i will say only this;
If you value any kind of respect for either Rob or Kristen - separately or together, then you would be disgusted at the angle that the media is trying to push in all of this. To paint Rob as some kind of 'soulless succubus' jumping from one relationship to another - as a woman, i would find that kind of behaviour unacceptable, regardless if you liked the person he 'is' dating or not.

Objectifying Robert Pattinson, just shows how much you actually value your own morals as a female. To even suggest, that kind of behaviour is 'acceptable' casts a shadow on your behaviour, not his. To allow a man to use you just for a hook up, for meaningless sex - shows a worrying trend in women, who don't care about their own morals. Or is it simply that the ideology of him being a 'famous actor' that fogs the mind and judgement of any kind of self respect?

Fools who think that relationships are fickle and there are 'plenty more fish in the sea' eventually find that the sea has been drained and the only fish left are those lying at the very bottom. The ones that have been tossed back, because they were not of good enough quality. In other words, you will find yourself in the position where a man will treat you exactly the way you believe Rob treats women; use and toss aside for the next available warm body.

The hate and downright disgust on Kristen, has always enraged me with anger and dismay. Basically because, those that hate her are actually jealous of her. She owns the haters asses and they know it! If people didn't like her, then why does Kristen Stewart consume their every waking thought? It once again seems to me, that they can't have what she has; the people around her who care for her, a successful career, bringing in more money than any of her haters hope to earn in a lifetime. And of course the love of a man, they so desperately dream about and want.

If they were so over, then why do these same people feel the need to post up 'they are not together' over and over. Done is done in my book, but you see that's the problem...the haters know that they can't simply declare it over, because there is zero evidence to suggest it's over and worrying evidence to suggest that it's still...on.
I was looking at some past quotes of Rob the other day and the tread of thought is very instinctive. The respect and admiration pours out of him in every interview he has ever done, and i don't believe that will ever change. So, to go from respecting her as an individual, as an actress, as a person, why then would he subject her to his countless womanising ways? Surely someone who actually respects women, would not treat them so .... disgustingly?
Yeah, haters believe that it's all a ruse, a PR scam, concocted by management teams and once Twilight ended so too, would their relationship. How's that going for you?

Oh you believe they are over, based on what evidence?
X-17 Online.

I rest my case your Honour. The media paint a picture, twist the plot words and lights, camera, action! Then of course, you have the 'stupid people' the media creates out of their drama. Those who believe every single word that gossip sites, gossip blogs and gossip shows put up as fact. When, unless they can call it an 'EXCLUSIVE' then you can guarantee it's nothing but assumption and speculation. I hear TMZ is still calling 'fake' on the split? I wonder what they have heard, that the other gossip sites/shows haven't? I guess it's simply a case of 'do your homework' and put 2 and 2 together.

As for what happened to Kristen...
There has never been a moment in my life where i have felt the deep seeded need to hurt someone, but boy, what i read yesterday about a leaked video (didn't see the video, but saw the nicely picked out photos the paps used) showing a clearly distressed Kristen, with in some shots of the latest edition to her family.

Those who felt incensed at this completely bang out of order stalking, hounding and photographing a young woman. Penning her in behind a fence and subjecting her to 'god knows what' kind of filth and disgusting comments to rile her even further. Then you understand possibly now, just what kind of scum operates the likes of X-17 Online; who i might add, sell their photos to the likes of Hollywood Life and every other rag outlet, who pay money for their 'celebrity out and about' photographs.

Those who essentially called Kristen out on her usage of words, to describe the evil, twisted and in my mind, downright vile, poor excuses of men - you sorely need a fucking attitude change. Because if you would rather side with the paparazzi, who stalked this woman into a corner, just so they could get their money's worth from her 'discomfort' then you are as bad as they are, in rejoicing in basically abusive behaviour, from men to your fellow woman.

It all boils down to the same thing - enough is fucking enough!
I have no time for haters, you all know my opinion of you by now.
I have even less time for entertainment shows, who hold the rights to photographs and gossip. Because it sells and keeps their lying little tongues in a job. I have zero time for the nasty parasites; photographers maniacal obsession of Kristen Stewart and the man, who has shared her life for close to 5 yrs. It has come to the point where yesterday, had it not been for a person who saw what was going on (again i haven't seen the video and personally don't want to) and helped Kristen out of a situation, that could have been far worse. God only knows what might have happened.

Would they have been happy then to stand by record and watch through a view-finder, a defenceless woman dissolve in front of them. Plead with them to leave her alone. Would that have made those men stand taller in society, because they finally brought down Kristen Stewart? Instead she called them out in their disgusting mistreatment of her, and that's the only thing that's making the haters happy?

Do you seriously think it made Rob Pattinson happy?

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